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Surely it will be suspended, depending on whether it affects relegation or not?

How, or why, should it make any difference?

Once again, it's the fans I feel sorry for - but if they are deducted 10 points then it should make no difference what time of the season it happens.

On saying that, they are as good as gone anyway.

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How, or why, should it make any difference?

Once again, it's the fans I feel sorry for - but if they are deducted 10 points then it should make no difference what time of the season it happens.

On saying that, they are as good as gone anyway.

I was under the impression that the date had passed by which the points would be deducted this season, unless the deduction affected promotion or relegation.

I've a feeling it was a new rule introduced this season to prevent teams waiting to see if they were relegated, then quickly going into administration at that point.

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According to SSN...

If Saints avoid the drop this season, the 10 points will be deducted so that they are relagated anyway.

If they are relagated this season, then the points will be deducted from next season and they will start on - 10.

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According to SSN...

If Saints avoid the drop this season, the 10 points will be deducted so that they are relagated anyway.

If they are relagated this season, then the points will be deducted from next season and they will start on - 10.

Yeah, that's what I was trying to clarify in a rather muddled way.


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According to SSN...

If Saints avoid the drop this season, the 10 points will be deducted so that they are relagated anyway.

If they are relagated this season, then the points will be deducted from next season and they will start on - 10.

This sounds about right - Yes I feel for the fans and makes you grateful for SL!! Hopefully they will bounce back and make the play-off's next year year stopping the gas!!

I have a soft spot for the south coast clubs - not that far for away games

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So they are down. But they are playing to save 10 points next season?

That's about the size of it.

If they get out of the relegation zone, they'll have the points deducted and be relegated anyway.

If they are relegated without the deduction, the points deduction will be in place next season in League One.

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Part of me is pleased, as if they'd avoided this penalty on the technicality of the administration being their 'holding company' - which in effect was the club - then, and whilst there is no suggestion that this is what Southampton had set up the holding company to achieve, I don't doubt you'd start seeing other clubs start up their own 'holding companies' in order to exploit a loophole in the law.

The other part of me is slightly disappointed as it makes it look more certain that Forest will avoid the drop now. :(

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So this season we've had points deductions for: Luton, Bournemouth, Rotherham, Darlington, and eventually Southampton. Although of course theirs may take effect next season. Not good. I always feel for the fans of any club when this situation arises. We'll know when football's in trouble when a Premier League club goes into administration.

I guess this is the football league's way of penalising clubs who don't get their finances in order. I'm still not sure why clubs suffer a points deduction. It all seems a bit like kick 'em when they're down.

And I never did get to visit St Mary's. Always see it when I go past it on the train.

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Whilst I feel for the fans - a lot of my friends being born with that poison challace as I was residing in Southampton for the last ten years until recently - I am glad that the league have made this decision out of principle. If they'd got away with this 'holding company' scam it would have ebeen a travesty of justice so we donr the Football League for setting prescedance. There are a couple players that we should be looking at quite closely, but lets forget City fan Lloyd James - he's not up to standard. Lalana has issues with consitency but that's probably down to his age and him being moved around in the lineup. Saganowski will be another Stern John (percieved to be lazy but comes up with the goods - for Saints!!). Surman is the one that we should look closely at; he nearly ended up at Reading on deadline day but the deal fell through at the last minute. I expect they'll have another go in the summer but he's still there for taking and I'd like to think Gary and Pete are looking at players of his standard this summer.

One other side note, Saints play Forest on the final day of the season, say they somehow beat Burnley on Satuday and come the final game need a win to stay up, that point won't just be a six pointer - it'll be a 10 pointer! A win for saints and they start next seaon on zero rather than minus 10.

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Really angry about this. The Southampton fans have done nothing wrong yet they are the ones being penalised. Same as with all the other clubs who have been docked points this season. I understand there needs to be a punishment but why punish the fans? Why not ban whoever is responsible for them entering administration from football for life? I'm not Southampton's biggest fan but I would be majorly pissed off and upset if teh boot was on the other foot.

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I'm still not sure why clubs suffer a points deduction. It all seems a bit like kick 'em when they're down.

Because it would be pointless fining a club in administration, by definition.

Points deductions are the only 'incentive' for a club to manage their finances properly and not to take risks.

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So will point deductions happen to the Premier League clubs anytime soon? Some of them have the debt of third world countries

no i don't think so but i read a few weeks back that platini wants to ban any clubs who are in debt playing in europe and for the rest of the teams the debt will catch up with them eventually take leeds as an example

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no i don't think so but i read a few weeks back that platini wants to ban any clubs who are in debt playing in europe and for the rest of the teams the debt will catch up with them eventually take leeds as an example

Platini is a mad man.

There is debt, and there is wreckless overspending. Almost every business in the world has managed debt somewhere, whether it be to assist with cashflow or to invest for the future. Lets not suggest football is big business then expect clubs to act like they are playing in the downs league. Even the most careful of clubs will have debt on their books, including ours, especially with the new ground.

No club would ever have built a new stadium without utilising debt.

A footballer he was, a businessmen (as far as I know) he aint.

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Managing to not be relegated by the number of points accumulated this season means that they avoid the 10 points next year. So yes is the answer but they got no chance.

If I was running the FA and was really evil, I'd dock them enough points to ensure relegation this season, then stick them with the balance at the start of next.

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I caught a little of what they were saying on the radio earlier. they were talking to the ex chairman I think. They asked him if he thought the decision was right, especially with there being a holding company involved. He (of course) said he didn't agree with the deduction and said that was the whole point of having a holding company, to prevent this ever happening.

Although I had guessed this loophole, for him to come out and say it was foolish and Southampton deserve everything they get!

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