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Tanzanian Donations


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I know this probably doesn't belong in this section of the forum but i would really appreciate if this could be left up for a little while to get people attention.

On August the 6th (poor planning on my behalf due to the season starting a few days after i leave) I'm leaving sunny England for Tanzania for 4 months where I'm working as a volunteer at an orphanage and nursery school in Moshi, at the foot of Kilimanjaro. Tanzania is one of the poorest places on the planet with a third of its population unable to eat every day and half of its population under the poverty line.

The nursery and orphanage where i will be based are both nearly totally populated by children infected with HIV/AIDS. I am teaching these children basic english and maths and also football coaching a few afternoons a week, all aged between 4-8. I have been asked by the people who run the orphanage if i can bring some clothes and football supplies out with me for the children. So this is where I'm asking the help of other Bristol City fans, i was hoping that some of you guys could donate old bristol city shirts to give to the children. If your son/daughter have grown out of their old city shirt (no matter how old) then instead of letting them sit in a cupboard give them to me to take out to give to the children, something that will just sit not being used for you could mean so much to children who have so little. also hopefully turning a whole town of children into cidereds... I will be at a few of the pre-season friendlies where i will be able to collect ay shirts you would like to donate, it really would mean so much to the kids.

If you could reply on here if you are willing to donate so i can get an estimate of how many there will be and when and where collection will be possible. thanks in advance.

always believe

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Well done you!

My eldest would kill me if I gave away her shirt - but I've probably got a few adult size ones I could dig out. We may as well educate the adults as well as the kids!! Let me know if it's of any use and I'll get hunting!

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Perhaps have a word with the club. I'm sure they have loads of left over kit. Dave L are you there !

Yeah, surely a good opportunity there for some great PR! There must be a load of left over shirts from the end of last season? They can't have all been sent back to Puma. Surely the best thing to do with them now would be to help those less fortunate?

Well done, Daisy on the good work! I'll see what I can dig out.

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Hi to anyone reading this thread from the Evil Post, trying to find your next transfer headline!!

Why not portray a City fan in a good light for a change, really won't kill you - and help Daisy in her quest? I'm sure a nice appeal in the press would help to get a few more donations.

Can see the headline now - 'Disgraced City fan in Tanzanian shirt fest horror'.

Come on, prove me wrong, and show that not all City fans are drug fuelled, cider guzzling yobs - bet you don't..

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Perhaps have a word with the club. I'm sure they have loads of left over kit. Dave L are you there !

All of last year's left over bits and pieces have already gone to a variety of worthy causes, including a local Bristol football team, and community projects in Ecuador and Botswana. I also found an old box of TFG shorts in a cupboard at AG recently and will be taking them to a local community when I visit Kenya in August. But I think this Tanzanian initiative is an excellent idea and I will see if I can dig out a couple of my old shirts for you to take over.

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ive possibly got 5 of the cider/wee stained away shirt hardly worn various sizes and couple of home shirts various sizes there yours if you want them

everything that you think would fit a 4-8 year old would help! even if it is wee coloured!

I wont't be able to make any of the pre season matches but would be happy to post a shirt to you? let me know nearer the time your address offline and I can arrange to post.

Yeh that would be great, thats great of you.

Hi to anyone reading this thread from the Evil Post, trying to find your next transfer headline!!

Why not portray a City fan in a good light for a change, really won't kill you - and help Daisy in her quest? I'm sure a nice appeal in the press would help to get a few more donations.

Can see the headline now - 'Disgraced City fan in Tanzanian shirt fest horror'.

Come on, prove me wrong, and show that not all City fans are drug fuelled, cider guzzling yobs - bet you don't..

haha, i like it however i am in fact male... not that has anything to do with anything but daisy is my nickname cos my little cousin couldnt say david!

All of last year's left over bits and pieces have already gone to a variety of worthy causes, including a local Bristol football team, and community projects in Ecuador and Botswana. I also found an old box of TFG shorts in a cupboard at AG recently and will be taking them to a local community when I visit Kenya in August. But I think this Tanzanian initiative is an excellent idea and I will see if I can dig out a couple of my old shirts for you to take over.

thats great that the club already do that, everything will help, thank you.

just found the shirt i wore when i was mascot for city in '97 which I'm going to take over for them, and also an old atletico madrid shirt too.

thanks to everyone already, great response :)

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I know this probably doesn't belong in this section of the forum but i would really appreciate if this could be left up for a little while to get people attention.

On August the 6th (poor planning on my behalf due to the season starting a few days after i leave) I'm leaving sunny England for Tanzania for 4 months where I'm working as a volunteer at an orphanage and nursery school in Moshi, at the foot of Kilimanjaro. Tanzania is one of the poorest places on the planet with a third of its population unable to eat every day and half of its population under the poverty line.

The nursery and orphanage where i will be based are both nearly totally populated by children infected with HIV/AIDS. I am teaching these children basic english and maths and also football coaching a few afternoons a week, all aged between 4-8. I have been asked by the people who run the orphanage if i can bring some clothes and football supplies out with me for the children. So this is where I'm asking the help of other Bristol City fans, i was hoping that some of you guys could donate old bristol city shirts to give to the children. If your son/daughter have grown out of their old city shirt (no matter how old) then instead of letting them sit in a cupboard give them to me to take out to give to the children, something that will just sit not being used for you could mean so much to children who have so little. also hopefully turning a whole town of children into cidereds... I will be at a few of the pre-season friendlies where i will be able to collect ay shirts you would like to donate, it really would mean so much to the kids.

If you could reply on here if you are willing to donate so i can get an estimate of how many there will be and when and where collection will be possible. thanks in advance.

always believe

You can rely on a few shirts from Sweden. Among them a home shirt from the late seventees. If possible I also would like to donate money for football shoes. Can I PayPal?



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hey everyone. thanks so much to everyone i now have 18 shirts and 10 pairs of shorts for the children. as my bag is looking a bit lighter than i thought it would be i was hoping to beg a few more football shirts off of you guys. thanks ever so much for offering me adult shirts but i have had such a great response for children shirts i am just going to take out childrens kits.

so if anyone has any they can spare then it would be amazing.

if you have any football kits for children under the age of 8, no matter how old or what team (no gas though) then send me a message or reply on this topic and we'll organise how i can get them.

thanks again.

always believe

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