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What Would Give You The Most Pleasure?


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Ooh Matron! Actually, this is about aspirations for next season. So,

Which Championship team would it give you most pleasure taking points off in 2009/10, and why? You are only allowed one vote, and for obvious reasons, Cardiff is excluded.

In my case, it would be QPR. We haven't taken 3 points off them since returning to the CCC, and more importantly, one of their supporters hissed at me on leaving Loftus Rd after we lost 2-1 there last season. I know I shouldn't be so sensitive.

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It's now 35 years since we beat Forest in a real competition and this jinx is beginning to bug me. Last season we could have done the double over them if not for 1) McIndoe's injury time penalty miss at the Gate and 2) being beaten by our late season habit of giving away late goals at the City Ground, 2-1 up with 10 mins to go and losing 3-2.

I've nothing against Forest, always admired them since their "Cloughie" all conquering team of the late 70's/early 80s.

But since Paul Cheesley scored the winner against them in April 74 we must have beaten every team that has been around since then including Man U/Liverpool/Arsenal/Chelsea etc. We must have played Forest more than any of those teams, but still we can't do it, not even on our promotion season 2/3 years ago :disapointed2se:

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D have to agree with forest, although there are a lot of teams I'd really like to beat. QPR, sheff utd, Newcastle, boro (both), west brom, derby, palace, Plymouth.

Any chance of this being set up as a poll, where each person can pick three clubs? Would be interested in seeing the results of that.

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Ooh Matron! Actually, this is about aspirations for next season. So,

Which Championship team would it give you most pleasure taking points off in 2009/10, and why? You are only allowed one vote, and for obvious reasons, Cardiff is excluded.

In my case, it would be QPR. We haven't taken 3 points off them since returning to the CCC, and more importantly, one of their supporters hissed at me on leaving Loftus Rd after we lost 2-1 there last season. I know I shouldn't be so sensitive.

I will second QPR because an EX business supplier of mine had the time to waste copious copy in the form of sms texts to explain why, just because we were higher than his beloved team, was no reason to be 'delusional' that we were better than QPR. His reasoning was irrational especially after he was celebrating a win as i was walking away from Loftus Road. I suggested he bask in his glory and be happy with that. But for some reason, i still cannot fathom to this day, he went off on another diatribe of how he could not work out how we could be considered a team that plays attractive football. I had already congratulated his win so i thought if that doesn't cut the mustard i would turn the phone off!! arghhh good ole football heh.

QPR for a relegation struggle would be fun; they can stay up though.. nice to have a london venue.

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Wretched creatures, its Palarse without a doubt. I don't know what it is about that lot that leaves me gagging on my own vomit at their mention, Oh yes, the memory's of visiting that crack den of a stadium once and never again. I would want armed security and a stab vest before i step foot anywhere near that festering shithole.

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You are only allowed one vote, and for obvious reasons, Cardiff is excluded.

wtf guys, he said 1 vote, I can bitch about other teams too!

Plumuff. Dirty cheating scumbags, they hump their mums and have a more than average toe count

Barrdiff. Baaah! They shag the sheep and have a less than average toe count and home to some of the ugliest people i've ever seen.

QPR. See my previous post and replace Palarse with QPR, they're almost the same, same London. plus they have poison dwarf Bernie the rodent.

Florest. A team living in the past with no future. Spawning ground of Rage quitter Roy, more than enough to hate them.

Roflcastlol. no red light district and you think freezing your nuts off makes you hard? no it clearly gives you OCD, but the ability to mine well and unload cargo, because no one ever takes Geordies seriously in business do they? I mean, you wouldn't employ one or give it responsibility, they sound lobotomized

dIpswich. Rage quitter Roy, wind him up and watch him go! All you need to do is mention his name and he's off!!! Weeeeeeee! This will be fun with that dip5h1t this season.

Swansea. a great place to live if you've fallen on bad times, sorry, the place you end up when noone else will have you.

Reading M4 Service club. They think they're so big, but really Reading is just the place you pass when you have to goto Heathrow or Gatwick. they're a glorified service station.

Barby. Mmm, no I don't mind Derby.

Ok i'm done.

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As long as we beat any team that **** Basso goes and plays for in the championship after deciding he was to good for bristol City after all GJ done for him - It would be especially nice if in the last min he made a cock up of cardiff proportions right in front of me!

Not that i hold a grudge or anything.

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Go to St James Park and dick them like 3-0...would love it

Yep Deffo Newcastle some of their supporters still think there too good for the rest of us and they'll walk this league.

Wake up call boys..... Leyton Orient pmsl

I can hear the chants now all round AG8 when the visit; 'All together now'

Your Not Famous Anymore, Your Not Famous AnyyyyyyMorreeeee'

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On the strength of the comments posted on here from the Palarse message board a couple of weeks ago, it would just have to be them.

Never forgiven that "Milwall, Cardiff & Bristol City are the same sort of sh!tty club" comment!!

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wtf guys, he said 1 vote, I can bitch about other teams too!

Plumuff. Dirty cheating scumbags, they hump their mums and have a more than average toe count

Barrdiff. Baaah! They shag the sheep and have a less than average toe count and home to some of the ugliest people i've ever seen.

QPR. See my previous post and replace Palarse with QPR, they're almost the same, same London. plus they have poison dwarf Bernie the rodent.

Florest. A team living in the past with no future. Spawning ground of Rage quitter Roy, more than enough to hate them.

Roflcastlol. no red light district and you think freezing your nuts off makes you hard? no it clearly gives you OCD, but the ability to mine well and unload cargo, because no one ever takes Geordies seriously in business do they? I mean, you wouldn't employ one or give it responsibility, they sound lobotomized

dIpswich. Rage quitter Roy, wind him up and watch him go! All you need to do is mention his name and he's off!!! Weeeeeeee! This will be fun with that dip5h1t this season.

Swansea. a great place to live if you've fallen on bad times, sorry, the place you end up when noone else will have you.

Reading M4 Service club. They think they're so big, but really Reading is just the place you pass when you have to goto Heathrow or Gatwick. they're a glorified service station.

Barby. Mmm, no I don't mind Derby.

Ok i'm done.

I think that is a good bitch and spot on!

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Its a tie for me that includes:

Plymouth - this lot are the kings of inbrededness (yes that is a word created........just then by me) and what makes matters worse is that my out-laws think Plymouth is the best place under the sun (everybody knows its Bristol, even my mate who lives in the Seychelles) and they go on and on and that they are the most loyal fans in the world yet they never watch match and they go on and on and on about their pasty's..............anyway, I suppose it is a good thing that they are in our league, because for the last two years my cheerpy father in law has bet me £20 that Plymuff would finish higher that BCFC....ching ching, I thank you!

Crystal Palace - Derry, say no more.

QPR - think they have the best ground in the whole universe, and still think that they are a top four Premier League team.

Derby - Wake up, you've got Nigel Clough as manager not his dad, you got him from Burtons.....and nobody shops in Burtons anymore!

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Hmm, well...

QPR - I too got "hissed" at when leaving the game at theirs last season. Also, I also had to endure waiting in departures with a "super" hoop on a recent work trip, who spent a good half hour telling me how much money the club has and how we can never aspire to that. :noexpression:

Palarse - I actually enjoy the encounters with Palace, even though last year we had to sit through four renditions of that f-ing "glad all over" song at theirs. (which was the only time they made any noise) For this reason alone, I would like to see us snatch all six pts this season.

Newcastle - Anything the Os can do, we can do better.......

Baadiff - Need I say more?

Donny - They ended our golden streak last season, revenge required there....

Well, that'll do for a start.....


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It would have to be Nottingham forrest

I've hated them ever since they played us at home the season we got promoted

All their fans think their still think that they are massive after years of lower league life :disapointed2se:

i agree. forest without doubt. possibly the most backward looking 'big'club' set of fans around.

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As long as we beat any team that **** Basso goes and plays for in the championship after deciding he was to good for bristol City after all GJ done for him - It would be especially nice if in the last min he made a cock up of cardiff proportions right in front of me!

Not that i hold a grudge or anything.

dry your eyes


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dry your eyes


Basso has annoyed me, If you read my posts about him you will see ive never been his biggest fan anyway - I dont mind players moving on for better things but this to me seems to be a case where he thinks hes much better than he actually is.

I reckon its a real kick in the balls for Gary Johnson and the staff that kept faith in him by bringing him in from woking and keeping him in the first team when nearly everybody said he should be dropped.

Im certain that if Basso had stayed with City he would be financially secure by the time he retires, you just have to look behind the ateyo on matchday to see the players are well rewarded for the jobs they do.

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