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David Lloyd


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Thanks. I was getting worried that we had seen the last of like Basso and McIndoe??? Hope that ridiculous introduction for Scrumpy before the teams come out is dropped as soon as Lloydy gets back. Cringe making or what???

It must have been some kind of Joke. Made me embarrassed to think this is what football has come to (when I say come to I mean been like for the last 5 years). All these Mascots just remind me of Mr blobby and should have died out when he did. Actually good question why are they still at football games? it used to be for the kids but I don't think they are that interested in a man in a costume any more.

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Dave is on holiday and will be back for the Palace game.

He was here for the Ajax game, its just unfortunate that his holiday plans fell in with a couple of friendlies.

I think that Russell who covered for Dave did an excellent job in the meantime.

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