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Palarse In A Spot Of Bother


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Jordan said a while back that they would be paid by cheque at the end of July - so he's missed that one. They are strapped for cash, we all know that and I've said all along that they could struggle this season. However, I think Freddie Sears will be very good for them and be enough to keep them up.

Financially they'll sell Moses and Clyne and probably get £4-6m for the two of them rising to £10m or so. Personally I don't think either are worth anywhere near that much but then I've hardly seen them play - those who do watch them more often do believe they are both very good.

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I heard on sky sports that he's paid out 5m in the summer just to keep them afloat!

Yeah, take that with a pinch of salt...take anything he says with a pinch of salt. It may be true but wouldn't he just love to tell everyone what a hero he is?

Still think it's amusing how he's trying to sell the club but can't help but tell the world how much it's losing, how rubbish football is etc etc.

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I have a mate who works in Dubai and he tells me that the sales group he works for has two football clubs for sale (on the quiet) - Palarse and Newcastle. He said they were looking for an offer in excess of £100mil for Palace as he was already working out his cut should he find a prospective buyer. Simon Jordon had offered to fly out should anyone even mention football to try and wrap up a deal before some other club heard about it. Normall I would say he was talking out of his ringer but my mate knows absolutley jack all about football and cares even less.

So not surpised to hear it, and wish them all the very best when they are all looking for other work when the club folds!

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I have a mate who works in Dubai and he tells me that the sales group he works for has two football clubs for sale (on the quiet) - Palarse and Newcastle. He said they were looking for an offer in excess of £100mil for Palace as he was already working out his cut should he find a prospective buyer. Simon Jordon had offered to fly out should anyone even mention football to try and wrap up a deal before some other club heard about it. Normall I would say he was talking out of his ringer but my mate knows absolutley jack all about football and cares even less.

So not surpised to hear it, and wish them all the very best when they are all looking for other work when the club folds!

Your mate had probably better revise his figures. I don't know too much about what football clubs sell for but Palace must be worth a tiny fraction of that. They don't own Selhurst Park and are losing money all over the place.

I believe Newcastle were hoping for £100m - well they have a fanbase over three times the size of Palace's, a ground that's far newer and holds twice as many, far better players and they own the stadium. There's no way I can see that Palace are worth anything like £100m.

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