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The Self-righteous Brothers

Martyn Hocking

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Some of the posters in the various Basso threads bear an uncanny resemblance to the Fast Show characters The Self-Righteous Brothers,

a pair of middle-aged opinionated men called Frank and George Doberman, who spend their time sitting in a pub, discussing celebrities they admire and then becoming angry when contemplating said celebrities doing something selfish.

I'm not wild about what the timing of Basso's transfer request but as others have pointed out, most people will at some point in their career have to make a move to better themselves that will leave their current employer less than happy. Working for a football club is no different from a player's perspective than working in an office is for the rest of us.

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Some of the posters in the various Basso threads bear an uncanny resemblance to the Fast Show characters The Self-Righteous Brothers,

a pair of middle-aged opinionated men called Frank and George Doberman, who spend their time sitting in a pub, discussing celebrities they admire and then becoming angry when contemplating said celebrities doing something selfish.

I'm not wild about what the timing of Basso's transfer request but as others have pointed out, most people will at some point in their career have to make a move to better themselves that will leave their current employer less than happy. Working for a football club is no different from a player's perspective than working in an office is for the rest of us.

Harry Enfield and Chums.

Working in football is completely different to working n the real world. Footballers are governed by completely different rules to office workers.

For example, I can't hand in a tranfser request to my boss stating that I dont want to work here anymore, and will be thereore be looking for a new employer..I'd be out the door.

A potential employer won't approach my current employer to secure my services and negotiate terms to 'buy' me etc etc.

Its like comparing apples with oranges.

I have no problem with any player putting in a transfer request, but in doing so, they should expect to never play for that club again....especially in such a key role as goalkeeper.

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I have no problem with any player putting in a transfer request, but in doing so, they should expect to never play for that club again.

By putting in a transfer request, the player has admitted he is not interested in that club any more......usually.

However if there was a talented youngster at a lowly club he might request a move to better himself, or if a club has 5 goal keepers, one or two might ask to go simply to get first team football.

In the 1970s Gerry Gow went through a rough patch with Alan Dicks and he requested a transfer. Eventually player & club came to a settlement, Gerry withdrew his request and City enjoyed Gerry's skills for a few more years.

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Some of the posters in the various Basso threads bear an uncanny resemblance to the Fast Show characters The Self-Righteous Brothers,

a pair of middle-aged opinionated men called Frank and George Doberman, who spend their time sitting in a pub, discussing celebrities they admire and then becoming angry when contemplating said celebrities doing something selfish.

I'm not wild about what the timing of Basso's transfer request but as others have pointed out, most people will at some point in their career have to make a move to better themselves that will leave their current employer less than happy. Working for a football club is no different from a player's perspective than working in an office is for the rest of us.

I admire Basso and his goalkeeping ability.

However if Basso knocked on my door and asked me to buy a copy of well Red for 3 pounds, I would say Oi Basso No. :winner_third_h4h:

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Some of the posters in the various Basso threads bear an uncanny resemblance to the Fast Show characters The Self-Righteous Brothers,

a pair of middle-aged opinionated men called Frank and George Doberman, who spend their time sitting in a pub, discussing celebrities they admire and then becoming angry when contemplating said celebrities doing something selfish.

I'm not wild about what the timing of Basso's transfer request but as others have pointed out, most people will at some point in their career have to make a move to better themselves that will leave their current employer less than happy. Working for a football club is no different from a player's perspective than working in an office is for the rest of us.

I think you are the 'self-righteous' one here, What silly analogy playing football and working in an office, A better analogy would be playing football and being a 'luvvie' in a soap opera. Why, Whilst some who left the soap to do Shakespeare have gone onto better things, However some have make do with panto and reality TV. in the real world people who want to change their employer already have another job lined up.

Bottom line thought he could better himself and at the moment nobody wants him, Whose fault the club who offered him the opportunity too become the highest paid player probably in the clubs history and retain his idol status with the fans or Senor Basso's for ignoring even the advice of his paid advisor/agent/mr 10% to 20% man.

I hope Gerken plays a blinder and Basso get's a season full of arse splinters (hopefully somewhere else).

But on a happy note how long before Philips throws his toys out of the minimal play pen, 'theese gotta laugh as'nt'.

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Guest MaloneFM
For example, I can't hand in a tranfser request to my boss stating that I dont want to work here anymore, and will be thereore be looking for a new employer..I'd be out the door.

A potential employer won't approach my current employer to secure my services and negotiate terms to 'buy' me etc etc.

GB you know I love you like the grandson I never wanted but that isn't really the case is it poppet?

It all depends on the contract you are employed under. Every employer expects a given notice period of termination of employment on either side and this has to be given, by law, in writing. You can in effect tell them where to shove their job and walk out.

Now if they wish to stick you on gardening until the termination date arrives thats up to them. Or they pay you up until than, that too is subject to agreement.

SL can in fact pay Basso off for a 12 months and let him go and find someone else as a free agent.

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And here's another analogy:-

Think of BCFC as your family, You have love them wahatever happens (it's the law).

Think of transfered players and wantaway players as ex-girlfriends/wives, one day you wake up and the things you onced loved about her (snoring, hairy armpits, having eyes in the back of her head, thrush, shrinking your jeans, smelly breath etc, etc, etc suddenly piss you right off.

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We'll soon have Frank Doberman posting on here "Oi Basso NO!!!"

Whilst Basso is with us, and drawing a wage, why pay an extra keeper - Might 'teach him a lesson', but economic madness.

If you were to come onto this Forum, cribbing the highly witty remark that I posted yesterday, I would say-

OI WELL_RED NO!!!!!! Plagarism.....

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