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Martyn Hocking

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Ziderheads is not moderated properly and if they had more members they would be in trouble by now.

People who are banned from here end up on there spouting the same bullshite they got banned for on here.

But that's a very insignificant little site compared to this one, and it's far more likely that this site would get dumped on if there was any libel stuff going on given the number of members and people online at any time.

I post on both, though mainly on Zidereds, and I assure that the mods there pull and close threads there too, for the same reasons. they do a damn good job. allowing a lighter hand, if required, but at least two threads have been closed for the reasons you allude to

there is a world of difference in a more adult approach, for a site like that, than there is on here. If it gets to a point where issues could cause problems, its closed. simples. This site can be viewed as a guest. to go on Zidereds you have to register. the mods then can trace people concerned

as to the libel test, I wouldnt assume it would apply any less to Zidereds

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Seems to be some tension between posters and moderators at present, which might be worth exploring.

A few thoughts from me (a regular poster but not a mod):

1. Having taken the decision to have mods, the site's operator is now in the legal firing line in the event of anyone at BCFC or elsewhere getting the hump and deciding to sue for libel. For this reason any posts involving allegations about player misbehaviour have to be taken down.

2. As an independent site, otib should in my view not bow to pressure from the club to take down stories purely because they contain information that is not in the public domain.

There is a clear distinction between 1 and 2 in my view.


Not sure if that true...a forum is a open floor and should take no responsability for a individuals comments... freedom of speak and all...Im sure that if a the club wishes to persue a comment then the individual is the one who is going to get "owned" not the forum ....especialy if the eula has been signed when you sign up or if it doenst contain a disclaimer it should.

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Guest MaloneFM
Once again, you fail to understand the difference between having the log in name 'Gary Johnson' (for example) and actually pretending to be that person.

Why would you not want to have your own name on the forum? I can't think of a single good reason.

I have provided two. And you as you clearly have no idea who I really am and as Roger Malone has been neither reported dead or missing in a yachting accident, you have no idea factually that I'm not the REAL Roger Malone. And as in my previous post I have no compunction to explain myself or meet anyone on this forum in person. As nice as they are. Some of them.

But I shall repeat the reasons given.

One of the reasons I left another Bristol City forum was that one of the moderators took personal exception to me and posted personal details including address for all to use and abuse as a topic. It happened once and was very swiftly withdrawn but that was enough. No doubt there will be assurances that it won't happen here or anywhere else but I'm not that certain.

Should there be no Lee Harvey Oswald's at Clik with database security not as safe as the Bank of England (not that I understand any of it) should anyone manage to get into the system and discover my address, or anyone else's REAL name then approaches may be made at a match to 'discuss' a topic I have commented on. This way I am up a ladder in the Williams safe in the gantry but not everyone else is.

I am free to mingle with supporters and hear their version of events, like the Banksy of One Team dispensing cock eyed journalism and tales from the dark and boozy days of local independent television. There are individuals on here I have recognized at games due to pictures or shirt prints but as I don't actually know them I never introduce myself. I may be one person, I may be three or four people-a cottage industry of cobblers. And this is the way it should stay so that even those with the barmiest of ideas are free to express them without the fear personal intervention.

Christ don't I ever go on? You're a good lad Edson and trying to do a difficult job try not to get so get so personally involved. Thank you for having the offending post removed, have a Werther's and a cuddle from uncle.

Now off out and keep those streets safe cowboy!

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I have provided two. And you as you clearly have no idea who I really am and as Roger Malone has been neither reported dead or missing in a yachting accident, you have no idea factually that I'm not the REAL Roger Malone. And as in my previous post I have no compunction to explain myself or meet anyone on this forum in person. As nice as they are. Some of them.

But I shall repeat the reasons given.

One of the reasons I left another Bristol City forum was that one of the moderators took personal exception to me and posted personal details including address for all to use and abuse as a topic. It happened once and was very swiftly withdrawn but that was enough. No doubt there will be assurances that it won't happen here or anywhere else but I'm not that certain.

Should there be no Lee Harvey Oswald's at Clik with database security not as safe as the Bank of England (not that I understand any of it) should anyone manage to get into the system and discover my address, or anyone else's REAL name then approaches may be made at a match to 'discuss' a topic I have commented on. This way I am up a ladder in the Williams safe in the gantry but not everyone else is.

I am free to mingle with supporters and hear their version of events, like the Banksy of One Team dispensing cock eyed journalism and tales from the dark and boozy days of local independent television. There are individuals on here I have recognized at games due to pictures or shirt prints but as I don't actually know them I never introduce myself. I may be one person, I may be three or four people-a cottage industry of cobblers. And this is the way it should stay so that even those with the barmiest of ideas are free to express them without the fear personal intervention.

Christ don't I ever go on? You're a good lad Edson and trying to do a difficult job try not to get so get so personally involved. Thank you for having the offending post removed, have a Werther's and a cuddle from uncle.

Now off out and keep those streets safe cowboy!

In which case, you can't really claim posts about you are defamation of character, can you?

If you're completely anonymous, anything anyone says about you can't be damaging, surely.

Of course, if Roger Malone took exception to someone misrepresenting him on here, we'd have to listen to that.

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Guest MaloneFM
I think the possibility of malicious comments with no substance would be significantly reduced.

Yes but so would the comments about everything.

It would reduce the place to yes men towing the party line or people frightened to say whats really on their mind without a solicitor standing behind them. The whole entertainment aspect of the place which is why most of the people who know bugger all about football-and I include myself in that number-post on here would vanish. Bradley Orr had a stinker yesterday, but am I going to be persoanlly tracked down for saying it? I don't know because it would be out of my hands.

This will open the door to any rival forum which is more lenient to boost membership. And there are plenty of them. The world is litigious enough without reining in some of the nut cases on here as well.

Can I type that?

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Guest MaloneFM
Of course, if Roger Malone took exception to someone misrepresenting him on here, we'd have to listen to that.

And I did. And you did. Well done.

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