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'starred' Topics?..


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Noticed two of the current topics have what looks like 'star' ratings... Gobs *** & the Say Yes To Tesco ***** ... not seen this before, have I missed something?

(yeah yeah, I know I've posted this in the wrong place but - hmm, sorry thats the kinda guy I am :) .. so slap me with a haddock & tickle my buttocks with an ostrich feather :noexpression: )

OK forget the last bit... but whats the story with the 'stars' ? .... ta.

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Great idea... but I can't see it working though. For example a thread might contain an interesting argument with various decent for and against arguments, which will then get rated... But it'll probably be a post about Lee Johnson/Gary Johnson/Dolmon early leavers/"we lost 1-0, its over, and now we're doomed to face relegation" post :noexpression:

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For Attention Of - Tom!...

Hmm, looking at the board right now, I cant say that the present star rating system (albeit a trial one) is a roaring success... too easy for a topic to be 'Star rated' 'just for the hell of it' ... (ie; one person can dish out stars willy nilly & the whole point of highlighting worthy/interesting threads is lost).

I admit I havent thought this through, but, off the top of my head would a system whereby a 'star' isnt automatically registered because one person rates a thread but because say three or more have rated it then a Star Rating is triggered? ......

ie: one person clicks a 'star nomination'.. it sits 'in the system', until a couple more people click the same thread & up pops the first star.

If a thread is particularly popular & attracts many star 'nominations' it could gain an extra 'star' or a 'Star + symbol'.

That way the 'star' system could highlight truly interesting threads by general consensus & would eliminate the chances of one or two individuals messing the whole thing up....

In all honesty I doubt more than a dozen or so threads a week really 'deserve' highlighting, but if a multi nomination system were in place users would have a fair idea that 'Star' or 'Star + ' threads are really worth checking out.

Just my two-penny worth.. :)

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Dont think there is much point in the star system, i couldnt give a monkeys what some other board member thought of the quality of the thread, looking at it right now there are just stars all over the shop, just looks a mess more than anything. I read a thread based on its title or reply count, that tells me where a popular thread is or one which i have something to contribute towards.

Just my opinion :)

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Hmmm, looks on first glance there is lots of '5 star' quality stuff on here to read, is there in reality?

Also I think some people might be put off starting a topic for fear of not being rated, whilst others who like the attention will start topics just to see their name in lights.

I'm not saying bin the system, just it needs 'tweeking' a bit.

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