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Fifa 2010

Barrs Court Red

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Have played both demos, have always been a PES man myself and this years FIFA is just the same old same old in my opinion, why they insist on releasing a new version every year is a waste of time, with the ablilty now to do updates via the internet they could easily patch player transfers, new kits etc, if the game engine is good why fix it? Doifferent story for PES, they havent got it right for the last 3 releases so they need to keep trying.

The PES demo was ok, seems a little better than last year, although having only played against the CPU for a few games its going to be hard to tell what the online service will be like, thats the feature i always used the most on previous versions, well when it worked, its been nothing short of utter rubbish ever since they started releasing PES on this generation of consoles. When you see how well other games can play online, Konami really have no exscuse. Will need to keep playing more of it to see if the same exploits and little niggles are there from the previous game.

Its either going to be PES or nothing for me this year, love playing my footy games but fed up of a 2nd rate product that PES has become since the PS3 was launched, id rather play one of the previous PS2 versions which IMO have not been bettered yet.

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For those that are interested there is a bit of a price war going on with Tesco selling it for £24.97, Morrisons at £24.99 and Asda at £26.71. Even try asking your local game shop to price match those of the supermarkets.

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I'm going shopping in a min. If Asda is selling it for £26 and has it in stock I may, MAY just buy it, as that is such good value.

Thing is with Operation Flashpoint, MW2, MAG, GT5 and Alien Vs Pred 3 its hard to see when I'll play it.......

Anyone played online yet? Both users having to click in able to skip through replays used to piss me off

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I will be getting the game however i feel disappointed in terms of Bristol City's rating. There has been no change for our team in regards to overall ability. e.g. Nicky Maynard has vastly improved from the start of last season and his rating has gone up by 1? furthermore Orr and McAllister have gone down for no reason.... fair enough the bench has been strengthened with Artus and Skuse having proper ratings but why diminish the first teams growth to compensate.

AND WHERE IS BASSO? he was transfer listed but so was Steve Phillips for the sags who has since left on loan for shrewsbury.... hopefully the patch rectifies this as it is a slight disappointment in a very good game.

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Went to Tescos and got it on Thursday night/Friday morning! Queued for 40mins, but was well worth it! Havent really put it down, unless been out with missus or at work!

Anyone fancy a game on PS3 my tag is Danzinio

i did want a rematch after crushing you 4-1 but dont wory i beat lyon 3-2 after maynard got a hatrick

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when playing PES online last year it was great very smooth and no lag at all.

Blimey, you were lucky then! It had to be one of the most lacking online multiplayer experiences ive ever had....infuriating at times...and thats just the lobby system!

IMO it really was a piss poor show from Konami and its been like this since this gen of consoles...dont know what PES online plays like on the 360/PC but for PS3 it was a joke most of the time. I'll probably still pick PES up but not until after the Jan transfer window update/patch has come out and its £10-£15 cheaper.

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I'm talking about xbox360.

It obviously different on both consoles. Could have been my router to I guess.

Strange that, i can only guess someone didnt pay all the bills at Konami as PS3 owners got shafted with the online play, im genuinely glad to hear your experience was painless, its put me right off, thats 2 PES games ive bought for my PS3 and the online in both of them is shocking......not sure what it is about Japanese game titles but they rarely seem to have functional multiplayer interfaces, lobbies and the such like, hell i dont know, maybe its in the culture, but they just dont seem to realise how important a polished multiplayer experience is for games such as this.

Roll on Feb and my £20 version of PES 2010.

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Played both demo's and i honestly found PES the better game. Played FIFA 10 at my mates on saturday night with a few beers and wasnt overly impressed, dosnt feel MUCH different to 09 tbh.

The midfield in Fifa seems non-exsistent and the pitch seems way to small. In Pes you really feel as if you have to work the openings to create a chance were as in FIFA it all seems a bit to easy.. I have alwyas thought that scoring a goal on Pro Evo gives you that unexplainable joy! were as on Fifa i dont seem to get that if you no what i mean! You cant beat a long range strike on PES, something Fifa has never been able to do.

Online wise Fifa has always been the better option, but i was reading somewere that Konami has really upped its game and the online experience will be better than ever this year.. Either way im going to get PES when it comes out, im shore i will be drawn into getting Fifa at some stage thou.

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I got Fifa on Thursday Night/Friday Morning... The engine is pretty much the same with some added extras...

Manager Mode has improved alot and the transfers are more realistic than before.

After starting one as City, i Moved on and started a new season with Everton... Having Bought Gabby A from Villa and paired him with Saha got to 4th!

Then won champions league and League cup but only managed 7th in the Prem. I am playing this on World Class which is making it quite difficult but still able to win :)

Anyone else have any season modes going?

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