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More Illness?


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Pretty sure I had what the players are getting, big time swollen glands (makes you hamster like), and general feeling of being very ill. I was also tested for Glandular Fever and mumps but it was neither, just a virus.

I was only laid off work for about a week, lots of water flushed it out!! and was 100% exercising in the gym within 2-3 weeks.

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Pretty sure I had what the players are getting, big time swollen glands (makes you hamster like), and general feeling of being very ill. I was also tested for Glandular Fever and mumps but it was neither, just a virus.

I was only laid off work for about a week, lots of water flushed it out!! and was 100% exercising in the gym within 2-3 weeks.

Are you saying you'll be fit for Saturday?

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What is this mystery illness? Swine Flu?

Don't know but if the virus is lurking around Ashton Gate, there could be 15,000 more cases by Sunday, never mind could do with a week off :tumbleweed:

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im just glad we have a better squad than last season we would have seriously struggled with the amount of players out due to injury/illness last season but we have alot more strength this year and should still be able to put out a decent side to beat scunny saturday

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Better get Trundle and Styver back!

Many a true word said in jest and all that... I don't think there's a recall option on either, but there is on the likes of Wilson, Plummer, Jackson & Artus. I can't understand why, if we're suffering from this bug, we haven't activated it.

When you look at the team against Swansea, we had the following:






Unfit, but selected:







Picked up knocks in match:

Fontaine - forced off

Elliott - forced off

Basso (elbow) - managed to stay on



Not sure if I've missed anyone, but that's fourteen players affected by illness, injury or fitness issues. Surely you need as much cover as possible and need fit players on the bench. I'd rather have a match fit Tristan Plummer on the bench for example than a David Clarkson who has been consistently described by GJ as being "very weak".

The whole illness thing appears to have been severely mismanaged. GJ says they're all using separate water bottles in training etc, but surely if anyone wakes up with any symptoms they should be staying at home and calling in, getting the club doctor out to assess them rather than bringing the virus in again and dealing with it there. Separate water bottles won't stop them all going into the same changing rooms etc... GJ said about Gerken that he looked like a hamster.....he shouldn't have been anywhere near the club for GJ to have seen him to know what he looks like!

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The whole illness thing appears to have been severely mismanaged. GJ says they're all using separate water bottles in training etc, but surely if anyone wakes up with any symptoms they should be staying at home and calling in, getting the club doctor out to assess them rather than bringing the virus in again and dealing with it there. Separate water bottles won't stop them all going into the same changing rooms etc... GJ said about Gerken that he looked like a hamster.....he shouldn't have been anywhere near the club for GJ to have seen him to know what he looks like!

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The whole illness thing appears to have been severely mismanaged. GJ says they're all using separate water bottles in training etc, but surely if anyone wakes up with any symptoms they should be staying at home and calling in, getting the club doctor out to assess them rather than bringing the virus in again and dealing with it there. Separate water bottles won't stop them all going into the same changing rooms etc... GJ said about Gerken that he looked like a hamster.....he shouldn't have been anywhere near the club for GJ to have seen him to know what he looks like!

Pointless dig, you know f'all about what happens in the club. :disapointed2se:

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The whole illness thing appears to have been severely mismanaged. GJ says they're all using separate water bottles in training etc, but surely if anyone wakes up with any symptoms they should be staying at home and calling in, getting the club doctor out to assess them rather than bringing the virus in again and dealing with it there. Separate water bottles won't stop them all going into the same changing rooms etc... GJ said about Gerken that he looked like a hamster.....he shouldn't have been anywhere near the club for GJ to have seen him to know what he looks like!

Another dig at our Manager for no reason, why dont you people get a life. I dont mind constructive criticism but slagging of our manager and players for the sake of it is just nauseating.

If you would have bothered to watched the medical report on "I player" you would have heard we quarantine all the players that report in sick, they dont even get to see the fit players.

Well clearly gerken wasn't quarantined if gj saw him. Infected players should be nowhere near the club. That's as much, or more, the players' fault as it is the management. and to clarify, in this situation, the word management refers to whoever should be dealing with this, be it gj or the club doctor - most likely the latter.

And i don't feel it is a pointless dig. I'm very much behind gj and what he's done for the club since he came in, but he isnt infallible and therefore is as open to criticism as anyone. Do YOU agree with the policy of filling a matchday squad with people struggling to be fit instead of recalling someone who is? The majority of our bench on tuesday weren't fit and the situation has apparently worsened, yet still no sign of loanees being called back in, which in my opinion makes no sense at all.

Just because i disagree with the way a situation is managed, doesn't mean i've turned on the manager. Can you honestly say you agree with EVERY single decision gj has ever made? If so, then i don't really mind your criticism of my opinion, because you're clearly incapable of holding a balanced viewpoint on the club.

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Well clearly gerken wasn't quarantined if gj saw him. Infected players should be nowhere near the club. That's as much, or more, the players' fault as it is the management. and to clarify, in this situation, the word management refers to whoever should be dealing with this, be it gj or the club doctor - most likely the latter.

And i don't feel it is a pointless dig. I'm very much behind gj and what he's done for the club since he came in, but he isnt infallible and therefore is as open to criticism as anyone. Do YOU agree with the policy of filling a matchday squad with people struggling to be fit instead of recalling someone who is? The majority of our bench on tuesday weren't fit and the situation has apparently worsened, yet still no sign of loanees being called back in, which in my opinion makes no sense at all.

Just because i disagree with the way a situation is managed, doesn't mean i've turned on the manager. Can you honestly say you agree with EVERY single decision gj has ever made? If so, then i don't really mind your criticism of my opinion, because you're clearly incapable of holding a balanced viewpoint on the club.

Do we even know what the "illness" actually is?

Lets be fair, we dont know what the whole story is. Like most illnesses, these players could have the bug in their systems a good 48 hours before they show ANY symptoms, if they dont know they have it, they will carry on with their daily duty. The only way they could have controlled it completely would have been to shut the club down for a week or so, and lets be fair....that cant happen

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I thought it was mumps.

I thought that was ruled out, in Nyatanga's case anyway.

Judging from Nicky Maynard's symptoms there's more than one bug anyway, and no one seems to know what virus is affecting those who've had the same nasty one - i.e. Johnson, Orr, Nyatanga, Clarkson, Haynes and Gerken.

Those are the ones we know of anyway.

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Many a true word said in jest and all that... I don't think there's a recall option on either, but there is on the likes of Wilson, Plummer, Jackson & Artus. I can't understand why, if we're suffering from this bug, we haven't activated it.

How long have the loanees been out on loan? I'm probably wrong but are they non recallable in the first month of a loan?

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How long have the loanees been out on loan? I'm probably wrong but are they non recallable in the first month of a loan?

I'm surprised any other clubs have wanted our players on loan since this bug reared it's ugly head, and I reckon clubs would think twice about letting their players come to AG at the moment.

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How long have the loanees been out on loan? I'm probably wrong but are they non recallable in the first month of a loan?

Not sure....I thought Tristan and Marlon had gone out before JW, who I know has had his loan extended, thus opening the option of the recall. They must've all been there for at least a month now, I should've thought.

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Guest theothergary

The worry would be that arguably we lost 2 points on tuesday we may also lose further points tomorow then possibly further points until the virus is cleared up.Why cant the virus be identified and cleared. Or why cant we call games off untill the virus cleared. we seem to be playing games with a major di- advantage

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Well clearly gerken wasn't quarantined if gj saw him. Infected players should be nowhere near the club. That's as much, or more, the players' fault as it is the management. and to clarify, in this situation, the word management refers to whoever should be dealing with this, be it gj or the club doctor - most likely the latter.

And i don't feel it is a pointless dig. I'm very much behind gj and what he's done for the club since he came in, but he isnt infallible and therefore is as open to criticism as anyone. Do YOU agree with the policy of filling a matchday squad with people struggling to be fit instead of recalling someone who is? The majority of our bench on tuesday weren't fit and the situation has apparently worsened, yet still no sign of loanees being called back in, which in my opinion makes no sense at all.

Just because i disagree with the way a situation is managed, doesn't mean i've turned on the manager. Can you honestly say you agree with EVERY single decision gj has ever made? If so, then i don't really mind your criticism of my opinion, because you're clearly incapable of holding a balanced viewpoint on the club.

How long have the loanees been out on loan? I'm probably wrong but are they non recallable in the first month of a loan?

Not sure....I thought Tristan and Marlon had gone out before JW, who I know has had his loan extended, thus opening the option of the recall. They must've all been there for at least a month now, I should've thought.

James Wilson can be recalled after the 20th.

Tristan Plummer can be recalled after the 20th.

Marlon Jackson can be recalled after the 20th.

Frankie Artus can be recalled after the 28th.

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I think the most worrying thing is that GJ doesn't want to disclose who is ill i.e must be a few important players? as if non 1st team players were out it wouldn't matter saying they were ill. Or maybe it's all a big cover up and we'll play our best possible first 11 :rolleyes:

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I'm thinking about tomorrow's formation....if the situation of the injured/ill players is the same, I would choose:

Basso; Orr,McCombe,Nyatanga,McAllister; Sproule,Skuse,Hartley,G.Williams; Maynard,Saborio

bench: Fontaine,Ribeiro?, Wilson,L.Johnson,Elliott?, Clarkson

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I'm thinking about tomorrow's formation....if the situation of the injured/ill players is the same, I would choose:

Basso; Orr,McCombe,Nyatanga,McAllister; Sproule,Skuse,Hartley,G.Williams; Maynard,Saborio

bench: Fontaine,Ribeiro?, Wilson,L.Johnson,Elliott?, Clarkson

No room for Sno in that lot?

Has he gone down with the dreaded lergy then?

Surely Henderson on the bench too, you never know with Basso and his knocks.

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James Wilson can be recalled after the 20th.

Tristan Plummer can be recalled after the 20th.

Marlon Jackson can be recalled after the 20th.

Frankie Artus can be recalled after the 28th.

Fair enough.... thought they'd been there longer than that - fuelled by my obvious lack of confidence in Hereford's ability to progress in cup comps. I remembered TP scoring for Hereford in the cup and thought that was the first round. My bad.... in that case....we're screwed! Team spirit will have to win out again. :fingerscrossed:

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Guest mindjuicer

Sno is playing. Team attitude is good, much better than last year.

Heard LJ had swine flu, Maynard had stomach bug, and GJ said someone looked like a football didn't he?

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