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Mccombe And Lj Today

Martyn Hocking

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Anyone else see the looks of frustration on Maynard's face at Lee's constant failure to link play between midfield and attack? It was pretty obvious from my seat in the Dolman. every time he got the ball he slowed and killed play.

As for Mccombe, he is great in the air but is looking terrible on the deck.

Shame - we had 9 Championship players out there and two League one boys.

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Anyone else see the looks of frustration on Maynard's face at Lee's constant failure to link play between midfield and attack? It was pretty obvious from my seat in the Dolman. every time he got the ball he slowed and killed play.

As for Mccombe, he is great in the air but is looking terrible on the deck.

Shame - we had 9 Championship players out there and two League one boys.

I think with McCombe, he has had so much stick for hoofing the ball that he now tries to play it out of danger, and he just can't do it. He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

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You're talking shite mate.

Maynard was our worst player today. Nowhere near fit and that's why he was frustrated.

LJ & Mccombe played awesome. Most of our attacks came through LJ. The Scunny midfield was nowhere to be seen.

I didn't see either put a foot wrong.

Dont think LJ played badly, but he did miss countless opportunitys to pick nicky out.

And your critizism of maynard is laughable.

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Yeah, once again, just in case anyone is in doubt, I think Maynard is a great player and it's not his fault he wasn't fit. As such, he had a mediocre game, had no cause to have a go at LJ (Sproule couldn't have got to that pass) and hopefully, hopefully, bounces back next game.

Talking of bugs, I bumped into Danny Haynes. He said everyone's got tonsillitis or some kin of flu. Both him and Carey look healthy enough to me to play Derby.

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You're talking shite mate.

Maynard was our worst player today. Nowhere near fit and that's why he was frustrated.

LJ & Mccombe played awesome. Most of our attacks came through LJ. The Scunny midfield was nowhere to be seen.

I didn't see either put a foot wrong.

thanks for your charming comments - you didn't see LJ play sideways/backwards when he should have been playing the ball forwards at any point during the game? You didn't see Mccombe looking awkward with the ball at his feet?

Suggest you watch a tape of the game back.

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thanks for your charming comments - you didn't see LJ play sideways/backwards when he should have been playing the ball forwards at any point during the game?

Yes, once, but if the pass isn't on you don't play it.

Passing it backwards or sideways is what LJ is supposed to do about 2/3rds of the time, especially when he's rescuing defenders.

See what I mean? Loads of people don't even know basic stuff about this game.

You didn't see Mccombe looking awkward with the ball at his feet?

He's 6'5, he always looks awkward on the ball.

He actually dribbled past a midfielder, did you see that?

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Guest bigcheese
Passing it backwards or sideways is what LJ is supposed to do about 2/3rds of the time, especially when he's rescuing defenders.

See what I mean? Loads of people don't even know basic stuff about this game.

He passes backwards and puts the defenders under pressure.

Luckily on a couple of occasions Hartley straight after showed him how to do it, get the ball from the defender and pass it or make something of it, not just pass it straight back..

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He passes backwards and puts the defenders under pressure.

More garbage, unless you consider defenders having the ball is de facto pressure.

Luckily on a couple of occasions Hartley straight after showed him how to do it, get the ball from the defender and pass it or make something of it, not just pass it straight back..

Hartley had a better second half and I didn't want him to be subbed. But he was fairly anonymous in the first half.

I'll bet you that LJ had more forward passes than Hartley in that game.

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Guest bigcheese
More garbage, unless you consider defenders having the ball is de facto pressure.

Mis-places backpasses because he is too slow in going forward and too lazy to get back.

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I thought LJ had a decent game got into lots space and the passing backwards and sidewise was fine, lacked it going forward but this where we had Elliot and Sno outwide so where is the outlet ball? You can't blame Johnson for not being a winger and if anything GJ got it wrong with negative tactics by not playing Sproule (who even if he is brainless and doesn't have any crossing ability) would have offer us something down a wing(even if it is just pace).

Boom Boom had a poor game and like too often got knocked off the ball and wasn't strong enough in the air. He does seem damned if he does or damned if he doesn't with this trying to play his way out of defence. Clearly he is no Rio and does have a tendency to launch ball with no real direction, so he tries to play the ball on the floor and is critised!?

I do think that if this game today showed us anything it is we still need a winger (maybe that will be Haynes?) and that if Hartley, Sno and Elliott are to all play together then we need to revert to a 5-3-2 formation.

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Mis-places backpasses because he is too slow in going forward and too lazy to get back.

This doesn't even make sense. And you know he covers 10 miles every game, right? Why don't you tell us how fit you are?

I see you didn't take me up on my bet.

Let's not pretend a winger is going to make a magical difference either. McIndoe is one of the best left wingers in the Championship as I understand it.

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playing 4 cm in a 4 man midfield (i believe it was?) was never going to work

and trying to get LJ to act as a winger is laughable, with no drive on the ball, pace, strength or capability to cross we were never gonna get anything from him out there

why didn't Williams start out on the right, or even Clarkson? Ok they aren't 100% fit, but i don't believe LJ was either

Mccombe is scary as hell on the ball, but in the air he's superb, would still choose Fonts, Lewin or Louis ahead of him though

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You're talking shite mate.

Maynard was our worst player today. Nowhere near fit and that's why he was frustrated.

LJ & Mccombe played awesome. Most of our attacks came through LJ. The Scunny midfield was nowhere to be seen.

I didn't see either put a foot wrong.

Either you are taking the p**s my friend or you haven't got a clue about football - LJ & McCombe played awesome? My god, you ought to join Gordon Brown's government.

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Guest bigcheese
This doesn't even make sense. And you know he covers 10 miles every game, right? Why don't you tell us how fit you are?

Anyway, I still personally prefer Hartley, but.. everyone has their own opinions and the whole LJ argument drags on.

If you have player 1 minute into the Swansea game is the kind of thing that makes me cringe. I cant find many positives in that game (and of course it's only highlights sadly) but feel free to point any out.

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Anyway, I still personally prefer Hartley, but.. everyone has their own opinions and the whole LJ argument drags on.

I dare say I will prefer Hartley too but today was the first time I saw him play. Hartley hasn't been dropped yet so clearly GJ rates him.

If you have player 1 minute into the Swansea game is the kind of thing that makes me cringe. I cant find many positives in that game (and of course it's only highlights sadly) but feel free to point any out.

Didn't see that game but I doubt there were any highlights. ;)

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Lee Johnson was as good as alwys today - total cr@p. His passing is shocking, can't track ack and gives the ball away. What made me laugh was when he was on the wingand some bloke shouted 'take him on'. :winner_third_h4h: Lee Johnson take a player on? What using his electrifiying pace?

Gary I love you to bits but sell your son!! he's dog!!!

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To the OP, take today out of the title and you are bang on the money.

I wasn't there today so I cant and wont comment on their performances against Scunny.

I will say that neither player is good enough, however with the current illlness I guess GJ had no choice in playing these 2........(edit Skuse who seemed to be fit enough to play apart at Swansea, was on the bench!)

Anyway, lets just hope that when we are back to full strength that these 2 are sat in the stands, watching their team mates win game after game and when January comes lets hope they get regular 1st team football in a decent league 1 team where they IMHO belong.

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I dare say I will prefer Hartley too but today was the first time I saw him play. Hartley hasn't been dropped yet so clearly GJ rates him.

Didn't see that game but I doubt there were any highlights. ;)

Says it all really - yesterday was the first time you have seen City play this season. I smell Gas.

Also calls into question your 'annecdote' about meeting Haynes before the game - you have clearly never seen him play for City either if yesterday was your first City game this season. I doubt you would even recognise him.

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This doesn't even make sense. And you know he covers 10 miles every game, right? Why don't you tell us how fit you are?

I see you didn't take me up on my bet.

Let's not pretend a winger is going to make a magical difference either. McIndoe is one of the best left wingers in the Championship as I understand it.

Peter Schmeicel once ran 10 miles in a game. When you run around a lot at one pace only behind play it's another meaningless statistic.

Far from rescuing defenders he takes the ball off them when there is no pressure, dwells on it until there is, and then passes the buck along the back line so that McCombe or McAllister can hoof it with an opposing forward running them down.

LJ does not have anywhere near enough of a positive effect on the team overall to get on the bench let alone in the XI, but I fear even when the injuries and illness have cleared up it will be difficult for an all round better player like Skuse or Williams to get in ahead of him.

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Someone described McCombe last season as a 'division 1 defender at best'. Think that about sums it up.

Looks ok when the opposition lob long, high balls in his general direction - but ask any more of him than that and you can forget it. His contribution at corners and dead ball situations seems to consist mostly of a little shove which gets penalised and the odd looping header.

Would like to think that he will be playing reserve team football once we have a fit squad. But GJ seems to like him - so might be wishful thinking.

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Either you are taking the p**s my friend or you haven't got a clue about football - LJ & McCombe played awesome? My god, you ought to join Gordon Brown's government.

Excellent shout. :winner_third_h4h:

You've just taken some pressure off from me as I've been accused of making too many political analogies on this forum. For me, as others have stated, McCombe is superb in the air and earns his place for clearing danger by heading and hoofing up field - that's afterall the role of a traditional big central defender. As for Lee Johnson, I honestly do not think he's up to standard at this level and it's nothing to do with his height because Billy Bremner may have been even shorter as a midfielder but played at the top level for his club and country.

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