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Gas Jokes....

Tim S

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Heard this one on here a while back think its worth another go:

There is a pre season friendly arranged between Rovers and city at the mem. Pre match, Maynard comments "These sags are so sh1t, I bet I could play them on my own and win". Carey pipes up, "I bet you a tenner you wont be able to beat them on your own". Nicky takes him up on the bet, and the rest of the lads head down the pub and watch for updates on SSN.

The match has barely started when "Rovers 0-1 City Maynard (2) appears on the screen. Carey says "Crikey maybe he will do it!".

The scorline remains the same until the 92nd minute when rovers level it through Jo Kuffor to snatch the gas a draw.

The lads head back to Nicky to find him sat in the changing room looking absoloutly gutted.

"Calm down Nicky, its only a tenner" says Carey.

Nicky replies, "Its not that, I got a red card in the third minute".

...Thought it was good when I heard it anyway :surrender:

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Before the season started Trollope & Johnson we're interviewed by john motson on their hopes for the forsseable future.

Trollope said " Well, a respectable top half finish would be great and maybe push for the play-offs"

Johnson said "Well, we expect to win the championship and fa cup this season, next season the Premier League and the champions league the year after..."

Motson said "thats a bit far fetched isnt it?"

Johnson said "that **** started it!"

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A little gas head looks out of his bedroom window to see his shirt lying on the ground in the mud, he runs down stairs and shouts 'Mum my rovers shirt is on the floor in the mud' his mum turns round and replies 'The B*stards, they've been and nick my pegs again'

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A Gashead season ticket holder sees the gas lose at home again and in total disgust walks out early and nails his season ticket to a tree on Horfield common and goes to the pub to drown his sorrows. At closing time the alcohol had calmed him down and he thought i'd better go and retrieve my season ticket and when he got to the said tree somebody had nicked the nail.

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Q. Whats 300 yds long with 1 tooth ? A. A gas unemployment line.

Q. What do you call a field full of gas supporters ?. A. A vacant lot.

Q. How long does it take a gas supporter to change a light bulb ? A. Four days ! The first three to read the instructions and the fourth day working out the on/off switch.

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A police oficer is strolling along the cliffs at Beachy head, where he comes across a Bristol City fan sat on the grass crying his eyes out.

The copper ask " what's the matters son "

The lad replys " it was awful, a coach load of Gasheads just went over the cliff "

The copper says " well son, dry those tears, you should be proud, it's not often you see a fans upset over the loss of such bitter rivals, showing so much compassions "

The kids stands up and replys................................

" Compassion be buggered, there was two empty seats on the barsteward "

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Snow white is in her kitchen on a normal afternoon washing the dishes. Then all of a sudden, she hears a deafening crash, the mine has collapsed on all the dwarfs. She runs to the mine and tries to save them all. Out of nowhere, shes hears a faint voice ''come on you rovers''. Struggling to hear it properly, she digs a bit deeper, and the voice gets clearer, ''Come On You Rovers''. She digs a bit deeper to find one living dwarf shouting ''COME ON YOU ROVERS''. ''Phewww'' Snow white says, ''At least Dopey is still alive!''


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Tottenham Hotspur 9 v 0 Bristol Rovers 22/10/1977.

Makes I laugh anyway.

Colin Lee had moved from CITY to Spurs, but continued to live in Bristol. He scored 4 or 5 that day and stated in the EP it was really enjoyable driving down the M4 that evening pastall the gas fans in their cars.

Back in the late 60s when George Best first went off the rails, my Dad said "George Best is signing for the Rovers"! I looked aghast and then he continued "Well, he says he wants to give up football"!

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Gary Johnson was walking down the touchline & a woman sticks out her arm so he signs it. A bit futher down the line a woman pulls up her top so he signs her boobs. Then a naked woman jumps out of the tunnel lies on the ground & spreads her legs, Garry says I"m sorry love its Paul Trollop who signs all the *****!!!!!!!!!!!

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