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New Tesco in Bristol 'not needed' - report

Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 15:00Comment on this story

A consultants' report has concluded there is no "need" for a new Tesco supermarket at Ashton Gate in Bristol.

It also says it was "likely" that a new Tesco store at the site of Bristol City's stadium would have "a moderate adverse impact on Bedminster".

The report, by Clifton firm DPDS Regional Ltd, was drawn up on behalf of the city council's planning department which wanted a technical assessment carried out on the plan submitted by Bristol City FC.

The club wants to build a new £65m stadium at nearby Ashton Vale but it needs to redevelop the existing ground to help raise the funding.

The report will form part of a large number of surveys and documents which will help councillors decide in November whether to give planning consent.

The consultants conclude: "The council will have to weigh the public benefits of the new stadium against the harm to vitality and viability of Bedminster town centre."

Their report says: "We do not accept that there is a qualitative need for another such store.

"There are two very large food stores nearby and while the proposal would offer some increased choice..it would not add to the type of retail facilities available to local residents."

The report assessed the possible impact on existing shops and traders in the area.

It says "We have concluded that a moderate adverse impact on Bedminster town centre is likely.

"This is, in our view, inevitable given the size and location of the proposed food store.

"It would not result in the widespread closure of shop units, but would tend to strengthen trends which are operating against the commercial health of centres such as Bedminster and make regeneration more difficult to achieve."

The consultants believe there would be "no overall increase in retail jobs in the area and minor indirect losses to the local economy through the loss of local spending by smaller retail businesses. There would be the creation of the construction jobs."

Tom Griffin, spokesman for the pressure group, Berate, which is opposing the supermarket plan, said: "This backs up what we have been saying all along about their being no need for a new superstore in this area and the impacts that a new store would have on existing shops.

"It looks like the councillors on the committee will be asked to decide if the impacts identified in this report are outweighed by the benefits claimed for the new stadium.

"We still maintain that these two applications should be dealt with as separate issues, and it is unfair to ask people to choose between long-term damage to their area and providing a new sports stadium."

Bristol City FC chief executive Colin Sextone said: "It really comes down to this. As things stand at the moment, no foodstore means no stadium.

"I cannot put it more plainly than that.

"Saying no to these two developments will mean saying no to 800 jobs and no to the regeneration of an area of Bristol which has been neglected for too long.

"We cannot afford to miss out on this fantastic opportunity which is unlikely to come this way again for generations."

The club says that traders in North Street would continue to do well if a new store was built.

It says three-quarters of the 343 retail units in Bedminster would have no trade overlap with the proposed supermarket.

Of the remaining 25 per cent, 10 are convenience stores run by national chains (two by Tesco) and a butcher's shop which is expected to shut down soon.

A total of 33 shops with some overlap are at the Asda end of Bedminster, where they are already competing successfully with a large, established supermarket.

Council spokeswoman Helen Hewitt confirmed that the consultants were asked by the council's planning department to carry out the technical assessment.

She said this was normal procedure and part of the planning process.

She said copies of their report, which is a public document, had been sent to the developers and Berate.

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  • SC&T Board Members

As the report says, this will be one document of many that the council will need to consider. It's noticeable that it says that there will be only modest impact on local shops and that "It would not result in the widespread closure of shop units".

However, the Berate group will no doubt play up the bits that suit their argument, i.e. the conclusion that there is no need for a new foodstore in the area.

If we want the new stadium to go ahead, it is therefore even more important than before that we let the council know that there are many thousands of Bristolians - and others who regularly frequent the area and spend money in the local economy - who are very much in favour of both developments going ahead. Without the foodstore development at AG, there will be no new stadium and without that you can kiss goodbye to any dreams of long-term success for the club at the highest level of the game.

If you haven't shown your support yet in every way possible, please therefore visit supportcity.net and do so today!

PS: If you have signed up on the site before but not actioned all of the various support options, you can now log back in and complete the things you didn't do previously. To do that go here: supportcity.net login

No foodstore = No new stadium = No sustained success

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Well, of course there's no 'need'. The people who live in the area don't starve, so they can obviously get food from somewhere.

There's no 'need' for a KFC, a Halfords and a Currys either, but they allowed them to be built anyway.

Seems a pointless document, to me.

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YOu could probably argue that Tesco stores have not been needed at the vast majority of locations where they have opened new stores in the last 4/5/ years ( the same for all the major supermarkets), but this has never seemed to be an obsttacle to them gaining permission.

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Guest AJ Sylvester

Woopedy bloody doo.

Tesco may not be NEEDED (under these figures which from what I can tell take nothing into account about the new stadium and the regeneration of the area and etc.) but few things are ever NEEDED.

The city doesn't NEED a new foyer to the Colston Hall, it doesn't NEED a new museum, it doesn't NEED a train station, it doesn't NEED any buses.

The Tesco will bring a new stadium for the club. That will not only be huge to the club but simply massive to south Bristol and the region as a whole.

Saying the store is not needed does not mean that other shops will die.

Right at the foot of Sainsbury's is a newsagents, electrical store, off-licence and and sandwich shop. All survive despite Sainsbury's.

Right on the doorstep of Asda is a shopping centre with all sorts of shops. All survive despite Asda.

ON North Street is an Aldi. North Street survives despite Aldi, Tesco Express, Sainsbury's and Asda.

Those people who are about south Bristol will support this development. Those who care about Bristol will support this development. Those who care about our football club should be desperate to do everything possible to support the planning application as this could totally scupper the future of Bristol City Football Club.

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"Not needed" Well what about the 6'000 new houses planned for Ashton Vale, I think it would be neded then.

I think it will be many many years before those houses are built, and they won't be built at all unless the economy picks up again soon.

Incidentally, who are expected to be the 6,000 purchasers of these new houses? Are 6,000 families from other parts of the UK expected to descend on Bristol?

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However, the Berate group will no doubt play up the bits that suit their argument, i.e. the conclusion that there is no need for a new foodstore in the area.

Whether you agree with them or not, would it be surprising if they did anything other than that?

Let's face it, whichever way any report on this issue goes, one side is going to come up with arguments as to why its wrong or not relevant, or whatever.

Bottom line is, an independent report has been commissioned, issued, and presumably now will influence to a lesser or greater extent the eventual decision.

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Im not wishing to sound dramatic, but I really am more worried than ever about Tesco's not getting approved, and us not getting our new stadium.

same here. I started to get bad vibes some time ago when SL came out and said he wouldn't stand around waiting for the council etc.

it made me think....... why did he say that, has he heard something behind the scenes?

Without this stadium City will never progress beyond where we are now, and in all probability get relegated again as we would be unable to sustain a level playing field with other teams in this division.

no stadium means more league one football for me!

please don't let Bristol remain the back water of England.

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  • Admin
same here. I started to get bad vibes some time ago when SL came out and said he wouldn't stand around waiting for the council etc.

it made me think....... why did he say that, has he heard something behind the scenes?

Without this stadium City will never progress beyond where we are now, and in all probability get relegated again as we would be unable to sustain a level playing field with other teams in this division.

no stadium means more league one football for me!

please don't let Bristol remain the back water of England.

....and goodbye to the current board subsidising us and hello to massive wage bill cuts.

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New Tesco in Bristol 'not needed' - report

Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 15:00Comment on this story

A consultants' report has concluded there is no "need" for a new Tesco supermarket at Ashton Gate in Bristol.

It also says it was "likely" that a new Tesco store at the site of Bristol City's stadium would have "a moderate adverse impact on Bedminster".

The report, by Clifton firm DPDS Regional Ltd, was drawn up on behalf of the city council's planning department which wanted a technical assessment carried out on the plan submitted by Bristol City FC.

The club wants to build a new £65m stadium at nearby Ashton Vale but it needs to redevelop the existing ground to help raise the funding.

The report will form part of a large number of surveys and documents which will help councillors decide in November whether to give planning consent.

The consultants conclude: "The council will have to weigh the public benefits of the new stadium against the harm to vitality and viability of Bedminster town centre."

Their report says: "We do not accept that there is a qualitative need for another such store.

"There are two very large food stores nearby and while the proposal would offer some increased choice..it would not add to the type of retail facilities available to local residents."

The report assessed the possible impact on existing shops and traders in the area.

It says "We have concluded that a moderate adverse impact on Bedminster town centre is likely.

"This is, in our view, inevitable given the size and location of the proposed food store.

"It would not result in the widespread closure of shop units, but would tend to strengthen trends which are operating against the commercial health of centres such as Bedminster and make regeneration more difficult to achieve."

The consultants believe there would be "no overall increase in retail jobs in the area and minor indirect losses to the local economy through the loss of local spending by smaller retail businesses. There would be the creation of the construction jobs."

Tom Griffin, spokesman for the pressure group, Berate, which is opposing the supermarket plan, said: "This backs up what we have been saying all along about their being no need for a new superstore in this area and the impacts that a new store would have on existing shops.

"It looks like the councillors on the committee will be asked to decide if the impacts identified in this report are outweighed by the benefits claimed for the new stadium.

"We still maintain that these two applications should be dealt with as separate issues, and it is unfair to ask people to choose between long-term damage to their area and providing a new sports stadium."

Bristol City FC chief executive Colin Sextone said: "It really comes down to this. As things stand at the moment, no foodstore means no stadium.

"I cannot put it more plainly than that.

"Saying no to these two developments will mean saying no to 800 jobs and no to the regeneration of an area of Bristol which has been neglected for too long.

"We cannot afford to miss out on this fantastic opportunity which is unlikely to come this way again for generations."

The club says that traders in North Street would continue to do well if a new store was built.

It says three-quarters of the 343 retail units in Bedminster would have no trade overlap with the proposed supermarket.

Of the remaining 25 per cent, 10 are convenience stores run by national chains (two by Tesco) and a butcher's shop which is expected to shut down soon.

A total of 33 shops with some overlap are at the Asda end of Bedminster, where they are already competing successfully with a large, established supermarket.

Council spokeswoman Helen Hewitt confirmed that the consultants were asked by the council's planning department to carry out the technical assessment.

She said this was normal procedure and part of the planning process.

She said copies of their report, which is a public document, had been sent to the developers and Berate.

Is it me, or do these two statements not tie up?

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Ignore that report, it all comes down to the council in the end, and that is where if anywhere its going to go tits up. BCC are pretty useless if you ask me, nothing decent ever seems to happen in Bristol, our millennium regeneration of the city center was poor, its dull as dishwater when you consider some of the beautiful squares and plazas of other large European cities, ours is just a bland semi-pedestrianised traffic jam. Same goes for the new part of the Colston Hall....it looks a state, not saying it wouldnt look right somewhere else but stuck on the end of that old building it just looks out of place. i could go on.

Our only hope is that the council blindly push on with allowing BCFC to build the new stadium, taking a gamble on Bristol being a part of Englands World Cup bid. BCC just seem to lack ambition.

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Guest AJ Sylvester

SL and the new stadium is out future, without both we may never get this kind of oportunity again, NEVER!

I'm depressing myself now.

Let's not get depressed by it - let's pull our fingers out of our bums and start doing something about it!

We're right to be worried - the next month is the biggest month in the club's history for almost 30 years. It could either fall into place or the whole lot could be crushed. It clear that if this one dies then that's the one opportunity gone.

Sign the petition, write to your councillor and make a Yesco poster! THIS DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE! The planning team will be made up of councillors who might think the plans are fine but right now are going to say no because of the political issues.

Don't let this happen guys - I repeat, this month could make of break the future of BCFC.

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  • SC&T Board Members
Let's not get depressed by it - let's pull our fingers out of our bums and start doing something about it!

We're right to be worried - the next month is the biggest month in the club's history for almost 30 years. It could either fall into place or the whole lot could be crushed. It clear that if this one dies then that's the one opportunity gone.

Sign the petition, write to your councillor and make a Yesco poster! THIS DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE! The planning team will be made up of councillors who might think the plans are fine but right now are going to say no because of the political issues.

Don't let this happen guys - I repeat, this month could make of break the future of BCFC.

That may well be correct at present, which is why it is vital that City fans - especially those living in Bristol represented by councillors who may play a part in this - make it clear that they want the Ashton Gate development to be approved. Local councillors are like all politicians - their greatest fear is losing their seat. If they fear that saying 'No' to this development will put their seat at significant risk, they are going to think twice about doing so. And that fear will grow with every letter they receive from fans in their ward urging them to support the plans and with every signature they see on a petition. It has to be made clear to them that to turn this application down could spell the end of their political careers. They are, after all, there to serve the people - if the people say they want this development, then they should reflect the will of the people and approve it ... but they need to know that thousands of people do want it!

Let them know: supportcity.net

No food store = No new stadium = No sustained success

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Firstly I would just like to say that obviously the benefits of new development will out weigh the bedminster issue - although at the end of the day from my experience dealing with the civil service departments the decision will come down to an old fart who will decide regardless of any common sense or reasoning what he wants, thus I think SL has already had a chat with the bloke with the final decision otherwise he wouldn't have bought the land in the first place.

I'm sure it's not all as dramatic as CS is making out of course bcfc has to say we won't unless we get what we want but in reality do you think SL is a quitter - i don't think so if it's not tesco it will have to go back to plan A which was apartments, ok not as good as a tesco deal but it will do although could see an additional year delay.

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Guest AJ Sylvester
in reality do you think SL is a quitter - i don't think so if it's not tesco it will have to go back to plan A which was apartments, ok not as good as a tesco deal but it will do although could see an additional year delay.

Both Bristol clubs have spent the best part of 20 years looking for a new stadium in Bristol and neither has been successful. If this development does not happen then the football club is set back MASSIVELY. Absolutely hugely. Right now we have a fantastic proposal and are in the amazing position of having a guy (SL) willing to put a massive chunk of money into it but we may not be so lucky if this one doesn't go through. This is a brilliant oppotunity for the club, a brilliant opportunity for south Bristol, a brilliant opportunity for Bristol and a brilliant opportunity for the South West.

The point about a year delay - easily. Could be far more. Plus there would be extra costs involved and every year the stadium is delayed is going to be a massive knock back for the club.

Finally "back to plan A...will do" - no it won't. It simply won't. I don't pretend to be an expert on the projects but I ran the story past a mate of mine who is an expert on these kind of issues. I mentioned the £5m vs £20m figure and he said "yep, sounds spot on". So we would be losing £15m of funding. That's about seven times the cost of our starting XI on Saturday (BCFC do not have £15m chilling in the bank!) and about 1/3 or so of the funding for the new stadium. I'll be honest Westy I used to subscribe to that "it'll all be ok" mindset until I actually thought about it. ONE THIRD of the funding. Take that away and this stadium project will collapse. Absolutely.

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i once went to a court hearing where a high street betting shop was being planned

even though they had a fair few residents complaints, and two other bookmakers on the same street, they managed to get a shop approved no problems.

thats why im still confident tesco will get their way unless overwelming evidence to suggest that it will cause serious problems.

P.S Ive still signed all the petitions for tesco though and so should everyone! lethargy is the enemy

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I think it will be many many years before those houses are built, and they won't be built at all unless the economy picks up again soon.

Incidentally, who are expected to be the 6,000 purchasers of these new houses? Are 6,000 families from other parts of the UK expected to descend on Bristol?

There are new homes being built in Bristol as we speak. I live opposite a new Bovis site that was 'mothballed' last year. Building work got underway agin about 3 months ago. As i understand it the new homes in Ashton vale are scheduled to be built within 5 years.

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Guest AJ Sylvester

Ok - click on this right now EVERYONE.


It will take 30 seconds. Make sure you tick the "do not object" box in the middle. Put your own reasons - they don't all need to be based around the football club. I for one simply can not see any reason at all to object to the application.

Get your comments in right now. Not later, not tomorrow, NOW.

Well done in advance to taking 30 seconds to help the football club and our City.

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This report is nosence have a look at yeovil towns old ground whats on there now??? TESCO bedminster would not suffer its fresh competition for shops its all healthy..I cant see lansdown giving up without a fight..Lets just wait and see what happens over the next 6 weeks but us citys fans cant see this fall through.

For the council to turn this down then you know they dont want bristol to move forward in anyway! :fingerscrossed:

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"Need" is such an interesting argument.

If Tesco think they can sell enough to be profitable then surely need isn't relevant?

Bear in mind that a Tesco would mean a shit load of rates for the council and with Cabot's tanking badly they may well need it.

It's an absurd word.

Has it ever been proved that we need McDonalds? I'd like to think not.

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Ok - click on this right now EVERYONE.


It will take 30 seconds. Make sure you tick the "do not object" box in the middle. Put your own reasons - they don't all need to be based around the football club. I for one simply can not see any reason at all to object to the application.

Get your comments in right now. Not later, not tomorrow, NOW.

Well done in advance to taking 30 seconds to help the football club and our City.

Done, I'm fed up with our council, They talk about a lot of things but never really get anything done, What happened to the new tram line? New Concert Arena? Bristol airport expansion? etc. We as a City need to move forward. I love Bristol but sometimes wish we would have even more things to truly make us a magnificent city. A development like this if given the go ahead will act as a catalyst for South Bristol and lets face it in some areas it is needed and wanted. BCC please do not waste this once in a life time chance. Other Cities can only dream of things like this.
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The proposed 9,500 new homes will go ahead and it won't take long before building starts. It's basically a new town and the government want it and are pressuring the council to build them. half are expected to be 'Social Housing' so there is a need (unfortunately).

As for the Tescos business, I also fear this could signal the end. Berate have got what they want and Bristol will continue to remain stagnant behind, Cardiff, Birmingham, Manchester etc....

This is the best oppotunity we will have in Bristol to create a great sporting arena in the South West to host not just football, but concerts etc....

So Berate, you shop at your local shops supporting them day in day out and watch Bristol sink off the map of international recognition....well done!


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