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  • Admin
Ok - click on this right now EVERYONE.


It will take 30 seconds. Make sure you tick the "do not object" box in the middle. Put your own reasons - they don't all need to be based around the football club. I for one simply can not see any reason at all to object to the application.

Get your comments in right now. Not later, not tomorrow, NOW.

Well done in advance to taking 30 seconds to help the football club and our City.


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Ok - click on this right now EVERYONE.


It will take 30 seconds. Make sure you tick the "do not object" box in the middle. Put your own reasons - they don't all need to be based around the football club. I for one simply can not see any reason at all to object to the application.

Get your comments in right now. Not later, not tomorrow, NOW.

Well done in advance to taking 30 seconds to help the football club and our City.


have also done the online petition a while back and I signed a written one on Saturday outside the ground.

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Dont under estimate the power of Tescos or SL come to that they have done this sort of thing a few million times before.

Wont be slinging myself under a bus if it dont happen anyway;

The "fans" will come when the football draws them.

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Im not wishing to sound dramatic, but I really am more worried than ever about Tesco's not getting approved, and us not getting our new stadium.

Don't worry, as Glos Old Boy says Tesco have been through this many, many times and it is extremely rare for planning not to be given. May take some time as it could go through appeal though.

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It also wouldn't be unheard of for Tesco to buy the land and bank it anyway.
Exactly. Even if they don't get permission now in a couple of years down the line once all these new house have been built then there surely will be a 'need' for the store then so it would then fly through the process.
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Guest AJ Sylvester
Exactly. Even if they don't get permission now in a couple of years down the line once all these new house have been built then there surely will be a 'need' for the store then so it would then fly through the process.

They won't pay £20m for a site that has previously been denied planning permission.

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Guest AJ Sylvester
Don't worry, as Glos Old Boy says Tesco have been through this many, many times and it is extremely rare for planning not to be given. May take some time as it could go through appeal though.

It's not Tesco putting in the planning proposal - it's Bristol City FC.

Appeal would mean huge costs and losses on new stadium delays I'd imagine.

I'd imagine the finances of the club are probably pretty stretched just trying to achieve everything if all goes well.

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It's an absurd word.

Has it ever been proved that we need McDonalds? I'd like to think not.

I needed McDonalds today.

Had to wait 2 hours to get my brakes fixed and McDonald's was the only place within walking distance where I could get something to eat!

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1 report that will be joined by many others, some favourable some not. The reason it will go ahead is simple, the council will know full well that tesco will apply, apply and apply and when they do get permission, they will ask for costs against BCC.

There's many carrots and sticks working for this deal, with what against? A few hundred naysayers worried about North Street. Some shops in Kingswood have survived for years against multtiple supermarkets, infact I struggle to think of any aside from a fishmongers that are no longer there.

Persoanlly I want to see thriving highstreets but accept that they are unable to offer the opening hours that suit modern living.

As for online petitions or indeed written ones, they don't carry much wieght, neither do third party representations, unless in their thousands, or in smaller areas a large percentage - I'm sure the more cynical amongst you will realise why. Horfield ROSE had around the same sort of numbers as BERATE I think.

BERATE have failed to get the one outside influence that really does make a huge difference - the local MP. Can you see that odd lady getting involved in something that involves possibly upsetting football fans, given that Labour will need every seat come next year just to be in with a sniff.

Even if Tesco don't get permission, they have bought land in Hanham even after one failed application. What this would mean for land value I'm unsure, and unfortuanly in that respect City don't have time on their side for protracted negotiations.

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No foodstore = No new stadium

Since when?? Was this always the case? Are we really reliant on selling to Tesco's to fund the new stadium?

Unfortunately yes, it is sadly as simple as that. And like I have already said today I really am worried about the consequences for this club if it now doesn't happen.

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Unfortunately yes, it is sadly as simple as that. And like I have already said today I really am worried about the consequences for this club if it now doesn't happen.

Then I am concerned because I don't think I was the only one that thought (when I first heard it) that there are already too may superstores in the area already and why do we need them all. Don't forget the two Tesco Expresses recently added to Bemmy as well.

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Unfortunately yes, it is sadly as simple as that. And like I have already said today I really am worried about the consequences for this club if it now doesn't happen.

But if the worst comes to the very worst, could we not go back to the original plan B, and just redevelope Ashton Gate? I'm sure the idea was to build a new Grandstand, and obviously a new stand at the EE, which would bring us up to 30,000 ish anyway. We could forget the World Cup, but I'm not convinced that Bristol would get it anyway, even with the new stadium.

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But if the worst comes to the very worst, could we not go back to the original plan B, and just redevelope Ashton Gate? I'm sure the idea was to build a new Grandstand, and obviously a new stand at the EE, which would bring us up to 30,000 ish anyway. We could forget the World Cup, but I'm not convinced that Bristol would get it anyway, even with the new stadium.

Exactly! I guess the planning permission is still there.

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Guest AJ Sylvester
I still believe that SL would not have started the whole process if he didnt have an assurance from certain people high up, that things will be ok.

Every major new build has a protest NIMBY group against it.

SL started this process years ago - before the collapse of the property market had really begun or the consequences known and I suspect back then the picture was very different (more options). You can't get assurances from anyone very high up because it is not down to one person to decide. Anyway, since then the leadership of the council has changed.

The Lord Mayor, MP and leader of the council could all say "yes, go ahead" but the planning committee can choose what they like. There will be a room of various councillors picking their way through the application and voting with what they feel is right but also what will impact their seat.

Right now we probably have 10 or 12 councillors who will be sat on that committee thinking "hmmm it's all ok but I can go either way on this...hmmm I do know I'll get a lot of stick if I say yes because there was the campaign". They simply have to know that actually the large part of Bristol is right behind the plans and they'll get stick if they say no!

I may not know about this case so well and I'm not an expert on planning but some of my political experience at council level outside of Bristol tells me that public support is going to be huge on this. Councillors will not be walking down the street asking everyone their opinion so it's absolutely crucial to get letters and petitions etc. in. That is the only way they'll know if people support of oppose the plans - the only way.

Same with most things in life - it doesn't just happen. You have to want it and you have to fight for it.

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  • SC&T Board Members
Stop stressing everyone,Tesco have massive power and friends in all the right places.

Tesco WILL get their new store at Ashton Gate, as they say in football, Its a done deal.

Mark my words.

Mark MY words, Mr Gow - with respect - it is NOT.

As AJ says, things don't just happen - they have to be worked for.

If we are complacent, we may well live to regret it.

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Do a Charlton , find out which Councellors don't support the full bid (including Tesco's) and get a City fan to stand against them at the next election. If they think we will do that , that in it self might influence them.

This tactic was very successful in getting Charlton back to The Valley.

Politicians are always happier seeing us lose our jobs rather than them.

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Guest AJ Sylvester
But if the worst comes to the very worst, could we not go back to the original plan B, and just redevelope Ashton Gate? I'm sure the idea was to build a new Grandstand, and obviously a new stand at the EE, which would bring us up to 30,000 ish anyway. We could forget the World Cup, but I'm not convinced that Bristol would get it anyway, even with the new stadium.

That would be a disaster for the club financially and probably never happen. Remember we've tried that countless times and it always falls for one reason or another (usually finance).

You have all the costs of building the new stands but get £0 for selling the old site.

You also lose an minimum 6,000 seats every week. So our football capacity would probably drop to about 13,000 which would mean lost revenue of I'd guess around £600-700k per year.

Also - you're are hugely limited in terms of capacity and non-football activities by the size of the stadium and guess what - I bet you'd get objections to this plan too.

To redevelop the whole ground properly I think you'd be looking at a loss of around £50m easily and end up with a far far worse facility and lose loads of the community benefits, conference plans etc etc.

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Guest AJ Sylvester
Stop stressing everyone,Tesco have massive power and friends in all the right places.

Tesco WILL get their new store at Ashton Gate, as they say in football, Its a done deal.

Mark my words.

Not at all. Planning may be granted as the case for is very strong but unless the councillors sitting on the planning committee particularly like Tesco then it makes no difference.

Tesco can't push everything through and do fail with applications:



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any appeal would spell the end to the WC for Bristol, this would be tragic.

There is only a hope of the WC for England first, let alone Bristol; there are no harm in dreams and hope, but other countries/Cities have theres too.

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Unfortunately yes, it is sadly as simple as that. And like I have already said today I really am worried about the consequences for this club if it now doesn't happen.

Think you are getting a bit ahead of yourself; we will survive, we have survived a lot worse than this "if it now dosent happen".

Calm down, it will happen or not; :dunno: 95% yes; 5% no for new ground. i.m.h.o.

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Think you are getting a bit ahead of yourself; we will survive, we have survived a lot worse than this "if it now dosent happen".

Calm down, it will happen or not; :dunno: 95% yes; 5% no for new ground. i.m.h.o.

Sometimes I wish I could type the things I want to. I am not being dramatic I really really am not, believe me. Please lets just do everything we can to get both the new stadium and tescos through planning.

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Sometimes I wish I could type the things I want to. I am not being dramatic I really really am not, believe me. Please lets just do everything we can to get both the new stadium and tescos through planning.

I'm very uncomfortable about this, very uncomfortable indeed. I want a new stadium as much as the next City fan, but i don't live in Ashton or Bedminster and I don't see what right I have to try to influence planning decisions in an area where I don't live. I don't think the Tesco issue is any of my business and the decision on Tesco needs to be taken on its own merits, and shouldn't be influenced by City supporters. Its an issue for local residents, not occasional visitors. We spend about four hours in the area every fortnight; they live there all the time.

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