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Cold Calling

Will Rollason

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I deal with them one of two ways either

1. In the clearest voice you can, announce you don't speak English. They normally reply something like 'so you don't speak English?' That's right not a word sorry and put the phone down.

2. When they call up ask for ID, say you don't speak to anyone without ID, this not only puts them on the back foot trying to explain that they can't show you anything over the phone but it leaves them open to be really pushed until they hang up on you :yes:

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Hi Guys and Girls.

Did you know that our individual details held by Bristol City is being used by an outside organisation to sell phone calls and internet services!!!!

Today I received a telephone call from a guy (who I thought was a Bristol City employee) he went on to ask me how long I had supported the team and what I thought about the recent performances.

At this point he started to ask me if I was interested in changing my telephone and

Internet supplier.

I soon gave him a piece of my mind and ended the call.

With that I called Bristol City and was put through to Colin Sextons PA.

She promised to get someone to call me back. Within ten minutes Ed Furness

Got in touch and asked what had happened.

It would appear a deal has been done by the football authorities to work in conjunction with this company, and all of our details are up for grabs.

Ed Furness said this company should not have been phoning individuals just yet

And apologised to me.

As a supporter of over fifty years, and a season ticket holder for the last twenty

Years. I will have to consider my options over the coming weeks.

It maybe that next year I buy individual tickets or give up completely.

I think it is completely wrong that our details are given to outside organisations.

If they've sold my details to some other ******* marketing company I will be popping into see Mr Sexstone and expressing my extreme displeasure in person with the appropriate number of f-bombs.

I'll also be reporting it to the relevant authorities.

I don't pay for a season ticket so some bunch of ******* shyster sales ***** can interrupt my evenings and weekends.

I'm a fan not a revenue generating opportunity.

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I think it is completely wrong that our details are given to outside organisations.

Completey agree.

At which point does this fall foul of the data protection act? If you haven't given permission (or implied permission by not ticking a relevant box for example) then I would assume a law has been broken somewhere.

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Completey agree.

At which point does this fall foul of the data protection act? If you haven't given permission (or implied permission by not ticking a relevant box for example) then I would assume a law has been broken somewhere.

If you have not given explicit permission for your data to be shared they have indeed broken the law.

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Most companies ask you to tick a box if you don't want your details shared - i.e. we'll be sharing unless you tell us otherwise.

They're no longer allowed to. They usually have two boxes, first is ticked and says we will send you marketing shit unless you untick, second is unticked and is for sharing.

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If they've sold my details to some other ******* marketing company I will be popping into see Mr Sexstone and expressing my extreme displeasure in person with the appropriate number of f-bombs.

I'll also be reporting it to the relevant authorities.

I don't pay for a season ticket so some bunch of ******* shyster sales ***** can interrupt my evenings and weekends.

I'm a fan not a revenue generating opportunity.

That is exactly what you are unfortunately. Times are hard and the club need additional revenue streams, you can't knock them for trying. All you have to do is tell them you're not interested and bid them farewell. Cold calling is hardly a new phenomena, surely we're all well rehearsed in this.

I do agree however that its a bit naughty of the club to be handing details over if boxes have been ticked to express the exact opposite.

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That is exactly what you are unfortunately. Times are hard and the club need additional revenue streams, you can't knock them for trying. All you have to do is tell them you're not interested and bid them farewell. Cold calling is hardly a new phenomena, surely we're all well rehearsed in this.

I do agree however that its a bit naughty of the club to be handing details over if boxes have been ticked to express the exact opposite.

No, It's illegal.

And I didn't want to be contacted in the first place. If you found out tomorrow that your boss had been selling your financial details, your address, telephone number, date of birth etc. to anyone and everyone I'm sure you'd be pretty pissed off and tell him/her so.

It's not about saying to them, thanks but no thanks, the club have seriously violated a law and I for one will be asking the club to provide me with proof that I consented to this, if they can't do this, I will seriously consider some kind of action, legal or other.

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No, It's illegal.

And I didn't want to be contacted in the first place. If you found out tomorrow that your boss had been selling your financial details, your address, telephone number, date of birth etc. to anyone and everyone I'm sure you'd be pretty pissed off and tell him/her so.

It's not about saying to them, thanks but no thanks, the club have seriously violated a law and I for one will be asking the club to provide me with proof that I consented to this, if they can't do this, I will seriously consider some kind of action, legal or other.

you would take legal action against the team you support?? :o:disapointed2se:

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That is exactly what you are unfortunately. Times are hard and the club need additional revenue streams, you can't knock them for trying. All you have to do is tell them you're not interested and bid them farewell. Cold calling is hardly a new phenomena, surely we're all well rehearsed in this.

I do agree however that its a bit naughty of the club to be handing details over if boxes have been ticked to express the exact opposite.

Cant knock them for trying? Selling on our details to a third party? Incorrect :disapointed2se: :disapointed2se:

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On the subject of forms and tick or unticking boxes, recently companies have changed their forms to something like :-

tick this box if you do not want to hear about our other products/services

tick this box if you want to hear about our 3rd party products/services

tick this box if you do not want to hear from specially selected partners

Obviously, designed to trap the less vigilant people who tick box 1 and then just tick the rest too. Very sneaky.

On the subject of cold calling; my missus had a call for me the other day from the far east. She said in her most put on upset voice "why do you keep phoning, I told you he died only a couple of weeks ago". Apparently, it went very quiet on the other end before he hung up. She likes a laugh.

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That is exactly what you are unfortunately. Times are hard and the club need additional revenue streams, you can't knock them for trying. All you have to do is tell them you're not interested and bid them farewell. Cold calling is hardly a new phenomena, surely we're all well rehearsed in this.

I do agree however that its a bit naughty of the club to be handing details over if boxes have been ticked to express the exact opposite.

Yes I can knock them when they break the law and invade my privacy, they can **** off. Clubs are a business only in so far as they need to be to support the football team, and in my view that does not extend to illegally pestering fans.

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Cant believe it I just got a call from tescos saying that theyd just done deal with steve lansdown and bristol rovers re a groundshare on bristol downs and we can get triple season ticket clubcard bonus plus points on value beans at tescos eastville until the ashton tesco/ikea super hypermega consumerorgasmadome complex is complete,hopefully in time for the bristo l2058 world cup bid.

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you would take legal action against the team you support?? :o:disapointed2se:

Exactly Riaz!

So the details have got into the wrong hands - were they sold onto a third party, is it a joint venture, is it a random marketing company using a new angle to sell - either way I'll be very surprised if its illegal as SL has a company who cold call and telemarket all day every day so I'm pretty sure he'll know the rules for this process. I'm sure if a call is put in to get to the bottom of it it will be something obvious and apologies will be made.

If not, as Riaz said, would you seriously take out expensive legal action against your own club which at worse would result in a fine and a wrist slap which would have to be written into a budget, a budget that ultimately us, the fee generaters, will have to pay - think on!

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now we have got to the bottom of it

see the portion in italics


So you're telling me our club have teamed up with another company to use its buying power to give us, the fans, a potentially better deal than the one we've already got and they are prepared to take steps to contact us direct to let us know about it - it makes my blood boil.

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Ok sorry Saab driver, if you have specificly asked the club not to contact you then fair do's, for me, I would love the chance to rabmle on about Bristol City becuase its rare i get to speak to anyone who can speak english these days :blush:

I would bore the 5h1t out of them, it would be they who hang up! :winner_third_h4h:

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I normally just bang the phone down aint worth the hassle.

But if you have the time and effort a good one for a grin is --

Tell them your busy at the moment and you will call them back tonight... just give me your home number

They say Im sorry I cant do that...

You say why not ...

They say because it would be inappropirate for you to ring me at home...

Well dont Fu%*ing ring me at mine then !

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