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Who Doesn't Want To Go In The East End?


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Some interesting points. I love my view from the Williams but would happily give it up for the occasional match to go into the East End, however...

I am quite concerned by it, I support City on my lonesome and I'm not afraid to admit I do get intimidated by the less passionate football lovers (i.e. the hooligans) who I have ran into once or twice (nothing serious, I'm just one of those people who always finds themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time)

The forum here is not a wide or true indication of everyone who attends AG, and whilst everybody here has positive reasons for going in the East End, I'm sure this won't apply to certain others who will see at as an opportunity to stir things up for the first time in ages at home.

So in truth I would like to go in there, but at the end of the day I will probably stay in my seat (I'm 21, for the record!)

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Guest city slicker 71

I do not recall my view being obstructed some 40 years ago when in succesive weeks two keepers on the threshold of fame made some of the finest saves I can remember. Alex Stepney for Millwall and Pat Jennings of Watford.

Along with the Bridge, the Cabot Tower and University Tower the East End is a landmark in more ways then one of this city that I love.

My personal belief is, that it symbolizes little of what is left of the workingclass game or should I say gathering?

Will be in there in Jan, honoured to be in there in Jan while the rest of the season will be spent as a force of habit .

LONG LIVE THE EAST END (Many species of fauna such as the Oystercatcher are claiming their habitat back over in Severnside, pity a few more of the Humankind didn't live by the same priciple rather than being duped by rich peoples motives!


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Spent years in the East End when it was terracing - better view standing up in there, but they won't allow standing will they, so better off in the Dolman.

If 1000 of us stand up, what are they going to do about it?

And, I recall a post by Colin S not too long ago saying that they are more leniant on standing in there because its not as steep.

Oh no, sorry I forgot, we're the home fans. Different rules for us isn't it.

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Guest Dolman Moaner


The view is ####, the toilets are ####.

Used to go in there when it was the City end and it was ####.

But Cheap.

I'll stick to the Dolman thanks, where you can actually see the game properly.

Bah Humbug.

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Have to say that I never liked the East End, preferring to go into the uncovered end (now Atyeo) when I was younger (probably because it was a tanner cheaper! 1s9d in the East End - about 9p, but only 1s3d in the uncovered end - about 7p!).

I've never been much of a singer or chanter, much rather watch the football really.

One of my memories of being in the East End is one of a drunken bloke who spent the whole game with his back to the pitch trying to get his mates and everyone around him sing various chants and songs.

Another memory that sticks in my mind of the East End was the wonderful night when we beat Liverpool 2-1 in May '77. The East End was so full I was crushed against the railings and couldn't move!

So there you are - the good and the bad - you pays your money and takes your choice. Me? A nice view from a seat in the Williams please...

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Oh well i'll still be there even if I'm on my own :clap: See this as a real chance to make an atmosphere at the gate so willing to give up my view for one match to try and make that happen. It's only a couple of posts, i'm willing to tilt my head slightly every time I need to. Come on lads lets make it a game to remember, and I'm putting a bet on 5-0 to us ;)

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I won't be.

I don't fancy sitting behind the goal with a bunch of 15 year olds who'll spend half the game thinking they're ever so hard by gesturing and swearing at the 30 or 40 Chesterfield fans who'll be on the other side of a large metal fence and a great expanse of Black sheeting.

Plus I have a very nice view from the Dolman thanks.

Ditto, sadly the majority of those in there will be "kids" and although I ain't old, I prefer to avoid the childishness (was in last year once, songs about Sextone etc..) so will keep my vocal talents for the next away game.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

yeeeeeeeeeees the mrs has realised I'd prefere to be in the East end rather than watch a decent game of football at a top quality stadium - I must be mad!

As for all this kid nonsense, suprise suprise it's the usual suspects that harp on about the good old days. The average of people wanting to go in East End will probably work out around the 20's, and shock horror it's the Dolman people thats moaning and patronising everyone - But then most people in the dolman have always been moody ****s.

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