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Who Doesn't Want To Go In The East End?


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I won't be.

I don't fancy sitting behind the goal with a bunch of 15 year olds who'll spend half the game thinking they're ever so hard by gesturing and swearing at the 30 or 40 Chesterfield fans who'll be on the other side of a large metal fence and a great expanse of Black sheeting.

Plus I have a very nice view from the Dolman thanks.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

I'm sure they'd quickly be on there toes if there were no metal fences ect in the way.

As for the view in the Dolman, I find it horrific. The sun covers nearly all the stand, and the rain and wind always seems to blow into it.

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I won't be.

I don't fancy sitting behind the goal with a bunch of 15 year olds who'll spend half the game thinking they're ever so hard by gesturing and swearing at the 30 or 40 Chesterfield fans who'll be on the other side of a large metal fence and a great expanse of Black sheeting.

Plus I have a very nice view from the Dolman thanks.

Sorry i have to disagree there....

The majority of people who are really up for going in the east end are 1) Over the age of 15 & 2) are going in there purely to get some atmosphere back not to "act hard"

Fair enough you dont want to go in there but please dont share your perceptions of the people who are going in the east end on here when they are quite frankly wrong.

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I won't be.

I don't fancy sitting behind the goal with a bunch of 15 year olds who'll spend half the game thinking they're ever so hard by gesturing and swearing at the 30 or 40 Chesterfield fans who'll be on the other side of a large metal fence and a great expanse of Black sheeting.

Plus I have a very nice view from the Dolman thanks.

I think that's a bit of a harsh generalisation, Dave. No doubting that element will be in there and playing up as usual but there are also those fans involved who are simply trying to find a positive remedy to the sometimes sterile atmosphere at AG and for that, I think, they should be applauded.

They are forever hearing stories about how the Eastend used to be and are just trying to recapture a small taste of how it once was. There's no harm in trying to make some noise, get behind the team and get an atmosphere bubbblng.

Having said that, while I applaud those who are tring to do something positive, I won't be joining them as, like yourself, I prefer the view from the Dolman.

Let's just hope it passes off peacefully and yet noisily if such a thing is possible.

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I think that's a bit of a harsh generalisation, Dave.

Actually, on reflection you're right. I didn't mean to imply that all of the East Enders are going in there to cause trouble or wind up the opposition fans and am happy to apolgise to anyone who I might have offended. It's great that people want to do something to liven things up.

Apart from edr of course, who is just a great big wuss. :clap:

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I wouldn't be going in the East End. If I go to the game, I'll be in the Atyeo as per-usual.

Opening the East End is just a sop to the kids who think a change of stand will suddenly improve the atmosphere at AG. It won't.

We need a long term solution possibly involving complete refurbishment of the stadium. e.g. cover over the ends betwen the Dolman-Atyeo-Williams stands.

We can't move permanently into the EastEnd as we'd need to find somewhere to put the away fans.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Yes they do, the same as most clubs

"Opening the East End is just a sop to the kids who think a change of stand will suddenly improve the atmosphere at AG. It won't"

Dissapointed in you Chivs, I think that is a shocking statement - East end will be no worse than the Atyeo.

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I wouldn't be going in the East End.  If I go to the game, I'll be in the Atyeo as per-usual.

Opening the East End is just a sop to the kids who think a change of stand will suddenly improve the atmosphere at AG.  It won't.

We need a long term solution possibly involving complete refurbishment of the stadium. e.g. cover over the ends betwen the Dolman-Atyeo-Williams stands.

We can't move permanently into the EastEnd as we'd need to find somewhere to put the away fans.

We are trying ways of getting the atmosphere back, ways that are realistic, but I do like the 'very likely soon to happen' suggestion of refurbishment of the entire ground! :clap:

I think you'll find the main reason we want to go back in there is to try and bring back an atmosphere, and I for am going to do my bit in supporting it and will be in there and getting behind the team.

But if some of you feel you can eat your prawn sandwiches in more comfort in the dolman/Atyeo then go for it :P

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You wouldn't even try it just for one game? You're not assigning yourself to a whole season of it just yet, it'll just give a boost to the crowd and hopefully the team too. We need as much support as we can get.

Nop! - my season ticket is for the Dolman plus I've watched many games from the East End in years gone by before the Atyeo was built and it was the City "End"

I didn`t like much then I and I certainly won`t like it now.

There'll be plenty of vocal fans there without me.

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We are trying ways of getting the atmosphere back, ways that are realistic, but I do like the 'very likely soon to happen' suggestion of refurbishment of the entire ground! :clap:

I think you'll find the main reason we want to go back in there is to try and bring back an atmosphere, and I for am going to do my bit in supporting it and will be in there and getting behind the team.

But if some of you feel you can eat your prawn sandwiches in more comfort in the dolman/Atyeo then go for it :P

I applaud everyone who wants to improve the atmosphere at AG. Gawd knows, it's bad enough at times (though not as bad as some would suggest).

I'm just saying that opening the EastEnd for one game against minor opposition is not the way to solve the problem. It's just the club keeping a vocal minority happy.

The long-term strategy has to be more considered.

I'm off for a sarnie ...

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Yes they do, the same as most clubs

"Opening the East End is just a sop to the kids who think a change of stand will suddenly improve the atmosphere at AG. It won't"

Dissapointed in you Chivs, I think that is a shocking statement - East end will be no worse than the Atyeo.

Sorry to disappoint :clap: But I'm not sure what you're saying with the East End being no worse than the Atyeo!

I'm sure the EastEnd will be very loud and vocal. Good luck to all who go in there.

But, as I said in another post:

"I'm just saying that opening the EastEnd for one game against minor opposition is not the way to solve the problem. It's just the club keeping a vocal minority happy."

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sorry guys and gals but I prefer the view from the Dolman - spent many happy years in the East End but no longer want to chant or sing but prefer watching football, with or without atmosphere. There is no way that Bristol City are the best team in the world so an inane chant suggesting otherwise seems ridiculous to me but I have nothing against those who wish to continue to sing the same.

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I won't be shifting from the Dolman, I watched plenty of games from the East End, but even before the all-seater rulings came in, I moved to the enclosure (the standing area that was in front of the Grandstand) as I prefer the view from the side. I 'retired' into the Dolman 8 or 9 years ago, its easily the best view in the ground.

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Another curiosity how many of you like to/would like to sing at games without feeling"pressured" or "stupid".

I feel many people who like the East End like it cause you can sing your bloody socks off on your own and nobody would bat an eye lid.

The ones that don't want to go in there are the ones who purely like football for the football so their just like to sit wherever the view is at.

Oh yeh and i admitt I'm going in there and I'm just over 15 (16) but i assure you I'm far from childish!

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