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City And Gas Supporters Persecuted By Royal Mail

Mr Mosquito

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Some of these spins are getting a bit boring now. The whole situation isn`t something to be put up there to be mocked, both sides have to reach a compromise here somehow. Lets face it, it wouldn`t be the first time a Union had held a gun to someone`s head because they couldn`t accept that technology had caught up with them.


What is this technology you talk about?

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What is this technology you talk about?

bristolborn_and_red, somehow I don't think the poster that made that comment you replied to has worked for the Royal Mail. Does the Royal Mail management high command still occupy their ivory tower at Mercury House? If so I suppose that's where our very own RNRED will be led. A few years ago another staunch City supporter I know was dismissed for a petty reason after 25 years service. I believe he didn't contest the disciplinary action but was just glad to end his service for a job elsewhere.

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I work at the BMC filton, i have been with the RM for almost 30 years, was at cattle market road until we moved in sept 97, and i can tell you this is the worst it have ever been, the management is a joke, with the exception of a few who really hav`nt got much of a shout, in the last week it has been said, two or three managers have been suspended, for various reasons nothing to do with the suspended postman i might add. You really have to work for the company to know what it is all about, because it is like no other company on earth, its the Royal Mail way or no way, all of the brains are on the shop floor, if you join the company and looking for an easy life, progress to a manager, then its who you know, not what you know, then if you face fits your in, if your a lazy postman, and there are a few, you will get left alone, if you are a good worker, you get dumped on every day, year in year out. But at the end of the day its all about budgets and maximum profits and we the postmen are all expendable..

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I work at the BMC filton, i have been with the RM for almost 30 years, was at cattle market road until we moved in sept 97, and i can tell you this is the worst it have ever been, the management is a joke, with the exception of a few who really hav`nt got much of a shout, in the last week it has been said, two or three managers have been suspended, for various reasons nothing to do with the suspended postman i might add. You really have to work for the company to know what it is all about, because it is like no other company on earth, its the Royal Mail way or no way, all of the brains are on the shop floor, if you join the company and looking for an easy life, progress to a manager, then its who you know, not what you know, then if you face fits your in, if your a lazy postman, and there are a few, you will get left alone, if you are a good worker, you get dumped on every day, year in year out. But at the end of the day its all about budgets and maximum profits and we the postmen are all expendable..

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I work at the BMC filton, i have been with the RM for almost 30 years, was at cattle market road until we moved in sept 97, and i can tell you this is the worst it have ever been, the management is a joke, with the exception of a few who really hav`nt got much of a shout, in the last week it has been said, two or three managers have been suspended, for various reasons nothing to do with the suspended postman i might add. You really have to work for the company to know what it is all about, because it is like no other company on earth, its the Royal Mail way or no way, all of the brains are on the shop floor, if you join the company and looking for an easy life, progress to a manager, then its who you know, not what you know, then if you face fits your in, if your a lazy postman, and there are a few, you will get left alone, if you are a good worker, you get dumped on every day, year in year out. But at the end of the day its all about budgets and maximum profits and we the postmen are all expendable..

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Blimey, triplets all working for the Royal Mail :noexpression:

:worship2: I was just thinking about my time at Cattle Market Road HPO. There was a City lad who was a post van driver that used to make a noise like a squeeling urangutang monkey, the same lad used to make the noise in the East End and it was deafening - really bloody funny. I tried copying him and got caught and got a written warning over it. :rofl2br:

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I work at the BMC filton, i have been with the RM for almost 30 years, was at cattle market road until we moved in sept 97, and i can tell you this is the worst it have ever been, the management is a joke, with the exception of a few who really hav`nt got much of a shout, in the last week it has been said, two or three managers have been suspended, for various reasons nothing to do with the suspended postman i might add. You really have to work for the company to know what it is all about, because it is like no other company on earth, its the Royal Mail way or no way, all of the brains are on the shop floor, if you join the company and looking for an easy life, progress to a manager, then its who you know, not what you know, then if you face fits your in, if your a lazy postman, and there are a few, you will get left alone, if you are a good worker, you get dumped on every day, year in year out. But at the end of the day its all about budgets and maximum profits and we the postmen are all expendable..

It is about budgets and profits thats what business is about; everyone is expendable though not just posties;

Myself, I am in the building game, have been self employed for 20yrs, i have never been out of work not even for a day, yet; but by god its tough out here, work at the moment is scarce to say the least, priced on bare existance rate and its impossible to look more than 6/8 weeks ahead, current available contracts finish at xmas then :dunno:

I find it incredible that strikes are even considered in this climate and yes it to is about who you know, not what you know.

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Meanwhile, one of our fellow City supporters has been suspended for wearing his City scarf on a picket line. He's been bullied into striking by the most anti Royal Mail Government there has ever been - and Royal mail has been in existence for around 370 years !!!!

Mandelsohn is an unelected Toff tyrant. Mandelsohn and his cohorts have done nothing to modernise and improve industrial relations at the Royal Mail. Even under Thatcher relations between Royal Mail workers and Government was better than now.

Reading your reply it sounds as if you've been brainwashed by Labour Government EU propaganda. There are some very angry business owners and private individuals that rely on Royal Mail that blame the Government over this and not the Unions as used to be. It's so blatantly obvious that the Lord Mandelsohn led Labour Government are breaking The Royal Mail up to satisfy various EU edicts. There's going to be a hell of an electoral backlash against the European Union and the New Labour Party over this.

I have never and will never vote for labour; tell me why should any company have an open cheque from the goverment, unless of course you have the word bank :disapointed2se: in your name.

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What is this technology you talk about?

Maybe the technology he is speaking about is the New ROBOTIC POSTIES the Royal Mail

are planning to bring in to deliver to every household in the country? I just hope they oil

them properly, as it gets very wet out there! Thats MODERNISATION for you !!!

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I have never and will never vote for labour; tell me why should any company have an open cheque from the goverment, unless of course you have the word bank :disapointed2se: in your name.

The Royal Mail is no ordinary company as it's part of our history and culture. It is/was a world class corporation that has underpinned our economy for almost 500 years. 1516: Royal Mail established by Henry VIII under Master of the Posts; 1635: Royal Mail service first made available to the public by Charles I; 1654: Oliver Cromwell grants monopoly over service in England to "Office of Postage"; 1784: First Mail coach (between Bristol and London); 1793: First uniformed delivery staff. Post Office Investigation Branch formed, the oldest recognised criminal investigations authority in the world. And so on.

The Royal Mail used to make massive profits for our country before the Labour Government started selling off its most profitable parts to European Union private companies to satisfy various illegal European Union edicts. Now those profits go to foreign EU companies like TNT and DHL. The Labour Party have thus made some very serious enemies over what they've done to and intend doing to the Royal Mail and its workers. Royal Mail was and still can be a world class organisation once Labour Party EU zealots like Lord Peter Mandelsohn are stopped from interfering with it.

The answer to Royal Mail's problems lie in this country getting out of the European Union and getting all the profitable Royal Mail businesses back from foreign EU control.

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Its not just about technology that is not a problem , all though it can cost jobs, i have been trained on the newest machine its pretty good, its also about changing shift patterns start times, pensions and such, i think the deficit is 11 billion or something like that, so they are trying to squeeze every penny out of the business,to try and plug the gap and its costing the dear old postie, because we are suffering for it, remember they stopped contributing into the pension fund a few decades ago when the royal mail was making huge profits and the government was creaming it off us, now there is a shortfall, they are willing to prop up the banks, but Royal Mail and the postmen has to suffer, so the hardship trickles down to the workers who suffer for such policies...

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Its not just about technology that is not a problem , all though it can cost jobs, i have been trained on the newest machine its pretty good, its also about changing shift patterns start times, pensions and such, i think the deficit is 11 billion or something like that, so they are trying to squeeze every penny out of the business,to try and plug the gap and its costing the dear old postie, because we are suffering for it, remember they stopped contributing into the pension fund a few decades ago when the royal mail was making huge profits and the government was creaming it off us, now there is a shortfall, they are willing to prop up the banks, but Royal Mail and the postmen has to suffer, so the hardship trickles down to the workers who suffer for such policies...

Lifes a bitch mate, my industry has had to bare 1000`s and 1000`s of foriegn labour coming in, many unqualified, but cheap; no-one know how many construction jobs have been lost over the past few years through this and the recession, we have no recourse, no chance of walkouts/strikes, we have to put up with it and get on with it.

I can understand posties wanting security, better conditions etc but i.m.o if it continues for many more years there will be nothing left to fight for, eg, BRITISH LEYLAND, the miners etc. Firms like tnt are straining to get a bigger foothold already.

I do wish you good luck but softly softly :farmer:

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Lifes a bitch mate, my industry has had to bare 1000`s and 1000`s of foriegn labour coming in, many unqualified, but cheap; no-one know how many construction jobs have been lost over the past few years through this and the recession, we have no recourse, no chance of walkouts/strikes, we have to put up with it and get on with it.

I can understand posties wanting security, better conditions etc but i.m.o if it continues for many more years there will be nothing left to fight for, eg, BRITISH LEYLAND, the miners etc. Firms like tnt are straining to get a bigger foothold already.

I do wish you good luck but softly softly :farmer:

According to Lord Peter Mandelsohn and his Labour Party of traitors, British workers are lazy and that's their excuse for flooding Britain with unqualified and desperate to work Eastern European Union workers. The way forward is via the unions and this will empower the British working man again. What disturbs me is the fact that some unions are continuing to give money to the Labour Party when their membership is suffering due to so much anti working man legislation from the Labour Party. Starve the Toff led Labour Party of their revenue streams and they'll soon come begging on thier knees for forgiveness. :winner_third_h4h:

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