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City And Gas Supporters Persecuted By Royal Mail

Mr Mosquito

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OK it was a bad day for me seeing Gerkin make two astonishing saves and Skuse get a great goal only for it to be cancelled out by a Peterborough equalizer at the last.

However, what really bothered me today was the headline on today's Bristol Evening Post (Saturday Oct 17th 2009). A City supporter and a Gas supporter - who are members of the postal workers' union (CWU) - are being persecuted by the Labour Party endorsed Royal Mail management. These intrepid Royal Mail workers have been suspended for wearing their respective City and Rovers scarves on a union picket line. The Lord Peter Mandelsohn led Labour Party are anti working man scummers for encouraging Royal Mail management to persecute our fellow football supporters like that.

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Sounds out of order on the part of the Royal Mail, but I'm not sure why you're pinning it on the Labour Party.

The Labour Party's super Toff - Lord Peter Mandelsohn - is the one that's engineered this current round of industrial strife by backing the postal union into a corner like Thatcher backed the miners' union into a corner. Basically, Lord Peter Mandelsohn wants the state run Royal Mail destroyed to satisfy various European Union edicts. The - all too common - persecution of football supporters has now become another facet of this tyrannical approach to labour relations in the Royal Mail. I hope the Liberty organisation and football supporters' federation can get involved and get the Royal Mail managers responsible prosecuted over this.

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The Labour Party's super Toff - Lord Peter Mandelsohn - is the one that's engineered this current round of industrial strife by backing the postal union into a corner like Thatcher backed the miners' union into a corner. Basically, Lord Peter Mandelsohn wants the state run Royal Mail destroyed to satisfy various European Union edicts. The - all too common - persecution of football supporters has now become another facet of this tyrannical approach to labour relations in the Royal Mail. I hope the Liberty organisation and football supporters' federation can get involved and get the Royal Mail managers responsible prosecuted over this.

Some of these spins are getting a bit boring now. The whole situation isn`t something to be put up there to be mocked, both sides have to reach a compromise here somehow. Lets face it, it wouldn`t be the first time a Union had held a gun to someone`s head because they couldn`t accept that technology had caught up with them.


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If these postal workers were on an official piquet (please note correct spelling) line, they were in their own time and can wear what they want.

If they are on duty and if the employer has supplied Corporate Clothing only that is to be worn.

If at work however they are permitted to wear their own clothes, it may not be anything considered indecent or offensive.

That means the gashead is in the wrong then if conditions 2 or 3 apply.

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If these postal workers were on an official piquet (please note correct spelling) line, they were in their own time and can wear what they want.

If they are on duty and if the employer has supplied Corporate Clothing only that is to be worn.

If at work however they are permitted to wear their own clothes, it may not be anything considered indecent or offensive.

That means the gashead is in the wrong then if conditions 2 or 3 apply.

Sir, your spelling seems very French 'piquet'? - the European Unionists have been getting to you as the non EU English spelling is 'picket'. :dancing6:

I was a member of the CWU Union when it was the UCW Union and I always used to wear my City scarf while riding my motorbike into the Bristol HPO Cattlemarket Road depot. I can't see any problem with postal workers wearing football scarves while not on duty. The Royal Mail managers responsible for making football support an issue need to be sacked immediately.

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what I would like to know is how can I avoid "scab" mail! I support the Postal Workers and their stike action - I don't want some agency post person delivering my post if my postie is on strike. Only thing I can think of is putting a note on my door saying no post during strike action please - support the strike. Any better ideas?

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what I would like to know is how can I avoid "scab" mail! I support the Postal Workers and their stike action - I don't want some agency post person delivering my post if my postie is on strike. Only thing I can think of is putting a note on my door saying no post during strike action please - support the strike. Any better ideas?

I notice 30,000 temp workers will be brought in to ease the burden and clear the backlog; this CANNOT be sorted by striking just talking.

Supprisingly I do not support the posties, and do believe they will be "cutting there own throats" as much business will be lost as other delivery methods/companies will be sought and found by many.

I am all for fair pay and conditions etc but why do the public and small companies always have to pay, and we will have to pay in the end :disapointed2se:

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Sir, your spelling seems very French 'piquet'? - the European Unionists have been getting to you as the non EU English spelling is 'picket'. :dancing6:

I was a member of the CWU Union when it was the UCW Union and I always used to wear my City scarf while riding my motorbike into the Bristol HPO Cattlemarket Road depot. I can't see any problem with postal workers wearing football scarves while not on duty. The Royal Mail managers responsible for making football support an issue need to be sacked immediately.

So...no charges have been brought, the football scarves have been mentioned only by the the suspended postal workers - not the managers - and you want the managers to be sacked immediately? With opinions like that you would clearly have felt right at home in the Gestapo.

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what I would like to know is how can I avoid "scab" mail! I support the Postal Workers and their stike action - I don't want some agency post person delivering my post if my postie is on strike. Only thing I can think of is putting a note on my door saying no post during strike action please - support the strike. Any better ideas?

I'll write another e-mail to the postal union - info@cwu.org I believe is the address and ask for advice and also let them know that I'm not happy that my fellow football supporters are now being persecuted by Royal Mail management. I too don't want SCAB mail coming through my letterbox.

I've already e-mailed the CWU Union about the CWU high command financing New Labour against the wishes of its membership in London - it was mentioned on BBC Newsnight that in London 98% of CWU Union members opposed giving money to the Labour Party.

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and you want the managers to be sacked immediately? With opinions like that you would clearly have felt right at home in the Gestapo.

I can also cite Thatcherite economic reasons for sacking the Royal Mail managers resposible for persecuting football supporters. By sacking the managers we will be cost cutting and improving the efficiency and industrial relations of the post office. :icecream:

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I can also cite Thatcherite economic reasons for sacking the Royal Mail managers resposible for persecuting football supporters. By sacking the managers we will be cost cutting and improving the efficiency and industrial relations of the post office. :icecream:

If this forum is now for citing history in the context of industrial disputes I say we should sentence the Luddites to transportation for life.

But it isn't so I won't :innocent06:

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Get a life?

Hmmm - good Idea - I will become a temp Postal Worker -

trust your enjoy whatever benefits you have at your work because the likehood is you would not have them if not for Unions and sometimes them taking strike action

whilst I get my life as suggested I suggest you read some TUS History and then you might undertsand why some of us will support the right to strike - never to late to learn.

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trust your enjoy whatever benefits you have at your work because the likehood is you would not have them if not for Unions and sometimes them taking strike action

whilst I get my life as suggested I suggest you read some TUS History and then you might undertsand why some of us will support the right to strike - never to late to learn.

The main article is on page 3 of yesterday's Evening Post. It states that the Royal Mail management have refused to comment on why the City and Gas supporter have been suspended. The City supporter stated that he was wearing his City scarf on the picket line because he was going to watch City play Coventry later that day. To me the Royal Mail management are thus both anti football and anti trades union as the City and Gas supporters are also union officials.

We should all remember that the Police had a 10,000 strong protest march against their generous pay award in January. They were able to bully the Government into giving them more money - our crap Government caved in straight away to their unreasonable demands. From what I've seen on television, the Royal Mail workers - who I believe do an excellent job - don't seem to be asking for more money but for the right not to be bullied by Royal Mail management.

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One of my mates is based at Filton and is a delivery driver, he will basically go out over ANYTHING.

Postal workers need to realise that times are changing and the Royal Mail has to change to keep in touch with everyone else, striking isn't the way forward.

Then again, the Royal Mail hierachy need to stop taking MASSIVE wage bonuses, a bit of give and take is necessary.


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One of my mates is based at Filton and is a delivery driver, he will basically go out over ANYTHING.

I left the Post Office years ago but I still take a special interest in my fellow former post office workers and their union. The Cattlemarket Road HPO was solid Bristol City FC when I was there. A great place to work for that reason alone. I was there during the Margaret Thatcher era and I can't remember industrial relations being as bad then as they are now - no where near as bad.

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RG I am the postman/City fan who has been suspended. Obviously cant talk about the case, but agree with your sentiments and thank you for your support mate.

Sir, I'm sorry about the situation you find yourself in. I will support you and your Gas colleague via the websites and by lobbying. Royal Mail management must not be allowed to sweep their quite brazen anti football and anti union stance under the carpet. I'm just astonished that a few spineless replies to this thread seem to agree with the corrupt bullying Royal Mail management and the crap Toff led anti working man Labour Government on this issue. It's the Royal Mail managers and their leader Lord Peter Mandelsohn that should be suspended for ruining the Royal Mail and not you and your Gas union colleague who are defending the service.

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You have my support mate, i will be supporting our postman in ways which i can. Good luck.

Well done Sir. :winner_third_h4h::englandsmile4wf:

A lot of our fellow City supporters are at the boot end of the likes of Lord Peter Mandelsohn's anti working man and anti football policies. Do the rest of you really want to be doffing your caps to lowlife like 'His Lordship' Peter Mandelsohn for the rest of your lives ????!!!! :noexpression:

Get off your knees fellow Reddzzzz, Lord Peter Mandelsohn can and will be beat.....


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Well done Sir. :winner_third_h4h::englandsmile4wf:

A lot of our fellow City supporters are at the boot end of the likes of Lord Peter Mandelsohn's anti working man and anti football policies. Do the rest of you really want to be doffing your caps to lowlife like 'His Lordship' Peter Mandelsohn for the rest of your lives ????!!!! :noexpression:

Get off your knees fellow Reddzzzz, Lord Peter Mandelsohn can and will be beat.....


on the other side, this tyrant and his cohorts are investing millions of our £`s in our postal service for modernising and improving the service; will the mail survive at all without this.

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on the other side, this tyrant and his cohorts are investing millions of our £`s in our postal service for modernising and improving the service; will the mail survive at all without this.

Glos - this bunch ( and the Tories) have sold out the Royal Mail to private investment and profit - its like our beloved team - if someone came along and said ok - I have sold off Maynard, Gerken, Carey, Hartly and Fonts - now I want you to achieve more and at the same time hack at your working conditions where do you think we would be - thats what is happening here to the Posties?

Imagine that scenario above on our team. It would leave us bereft of ideas, we would have to play narrow, would prob play boring dull tactics sit middish table with a sinking feeling (Oh, hang on a minute.......)

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on the other side, this tyrant and his cohorts are investing millions of our £`s in our postal service for modernising and improving the service; will the mail survive at all without this.

Meanwhile, one of our fellow City supporters has been suspended for wearing his City scarf on a picket line. He's been bullied into striking by the most anti Royal Mail Government there has ever been - and Royal mail has been in existence for around 370 years !!!!

Mandelsohn is an unelected Toff tyrant. Mandelsohn and his cohorts have done nothing to modernise and improve industrial relations at the Royal Mail. Even under Thatcher relations between Royal Mail workers and Government was better than now.

Reading your reply it sounds as if you've been brainwashed by Labour Government EU propaganda. There are some very angry business owners and private individuals that rely on Royal Mail that blame the Government over this and not the Unions as used to be. It's so blatantly obvious that the Lord Mandelsohn led Labour Government are breaking The Royal Mail up to satisfy various EU edicts. There's going to be a hell of an electoral backlash against the European Union and the New Labour Party over this.

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Well done Sir. :winner_third_h4h::englandsmile4wf:

A lot of our fellow City supporters are at the boot end of the likes of Lord Peter Mandelsohn's anti working man and anti football policies. Do the rest of you really want to be doffing your caps to lowlife like 'His Lordship' Peter Mandelsohn for the rest of your lives ????!!!! :noexpression:

Get off your knees fellow Reddzzzz, Lord Peter Mandelsohn can and will be beat.....


I hadn't realised that Eric Clapton worked for Mandleson!

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