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Climate Change


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Why is it that nobody cares about climate change? We as a country appear to be doing little about it. We are being ordered and threatened to sort our refuse but is that really going to reduce global warming? Surely as a country we should not be building any more airport runways, we should be banning private motoring and introducing a low energy intigrated transport system. Cheap disposable fashion must have a high carbon footprint, should we not be making clothes last by repairing them? Either man made global warming is just nonsense or our wonderful politicians are more interested in being popular and winning the next election.

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While I'm sure we can be more green, the whole industry built up around climate change is worth billions, I'm scepticle about many areas of this now money making issue when there's plenty of debate on whether it's a man made issue or not. .. Put it this way, in the 70's scientists and tree huggers predicted a global FREEZE!

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While I'm sure we can be more green, the whole industry built up around climate change is worth billions, I'm scepticle about many areas of this now money making issue when there's plenty of debate on whether it's a man made issue or not. .. Put it this way, in the 70's scientists and tree huggers predicted a global FREEZE!

We were all heading for another ice age at one point yes!

I don't really trust all this carbon footprint stuff, maybe because I don't understand it fully, it all seems a bit mystical..

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Either man made global warming is just nonsense or our wonderful politicians are more interested in being popular and winning the next election.

I think it's nonsense.

Global warming is cyclical, has happened for millions of years, and would be happening today even if there were no humans on Earth.

Some studies have shown that less than 0.5% of global warming can be attributed to mankind, but strangely these studies are given far less publicity than those which predict man made Apocalyptic Doom with no actual facts to back them up.

We're actually "doing more about it" than any other country - we're the first to put Carbon reduction targets into law - but perhaps that tells you more about our hysterical media and incompetent politicians than anything else.

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I think it's nonsense.

Global warming is cyclical, has happened for millions of years, and would be happening today even if there were no humans on Earth.

Some studies have shown that less than 0.5% of global warming can be attributed to mankind, but strangely these studies are given far less publicity than those which predict man made Apocalyptic Doom with no actual facts to back them up.

We're actually "doing more about it" than any other country - we're the first to put Carbon reduction targets into law - but perhaps that tells you more about our hysterical media and incompetent politicians than anything else.

Amen to that. :clap:

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I don't think AGW is nonsense; but as Peak Oil has already happened energy costs will rocket within 20 years meaning that energy use (needed for transport, agriculture, well everything really) will fall dramatically.

So basically nothing needs to be done. It will self-correct.

No need for all the money wasted on this, no need for all the TV and newspaper adverts, and no need for Al Gore.


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Why is it that nobody cares about climate change? We as a country appear to be doing little about it. We are being ordered and threatened to sort our refuse but is that really going to reduce global warming? Surely as a country we should not be building any more airport runways, we should be banning private motoring and introducing a low energy intigrated transport system. Cheap disposable fashion must have a high carbon footprint, should we not be making clothes last by repairing them? Either man made global warming is just nonsense or our wonderful politicians are more interested in being popular and winning the next election.

That is what it is all about. A political rip off to tax us heathens even more and feel good about it.

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Cant' say i really give a 5h1t. I'm fed up of hearing about Green this, Climate change that, global warming this, carbon footprint that!

Moomin is rigght, the whole hysteria is worth billions of $, frightening us is profitable, who gives a fork if its misleading nonsence!!

You can't move for companys trying to sell you their "new environmental friendly, low emission, green, low carbon, renewable, eco *insert product here*" bollocks!

They've overcooked it, if it was so dam important we would have ground planes, cars, coal factories, industry etc

Climate change, pfft, no shit, as sure as taxes the climate will indeed change,has been for ages, will continue to change even when we've nuked ourselves over it!

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Cant' say i really give a 5h1t. I'm fed up of hearing about Green this, Climate change that, global warming this, carbon footprint that!

Moomin is rigght, the whole hysteria is worth billions of $, frightening us is profitable, who gives a fork if its misleading nonsence!!

You can't move for companys trying to sell you their "new environmental friendly, low emission, green, low carbon, renewable, eco *insert product here*" bollocks!

They've overcooked it, if it was so dam important we would have ground planes, cars, coal factories, industry etc

Climate change, pfft, no shit, as sure as taxes the climate will indeed change,has been for ages, will continue to change even when we've nuked ourselves over it!

Ithink I agree with you CiderHider but there is the danger that governments are not doing anything positive because it would be so unpopular. Banning cars or stopping holiday flights would'nt win many votes.

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Scientists & geologists have proved that Britain has had four ice ages. That means on four occasions over the years Britain's weather has risen & fallen dramatically. Weather changes because that's what it does. When the Thames froze in the middle ages there were no coalfired power stations nor 4x4 vehicles chucking out CO2 exhaust.

Whilst we are being told by our government to drive less, turn off lights and unused machinery etc, the developping economies of India and China are worth studying. THEIR governments have publicly stated at the UN they will consider the environment, but jobs and the economy comes first. Over to you Gordon B.

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Ithink I agree with you CiderHider but there is the danger that governments are not doing anything positive because it would be so unpopular. Banning cars or stopping holiday flights would'nt win many votes.

Government decision are based on polls and public opinion, media and other bullshit, they do nothing which may view them in an unpopular way, even if its the right thing to do, why should they? They want to stay in power and will contrive and manipulate the situation to achieve this, it sickens me. The media and our capitalist culture are a cancer.

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It's political correctness gone mad, amiright?

It's not like there is a paradigm shift in scientific understanding of the world or anything.

The emails have don't really have anything juicy or contentious in really, only the trick part which is obviously going to be quotemined by the denialists.

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Moomin is rigght, the whole hysteria is worth billions of $, frightening us is profitable, who gives a fork if its misleading nonsence!!

Moomin and the rest of you - that are sceptical about man made climate change - are right if the various climate change experts are to be believed. The New World Order and the Global Warming Scam......

On October 14th 2009, Christopher Monckton, a noted climate change expert, gave a presentation at Bethel College in St. Paul, USA in which he issued a dire warning regarding the United Nations Climate Change Treaty which is scheduled to be signed in Copenhagen in December 2009......an excerpt of his presentation.....

The full presentation....

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Whilst CYCLING to work this morning, I thought some more about this conference in Copenhagen.

At a guess all the delegates FLEW there and would not have gone by routine scheduled flights, but by private flights adding CO2 to the environment.

WE are all encouraged to use public transport or car share. At a guess the delegates did NOT use the airport bus to their hotels, but would have had a limousine meet each one and there's no way THEY would have shared transport.

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Whilst CYCLING to work this morning, I thought some more about this conference in Copenhagen.

At a guess all the delegates FLEW there and would not have gone by routine scheduled flights, but by private flights adding CO2 to the environment.

WE are all encouraged to use public transport or car share. At a guess the delegates did NOT use the airport bus to their hotels, but would have had a limousine meet each one and there's no way THEY would have shared transport.

Couldn't they had just stayed at home and do a web conference instead.

We shall see at the end of this summit whether the big countries accept that climate change is for real or not, my money is on China, India and America continuing to do as they please, whilst the rest of the world pay out on green taxes everywhere.

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Also worth noting is that there are expected to be 15,000 delegates, up to 40,000 'green' activists, 5,000 journalists, and the 100 world leaders who will have around 140 aircraft will fly them in.

It is estimated by the UN that the flights and other means of transport involved, plus the extra energy used during the jolly will generate at least 41,000 tons on carbon dioxide.. All to find more ways of saving the planet....

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Also worth noting is that there are expected to be 15,000 delegates, up to 40,000 'green' activists, 5,000 journalists, and the 100 world leaders who will have around 140 aircraft will fly them in.

It is estimated by the UN that the flights and other means of transport involved, plus the extra energy used during the jolly will generate at least 41,000 tons on carbon dioxide.. All to find more ways of saving the planet....

40k of tree hugging bean eaters? ***ing hell its gonna stink.

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Also worth noting is that there are expected to be 15,000 delegates, up to 40,000 'green' activists, 5,000 journalists, and the 100 world leaders who will have around 140 aircraft will fly them in.

It is estimated by the UN that the flights and other means of transport involved, plus the extra energy used during the jolly will generate at least 41,000 tons on carbon dioxide.. All to find more ways of saving the planet....

Have you noticed the conference has been successful? I dont know how they managed it but its freezing!

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Don't think that criticism of the Copenhagen gabfest is confined to the U.K.

"Two Copenhagen climate conferences took place last week. The UN Copenhagen conference was attended by politicians, 16,500 bureaucrats, thousands of journalists, activists and NGOs. Hundreds of limos, over 100 private jets and huge amounts of energy were expended by more than 30,000 attendees. Many of the attendees were ascientific agitators with a political agenda.

Australia's prime minister had a Copenhagen photo opportunity whistle stop in his dedicated jet and expended more fuel on this trip than the Arkaroola Wilderness Resort does in a year. Your taxes payed for 114 Australian bureaucrats to attend this junket yet some 71 UK delegates attended.

The UK Taxpayers' Alliance calculated the conference cost as much as the GDP of Malawi. If such funds were used to provide electricity and drinking water to Malawian families, then land clearing, wood and dung burning and disease would decrease. Now, that would have been true environmentalism!

The carbon footprint of these moralising folk, most of whom are self-appointed, is astronomical. Never fear, their great sacrifices are saving the planet. Saving us from wanton energy expenditure, hypocrisy, blackmail and irrationality at Copenhagen would be a good start.

I attended the Copenhagen Climate Challenge Conference. It was about the science of climate. Speakers were scientists, lawyers and environmentalists.

World sea level expert Professor Nils-Axel Mörner presented data from his 40 years of research on island states. In the Maldives, sea level rose 50cm in the 17th Century, dropped below the present level in the 18th Century, rose 20cm between 1790 and 1970, dropped 20cm in the 1970s and has been stable for the past 30 years.

I showed that there have been six major ice ages in the history of time and each commenced when carbon dioxide was far higher than now. Why was it cold and not warm in past times of high carbon dioxide? Professor Cliff Ollier, from the University of Western Australia, showed that glaciers flow uphill and wax and wane. Adjacent glaciers in Alaska advance and retreat showing that ice sheet changes are complex. Furthermore, the evaporation of steam from ice at African and South American glaciers has resulted in the retreat of glaciers yet temperatures are less than zero. Again, retreat and advance of ice is very complicated and, in some places, may be related to changing land use. Other papers dealt with the Sun, cosmic rays and energy.

The challenge from the Copenhagen scientific conference is: Prove that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive modern climate change. This has never been done. And while you are about it, please explain why there was a 600 year Roman Warming and a 400 year Medieval Warming at times of no major industry and when temperature was much higher than the most sensationalist IPCC future temperature speculations.

Why do records from 89 per cent of the US climate monitoring stations not even meet the US reporting requirements? And why has the keeper of the records, the UN's IPCC scientists at the University of East Anglia, just happened to have "lost" records, amended data, created data ex nihilo and engaged in mafia-type thuggery to avoid contrary science being heard? It is this non-robust science that underpins the Copenhagen climate conference charade.

The conference I attended used science to understand the past, present environments and pollution. This was essentially unreported because journalists are scientific illiterates and this is not sensational news.

The other conference, the UN's political conference, is about the redistribution of your money through sticky fingers"

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Don't think that criticism of the Copenhagen gabfest is confined to the U.K.

"Two Copenhagen climate conferences took place last week. The UN Copenhagen conference was attended by politicians, 16,500 bureaucrats, thousands of journalists, activists and NGOs. Hundreds of limos, over 100 private jets and huge amounts of energy were expended by more than 30,000 attendees. Many of the attendees were ascientific agitators with a political agenda.

Australia's prime minister had a Copenhagen photo opportunity whistle stop in his dedicated jet and expended more fuel on this trip than the Arkaroola Wilderness Resort does in a year. Your taxes payed for 114 Australian bureaucrats to attend this junket yet some 71 UK delegates attended.

The UK Taxpayers' Alliance calculated the conference cost as much as the GDP of Malawi. If such funds were used to provide electricity and drinking water to Malawian families, then land clearing, wood and dung burning and disease would decrease. Now, that would have been true environmentalism!

The carbon footprint of these moralising folk, most of whom are self-appointed, is astronomical. Never fear, their great sacrifices are saving the planet. Saving us from wanton energy expenditure, hypocrisy, blackmail and irrationality at Copenhagen would be a good start.

I attended the Copenhagen Climate Challenge Conference. It was about the science of climate. Speakers were scientists, lawyers and environmentalists.

World sea level expert Professor Nils-Axel Mörner presented data from his 40 years of research on island states. In the Maldives, sea level rose 50cm in the 17th Century, dropped below the present level in the 18th Century, rose 20cm between 1790 and 1970, dropped 20cm in the 1970s and has been stable for the past 30 years.

I showed that there have been six major ice ages in the history of time and each commenced when carbon dioxide was far higher than now. Why was it cold and not warm in past times of high carbon dioxide? Professor Cliff Ollier, from the University of Western Australia, showed that glaciers flow uphill and wax and wane. Adjacent glaciers in Alaska advance and retreat showing that ice sheet changes are complex. Furthermore, the evaporation of steam from ice at African and South American glaciers has resulted in the retreat of glaciers yet temperatures are less than zero. Again, retreat and advance of ice is very complicated and, in some places, may be related to changing land use. Other papers dealt with the Sun, cosmic rays and energy.

The challenge from the Copenhagen scientific conference is: Prove that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive modern climate change. This has never been done. And while you are about it, please explain why there was a 600 year Roman Warming and a 400 year Medieval Warming at times of no major industry and when temperature was much higher than the most sensationalist IPCC future temperature speculations.

Why do records from 89 per cent of the US climate monitoring stations not even meet the US reporting requirements? And why has the keeper of the records, the UN's IPCC scientists at the University of East Anglia, just happened to have "lost" records, amended data, created data ex nihilo and engaged in mafia-type thuggery to avoid contrary science being heard? It is this non-robust science that underpins the Copenhagen climate conference charade.

The conference I attended used science to understand the past, present environments and pollution. This was essentially unreported because journalists are scientific illiterates and this is not sensational news.

The other conference, the UN's political conference, is about the redistribution of your money through sticky fingers"

:winner_third_h4h: Well done PHILIP BELGRAVE for telling the situation like it is. :winner_third_h4h:

I'm all in favour of cooling down these 16,500 bureaucrats, thousands of journalists, activists and NGOs with their hundreds of limos and over 100 private jets and the other 30,000 attendees in the Siberian Gulag complexes. It worked for Hitler's German mechanized barbarians - that were frozen solid in Russia - and it'll work for the climate change zealots - freeze them all up in the Gulags. :winner_third_h4h: Bang them all up in the Siberian freezer. :winner_third_h4h:

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Theres a huge industry built up to promote climate change, swallowing millions of dollars/pounds/euros whatever. If you dare to question any of it, you get shot down in flames by vast numbers of these people. they brook no argument. There is no way but theirs. And bugger their carbon footprints all these huge conferences eh. any forum which allows Sudan, Zimbabwe Venezuela, and Irans' leaders a platform to bash the US is a fantastic advert for the world.

Global warming is cyclical, otherwise would we have had two or three of the coldest winters for years 2009/2010 is certainly the coldest I have seen in the UK since 81.

Global warming fanatics are like third world debt fanatics. its all the fault of the US, Europe & Japan. no, its not on either point, but lets not let truth get in the way of rhetoric, lies and spin eh

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Theres a huge industry built up to promote climate change, swallowing millions of dollars/pounds/euros whatever. If you dare to question any of it, you get shot down in flames by vast numbers of these people. they brook no argument. There is no way but theirs. And bugger their carbon footprints all these huge conferences eh. any forum which allows Sudan, Zimbabwe Venezuela, and Irans' leaders a platform to bash the US is a fantastic advert for the world.

Global warming is cyclical, otherwise would we have had two or three of the coldest winters for years 2009/2010 is certainly the coldest I have seen in the UK since 81.

Global warming fanatics are like third world debt fanatics. its all the fault of the US, Europe & Japan. no, its not on either point, but lets not let truth get in the way of rhetoric, lies and spin eh

Its true, my Dad has already set up several company's exploiting peoples paranoia over climate change and sucking up all the government's money its so willing to throw at it to secure public opinion. Pathetic, they need exploiting for being so lame.

Brow beat any massive global corp into thinking people give a shit about green issues and you'll scare them out of billions, ***ing brilliant, i'm gonna be rich thanks to these fools :winner_third_h4h:

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Its true, my Dad has already set up several company's exploiting peoples paranoia over climate change and sucking up all the government's money its so willing to throw at it to secure public opinion. Pathetic, they need exploiting for being so lame.

Brow beat any massive global corp into thinking people give a shit about green issues and you'll scare them out of billions, ***ing brilliant, i'm gonna be rich thanks to these fools :winner_third_h4h:

:laugh: Good for you.

It should be known as global fleecing or Global robbery, the governments need industry to spend out big on green. They've got them for years on this one.

Did anyone tell them it's been warmer than this before, of course they did, but why let that get in the way of anything.

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:laugh: Good for you.

It should be known as global fleecing or Global robbery, the governments need industry to spend out big on green. They've got them for years on this one.

Did anyone tell them it's been warmer than this before, of course they did, but why let that get in the way of anything.

The facts about man made global warming are sketchy at best.

Even these professors who swear they are right becuase a chart they have show a graph proving it means nothing, but sure guys go right ahead - Green technology is the way forward, lets says the worlds gonna end if we keep using fossil fuel, well thats pretty handy and coincides well with the fact were gonna run out of it in 5 yrs. Perfect to keep us stupid general public occupied and feel that we're saving the earth when really the alternatives are far to morbid for us to understand.

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