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Johnson & Millen Run Out Of Ideas...


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I think I've only left early in a Bristol City game once before in my 50 years following the club, and that was because I was ill.

Last night I left when the 5th goal went in, 2 minutes after the restart. I was not alone. There were hundreds of fans streaming out of the ground two minutes after the 2nd half had started.

Having rarely left early before, I was astounded - is this normal? Is there really this many fans leaving when City are on a hiding at home - I didn't know. I just felt sad.

After watching the first 19 minutes, it seemed we were playing well and I was enjoying the game, but then disaster struck and we were 3 goals down in the space of 5 minutes and we fell apart.

Johnson must realise that this is not 'just another blip'. If anything, the Preston game was the 'blip'. Last night's game was against one of our fiercest local rivals, we were at home, we 'supposedly' knew everything about them having played them twice before in the preceding two weeks, we had new signings itching to do well, we were playing with width and we got stuffed 6-0.

It is pointless 'blaming' any individual player, regardless of their performance last night. The buck stops with Johnson, and also his coach Millen. I'm sorry but there is absolutely NO EXCUSE for last night's fiasco. Some of us have been saying for a long time that Johnson has problems with his tactical qualities and team selection and last night these weaknesses came up and bit them both on the arse BIG TIME.

Early in Johnson's career he made a very public statement saying he would only sign players that improved on what he already had, yet we have seen a long list of players brought in then disappear into oblivion and not played or struggle to get in the side (off the top of my head - Akinde, Clarkson, Styvar, Williams, Trundle, Saborio, Sproule), while watching promising young players who had graduated from our academy disappear on loan (Ribeiro, Wilson, Artus, Jackson, Plummer).

For me, Millen, too, must shoulder some of the blame at the management's apparently inability to field a stable, competent side, that are armed with the appropriate tactics and a game plan that makes them difficult to beat at home and creates a decent service for the plethora of strikers we seem to have on the books to score more than we are currently averaging.

Tinnion majestically fell on his sword for a similar defeat AWAY from home - what are the chances Johnson will do the same for an arguably greater embarrassment of a home defeat of equal proportions? (IMO, considering his public image, not a chance!).

For the optimists who say, "Things can only get better", I would adivse caution and counter with "Don't count on it - things are likely to get a lot worse before they get better".

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You make complete sense in a well written post.

For all of us we are in a difficult place after last night's events with the most concerning aspect that divisions are well and truly in place - results happen for a reason and as you say, the Preston game was more likely the 'blip'. SL will be used to 'trends' as part of his financial world and the attendances and last 40 game record evidence just where we are.

If I were SL right now I would support GJ and give him until the end of the season, I would however bring in an experienced assistant to freshen matters up and offer a new perspective - providing GJ is open to ideas and actually prepared to listen of course!?

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I think I've only left early in a Bristol City game once before in my 50 years following the club, and that was because I was ill.

Last night I left when the 5th goal went in, 2 minutes after the restart. I was not alone. There were hundreds of fans streaming out of the ground two minutes after the 2nd half had started.

Having rarely left early before, I was astounded - is this normal? Is there really this many fans leaving when City are on a hiding at home - I didn't know. I just felt sad.

After watching the first 19 minutes, it seemed we were playing well and I was enjoying the game, but then disaster struck and we were 3 goals down in the space of 5 minutes and we fell apart.

Johnson must realise that this is not 'just another blip'. If anything, the Preston game was the 'blip'. Last night's game was against one of our fiercest local rivals, we were at home, we 'supposedly' knew everything about them having played them twice before in the preceding two weeks, we had new signings itching to do well, we were playing with width and we got stuffed 6-0.

It is pointless 'blaming' any individual player, regardless of their performance last night. The buck stops with Johnson, and also his coach Millen. I'm sorry but there is absolutely NO EXCUSE for last night's fiasco. Some of us have been saying for a long time that Johnson has problems with his tactical qualities and team selection and last night these weaknesses came up and bit them both on the arse BIG TIME.

Early in Johnson's career he made a very public statement saying he would only sign players that improved on what he already had, yet we have seen a long list of players brought in then disappear into oblivion and not played or struggle to get in the side (off the top of my head - Akinde, Clarkson, Styvar, Williams, Trundle, Saborio, Sproule), while watching promising young players who had graduated from our academy disappear on loan (Ribeiro, Wilson, Artus, Jackson, Plummer).

For me, Millen, too, must shoulder some of the blame at the management's apparently inability to field a stable, competent side, that are armed with the appropriate tactics and a game plan that makes them difficult to beat at home and creates a decent service for the plethora of strikers we seem to have on the books to score more than we are currently averaging.

Tinnion majestically fell on his sword for a similar defeat AWAY from home - what are the chances Johnson will do the same for an arguably greater embarrassment of a home defeat of equal proportions? (IMO, considering his public image, not a chance!).

For the optimists who say, "Things can only get better", I would adivse caution and counter with "Don't count on it - things are likely to get a lot worse before they get better".

great post.... for me managers as players have levels that they excell at and levels they cant quite cope with.. gary was my heaven sent choice to get us out of div 1 he has the knack of getting squads to gel and bond at that level and can get the best out of lesser players, which he can and will consistently do in the lower divisions. but championship football which is 1 div below the best league in the world the Premier League. takes a totally different set of skills , tactical nous and handling big name players etc is only part of it and no disrespect to gary he is not proven at this level and we can all see the problems he has had trying to sort on going problems by juggling the side almost weekly looking for a solution which he still hasnt found halfway through the season. does he know his best side even now i guess not. its hard to say it but i genuinly believe he is finding it harder as he goes on. only time will prove if hes up to it but time in football is not somrthing fans will give ,

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If I were SL right now I would support GJ and give him until the end of the season, I would however bring in an experienced assistant to freshen matters up and offer a new perspective - providing GJ is open to ideas and actually prepared to listen of course!?

Not sure that would work. Manager and assistants have to able to relate and get along which is why most managers have their own backroom staff which follow them from job to job. Plus Johnson doesn't strike me as the type to admit that he needs help and would likely be resistive to a new member to his team.

As SR says Johnson is seriously lacking in tactical nouse and a different perspective would be very beneficial but I can't see it happening.

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Preston were a very poor team and we should never have conceded two goals to them. We took our chances and that was a pleasant surprise but against a serious play-off level team we were torn apart. Best we can hope for this season is mid table mediocrity but if they don't get themselves organised at the back, you're right - it could get a lot worse.

I agree - Johnson has bought in so many players it's hard to keep up with who and where they all are.

The worrying thing is how we lost the battle with Cardiff over the three games. Both teams had a good chance to see each others strengths and weaknesses and there was only one winner. Johnson and Millen failed to deliver a successful game plan even though with two new players they had the element of surprise. What seemed to happen is that Cardiff spotted how weak our left side would become with an attacking winger leaving mcallister very exposed and vulnerable. They just put balls into the spaces and with the sheer pace of counter attack got us every time.

Defensively we look lost and that, surely, is Millen's department - he surely is on his last warning now.

Johnson is a great manager in a small club where he can command loyalty and respect from inexperienced players who he knows well. It's all got too big for him now, these international players he's signed are used to much higher levels of tactical management and must be getting very fed up. The danger is he's lost the dressing room in whcih case he'll have to go.

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I think I've only left early in a Bristol City game once before in my 50 years following the club, and that was because I was ill.

Last night I left when the 5th goal went in, 2 minutes after the restart. I was not alone. There were hundreds of fans streaming out of the ground two minutes after the 2nd half had started.

Having rarely left early before, I was astounded - is this normal? Is there really this many fans leaving when City are on a hiding at home - I didn't know. I just felt sad.

After watching the first 19 minutes, it seemed we were playing well and I was enjoying the game, but then disaster struck and we were 3 goals down in the space of 5 minutes and we fell apart.

Johnson must realise that this is not 'just another blip'. If anything, the Preston game was the 'blip'. Last night's game was against one of our fiercest local rivals, we were at home, we 'supposedly' knew everything about them having played them twice before in the preceding two weeks, we had new signings itching to do well, we were playing with width and we got stuffed 6-0.

It is pointless 'blaming' any individual player, regardless of their performance last night. The buck stops with Johnson, and also his coach Millen. I'm sorry but there is absolutely NO EXCUSE for last night's fiasco. Some of us have been saying for a long time that Johnson has problems with his tactical qualities and team selection and last night these weaknesses came up and bit them both on the arse BIG TIME.

Early in Johnson's career he made a very public statement saying he would only sign players that improved on what he already had, yet we have seen a long list of players brought in then disappear into oblivion and not played or struggle to get in the side (off the top of my head - Akinde, Clarkson, Styvar, Williams, Trundle, Saborio, Sproule), while watching promising young players who had graduated from our academy disappear on loan (Ribeiro, Wilson, Artus, Jackson, Plummer).

For me, Millen, too, must shoulder some of the blame at the management's apparently inability to field a stable, competent side, that are armed with the appropriate tactics and a game plan that makes them difficult to beat at home and creates a decent service for the plethora of strikers we seem to have on the books to score more than we are currently averaging.

Tinnion majestically fell on his sword for a similar defeat AWAY from home - what are the chances Johnson will do the same for an arguably greater embarrassment of a home defeat of equal proportions? (IMO, considering his public image, not a chance!).

For the optimists who say, "Things can only get better", I would adivse caution and counter with "Don't count on it - things are likely to get a lot worse before they get better".

Very good post.

I got a little bit of stick recently for suggesting the academy could be a waste of money. You have hit the nail on the head, promising young players disappear on loan. If those promising young players can`t get into the first eleven then the academy may well be a waste of money. Last nights debacle is a good example.

I don`t believe the reason for the acaedmy is to sell young players without ever getting first team experience. It surely has to benefit our first team squad.

I believe Johnson and Millen have ran out of ideas, they consistantly get outgunned tactically by other managers.

Your last sentence is good advice, things are likely to get worse before they get better.

The sooner we get to 50 points the better. At least some of the pressure may be lifted.

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By any normal measure of success/competence, Johnson should be on his bike.

Exposed by a manager with top level experience who has taken us to the cleaners 3 times in one season.

Jones doesn`t have a problem playing youngsters, in fact takes kudos out of it (fair play to him).

However the problem with that is we have such an imbalanced squad that whoever picks up the reigns will have their work cut out.

No competition for defensive positions, and those that are here are on new 3 year contracts( kept that quiet I notice).

Dodgy keepers (bring back Basso).

Full backs who go awol.If they have bad performances , try and kick lumps out of their opponents.

No commanding tall centre backs.

None of our young players have any semblance of first team experience at CC level.

A squad with few exceptional players, in fact too many sub-standard ones for this level.( so much for our wonderful, keep it in the family, scouting).

Forward line based on Maynard and perm anyone from 6.

Why sign Agyemang, short lived wonder where-ever he has been, flatters to deceive, poor mans Adebola?

As Brian Clough was quoted as saying, "You build a team from the back"

All GJ has succeeded in doing is putting his favourite players in the comfort zone.

We have become stagnant in our play,we may have some fast players now, but how fast of thought?

If he stays I hope he pulls it together, but I thing that giving him a 5 year contract put him in a comfort zone.

I think SL has been brilliant for the club, however picking managers is not the same as buying investment/pension plans.City are a bit like the economy, no progress (on the field) in the last two years.

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