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Excellent Interview With Keith Here...

Martyn Hocking

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Lots of words being written about who should be the next manager. Equally large number of words being written about whether KM is up to the job or not.

One variation that has not been mentioned is that, should KM do enough between now and the end of the season to be considered for the job, we appoint an experienced number two to him. Someone experienced at this or the level above but who does not want to be manager, who can guide and mentor KM, and have the relevent player contacts. Or conversley appoint a Director of Football type fiqure to do the same thing, and be head of player scouting.

The second option, for some reason, does not work very often in the UK, and would need to be some KM could really work with, but should KM get us to the end of the season unbeaten or something would need to be considered.

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