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We Need A Schwang!


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It worries me that there's so much hanging on conjecture and gossip around here at the moment. People are even betting £200+ on guess work and 'intuition'.

Allow me to inject some cold hard logic and facts.

Our two most successful managers throughout our varied history are Dicks and Johnson. Agree?

Out of all the managers we've ever had those two are the only ones who have surnames that are euphemisms for yer male tackle. Too much of a coincidence for there not to be nothing in it.

Therefore both logic and statitics dictates that we need to employ someone named after genitalia.

I've had a look at http://www.leaguemanagers.com/index.html and the only one that's currently unemployed that comes close is Terry Quinn. And that only works if you shrink the font small enough.

However the following could be poached:

Dick Advocaat

Harry Allcock

Frank Bacon (gates)

Alan Ball

Dick Bate (oh the possibilities!)

Willie Bell

Jack Cock

Arthur Cox (snort - let's hope he doesn't fall short)

Arthur Dickinson (any one called the NSPCC?)

Gary Penrice (if we've got Chinese fans)

Terry Scrotum

And then I got bored. Do you think we ought to inform Steve L of this irrefutable chain of logic?

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It worries me that there's so much hanging on conjecture and gossip around here at the moment. People are even betting £200+ on guess work and 'intuition'.

Allow me to inject some cold hard logic and facts.

Our two most successful managers throughout our varied history are Dicks and Johnson. Agree?

Out of all the managers we've ever had those two are the only ones who have surnames that are euphemisms for yer male tackle. Too much of a coincidence for there not to be nothing in it.

Therefore both logic and statitics dictates that we need to employ someone named after genitalia.

I've had a look at http://www.leaguemanagers.com/index.html and the only one that's currently unemployed that comes close is Terry Quinn. And that only works if you shrink the font small enough.

However the following could be poached:

Dick Advocaat

Harry Allcock

Frank Bacon (gates)

Alan Ball

Dick Bate (oh the possibilities!)

Willie Bell

Jack Cock

Arthur Cox (snort - let's hope he doesn't fall short)

Arthur Dickinson (any one called the NSPCC?)

Gary Penrice (if we've got Chinese fans)

Terry Scrotum

And then I got bored. Do you think we ought to inform Steve L of this irrefutable chain of logic?

Errrm, the English language has changed since I live there last!! Anyway at least two of them are dead.

How about going from front to back and having ARSEne Wenger. :dancing2:

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It worries me that there's so much hanging on conjecture and gossip around here at the moment. People are even betting £200+ on guess work and 'intuition'.

Allow me to inject some cold hard logic and facts.

Our two most successful managers throughout our varied history are Dicks and Johnson. Agree?

Out of all the managers we've ever had those two are the only ones who have surnames that are euphemisms for yer male tackle. Too much of a coincidence for there not to be nothing in it.

Therefore both logic and statitics dictates that we need to employ someone named after genitalia.

I've had a look at http://www.leagueman....com/index.html and the only one that's currently unemployed that comes close is Terry Quinn. And that only works if you shrink the font small enough.

However the following could be poached:

Dick Advocaat

Harry Allcock

Frank Bacon (gates)

Alan Ball

Dick Bate (oh the possibilities!)

Willie Bell

Jack Cock

Arthur Cox (snort - let's hope he doesn't fall short)

Arthur Dickinson (any one called the NSPCC?)

Gary Penrice (if we've got Chinese fans)

Terry Scrotum

And then I got bored. Do you think we ought to inform Steve L of this irrefutable chain of logic?

This was actually started by the most successful manager in the club's history - the late, great Hairy Thickett.

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Errrm, the English language has changed since I live there last!! Anyway at least two of them are dead.

How about going from front to back and having ARSEne Wenger. :dancing2:

Umm...I think I'm right in saying that only counts as genitalia as the original post stated, if you like to do a spot of the old uphill gardening...

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It worries me that there's so much hanging on conjecture and gossip around here at the moment. People are even betting £200+ on guess work and 'intuition'.

Allow me to inject some cold hard logic and facts.

Our two most successful managers throughout our varied history are Dicks and Johnson. Agree?

Out of all the managers we've ever had those two are the only ones who have surnames that are euphemisms for yer male tackle. Too much of a coincidence for there not to be nothing in it.

Therefore both logic and statitics dictates that we need to employ someone named after genitalia.

I've had a look at http://www.leagueman....com/index.html and the only one that's currently unemployed that comes close is Terry Quinn. And that only works if you shrink the font small enough.

However the following could be poached:

Dick Advocaat

Harry Allcock

Frank Bacon (gates)

Alan Ball

Dick Bate (oh the possibilities!)

Willie Bell

Jack Cock

Arthur Cox (snort - let's hope he doesn't fall short)

Arthur Dickinson (any one called the NSPCC?)

Gary Penrice (if we've got Chinese fans)

Terry Scrotum

And then I got bored. Do you think we ought to inform Steve L of this irrefutable chain of logic?

One of the best threads this season...

I think if we're looking for phallis-related managers, there is only one man:

Phil Brown.

He's a ****.

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Anyway at least two of them are dead.

Never stopped Danny Wilson from managing us. He looked like the titular hero from Weekend at Bernies against that dugout.

One of the best threads this season...

I think if we're looking for phallis-related managers, there is only one man:

Phil Brown.

He's a ****.

Ah. Strict rules I'm afraid - there's no arguing with the logic - there has to be at least a double entendre in the name. Unfortunately there's no end of managers who act like a genital but aren't named after them.

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It worries me that there's so much hanging on conjecture and gossip around here at the moment. People are even betting £200+ on guess work and 'intuition'.

Allow me to inject some cold hard logic and facts.

Our two most successful managers throughout our varied history are Dicks and Johnson. Agree?

Out of all the managers we've ever had those two are the only ones who have surnames that are euphemisms for yer male tackle. Too much of a coincidence for there not to be nothing in it.

Therefore both logic and statitics dictates that we need to employ someone named after genitalia.

I've had a look at http://www.leagueman....com/index.html and the only one that's currently unemployed that comes close is Terry Quinn. And that only works if you shrink the font small enough.

However the following could be poached:

Dick Advocaat

Harry Allcock

Frank Bacon (gates)

Alan Ball

Dick Bate (oh the possibilities!)

Willie Bell

Jack Cock

Arthur Cox (snort - let's hope he doesn't fall short)

Arthur Dickinson (any one called the NSPCC?)

Gary Penrice (if we've got Chinese fans)

Terry Scrotum

And then I got bored. Do you think we ought to inform Steve L of this irrefutable chain of logic?

Nobby stilesenglandsmile4wf.gif

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Ok, this took a little searching, but then I am bored. Taken from the League Managers' Association's list of longest-serving managers:

69. Neil Woods

appointed: Nov 2009

duration: 1 season

club: Grimsby Town

If we appoint Neil, at least we could say, "we've got wood...s!"

What makes it even more special is that he's at number '69' in the list. Perfect.

Also, does it count if you look like a "schwang"? In which case Iain Dowie's likely to be looking for work again at the end of the season...

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