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Prozone At City.


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Does anyone know what package of Prozone we have at the Gate?

I've just read the supplement inside this months 442 magazine, which has an article about Prozone in it.

It makes for interesting reading, and maybe, explains a lot towards the strange starting line ups GJ used to make and the rotation of certain players.

Apparantly Steve McClaren was the first to use it, and introduced it to Alex Ferguson just before his Treble winning year. No wonder it took off.

Wenger also declared he should have listened to Prozone's warnings about the marked decrease in Robert Pires's sprint distances. Instead of resting the player, Pires was played, and suffered a serious knee injury that resulted in a season out.

If a manager appears to rotate players randomly, it's probably due to stats like these.

I'm led to believe GJ and Milly are big fans of Prozone, so it answers why we had so many Random team changes.

I've never known a season though, where we have suffered so many strange injuries to players. It obviously isn't detecting that fact.

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Does anyone know what package of Prozone we have at the Gate?

I've just read the supplement inside this months 442 magazine, which has an article about Prozone in it.

It makes for interesting reading, and maybe, explains a lot towards the strange starting line ups GJ used to make and the rotation of certain players.

Apparantly Steve McClaren was the first to use it, and introduced it to Alex Ferguson just before his Treble winning year. No wonder it took off.

Wenger also declared he should have listened to Prozone's warnings about the marked decrease in Robert Pires's sprint distances. Instead of resting the player, Pires was played, and suffered a serious knee injury that resulted in a season out.

If a manager appears to rotate players randomly, it's probably due to stats like these.

I'm led to believe GJ and Milly are big fans of Prozone, so it answers why we had so many Random team changes.

I've never known a season though, where we have suffered so many strange injuries to players. It obviously isn't detecting that fact.

Sam Allardyce is also a manager who uses it religiously. It is undoubtedly beneficial to deciding what would be the best team to select etc but I do think some managers have had a tendency to take it too far...and I would regard GJ in that category. For example, Prozone stats etc were probably behind his decision to drop Hartley every 3/4 games, yet since KM has been manager, he's started all 6 and seems to have benefited from the regular football.

If managers use it in moderation then it can be great; but football is not a science and should therefore not be treated like one, and for all the stats that Prozone produces, there is still a lot to be said for a regular starting XI that know how each other play - a skill that can never be quantified, thus showing the ultimate limitations of Prozone.

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It's a really valuable tool, I've read an article in which Wenger was asked by Bergkamp why he kept being subbed after 70 mins of a game, and Wenger replied that it was because he didn't run around as much in the last 20 mins, and produced the stats to prove it.

It's a useful analytical tool; but should be part of the armoury.

Regarding rotation, AC Milan's world famous "Milan Lab" has demonstrated the impact on players performance and injury record of playing more than once in a week and when slightly injured, and have shown the chance of injuries goes up hugely if players are over-played - which is why most (top) teams rotate to some extent or 'rest' players, even when they are in top form. The thing is, you need a good squad so that you don't miss the 'rested' player, something that (say) ManUre have struggled with this season as when Rooney's out they aren't half the team they are with him in.

Oh, and it goes without saying that older and very young (sub 20) players generally need to be rested more often.

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