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Championship Teams Take Another Kick From The Prem


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Absolutely disgusted, although totally unsurprising, to hear the news that Premier League chairman have voted to extend parachute payments for relegated clubs from 2 to 4 years.

West Ham co-owner David Gold has called it good news for the whole of football.... hmmmmmm.

How the heck is it good news for us or the majority of the Football League? Not only would we have to compete with the likes of say Hull - Portsmouth and Burnley next season - but we'll have to compete with them getting 16-million a year for four years. For all the money in SL's bank account we're trying to run the club as a business but we're on completely uneven footing.... even more so than at the moment.

If these teams can't write in relegation clauses to their players contracts and manage themselves responsibly then why the hell should they be helped out for an extra two years.

Basically this is Premier League Two by the back door, and quite frankly it leaves us and the rest of the Championship up the swanny.

This still has to be ratified in the summer... but that's like turkey's voting for the end of christmas.


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Absolutely disgusted, although totally unsurprising, to hear the news that Premier League chairman have voted to extend parachute payments for relegated clubs from 2 to 4 years.

West Ham co-owner David Gold has called it good news for the whole of football.... hmmmmmm.

How the heck is it good news for us or the majority of the Football League? Not only would we have to compete with the likes of say Hull - Portsmouth and Burnley next season - but we'll have to compete with them getting 16-million a year for four years. For all the money in SL's bank account we're trying to run the club as a business but we're on completely uneven footing.... even more so than at the moment.

If these teams can't write in relegation clauses to their players contracts and manage themselves responsibly then why the hell should they be helped out for an extra two years.

Basically this is Premier League Two by the back door, and quite frankly it leaves us and the rest of the Championship up the swanny.

This still has to be ratified in the summer... but that's like turkey's voting for the end of christmas.


Yet these same people lambast Portsmouth for over spending and then put in place what is effectively a four year insurance policy to make sure that people that DO recklessly overspend on bloated foreign talent are not made to face the consequences. Imagine if Cardiff go up in the pray-offs this year, they now know that they can carry on spending money they haven't got because the Premier League will bail them out for four years when it all goes wrong - breathtaking!

I've gotten used to grinding hypocrisy in football yet, despite myself, this has still made me aghast

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It depends what happens if a relegated club makes an instant return to the top flight I suppose.

I'm fairly sure that City received a healthy six-figure sum of money when a previously relegated club made an immediate return to the top flight.

Reality is, Premier League clubs needs to run a tighter ship so that should they get relegated they are able to continue trading.

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It depends what happens if a relegated club makes an instant return to the top flight I suppose.

I'm fairly sure that City received a healthy six-figure sum of money when a previously relegated club made an immediate return to the top flight.

Reality is, Premier League clubs needs to run a tighter ship so that should they get relegated they are able to continue trading.

Sorry Rob I'm not sure what you mean there?

The parachute payments are stopped if you get promoted back to the Prem.... but then kick in again if they go down ala West Brom... unless I'm mistaken?

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Sorry Rob I'm not sure what you mean there?

The parachute payments are stopped if you get promoted back to the Prem.... but then kick in again if they go down ala West Brom... unless I'm mistaken?

He means the parashoot payments that Newcastle & WBA would have earnt next year had they not gone up are now divided up between the rest. Not much consolation although we will be receieve at least £1m as a result.

Wasn't this four year plan something along the lines of £16m first year, £8m the next two years and £4m the year after that or was that another plan I've mistaken it for?

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He means the parashoot payments that Newcastle & WBA would have earnt next year had they not gone up are now divided up between the rest. Not much consolation although we will be receieve at least £1m as a result.

Wasn't this four year plan something along the lines of £16m first year, £8m the next two years and £4m the year after that or was that another plan I've mistaken it for?

Gold also revealed the figures involved in the revised payment plan, claiming clubs would now receive £48million over the course of the four years.

He added: "It's done on percentages. It's percentages of the available TV money, which is a standard process.

"That traditionally has been 50 per cent for the first two years and now we have got an additional 25 per cent for years three and four, which is excellent.

"I think a total over the years will amount to somewhere in the region of £48million."

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I do agree with you, I really do, but - What if City were to go up next year via the playoffs (which I think is a reasonable aim) and then come straight back down? Parachute payments would be a huge benefit.

Like I said totally agree though. It's just going to extend the gap between the Premier League and the Championship (and never mind all the other leagues!)

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He means the parashoot payments that Newcastle & WBA would have earnt next year had they not gone up are now divided up between the rest. Not much consolation although we will be receieve at least £1m as a result.

Wasn't this four year plan something along the lines of £16m first year, £8m the next two years and £4m the year after that or was that another plan I've mistaken it for?

Ah I see, I didn't know that.

Well that's great, with those sort of figures being handed we'll get a little hand out to try and keep our better players from being swallowed by the yo-yo clubs.

From what I can gather it'll be 48-million over 4 years for the relegated clubs..... just how on earth can we compete with that.

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Ah I see, I didn't know that.

Well that's great, with those sort of figures being handed we'll get a little hand out to try and keep our better players from being swallowed by the yo-yo clubs.

From what I can gather it'll be 48-million over 4 years for the relegated clubs..... just how on earth can we compete with that.


Bit more info there on how things were before the change announced today (details of how today's revised parachure scheme I'm yet to see).

In terms of how we 'compete' Blackpool have done a great job with limited resources and Swansea haven't broken the bank and find themselves in the top 6.

Whilst we spent a fair wedge when we got promoted, and there will be the need to strengthen the squad again soon, a good manager/coaching team/scouting network and a healthy slice of luck should see us with realistic aims of a top 6 finish within the next few seasons.

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I saw this vote was comming up a few weeks ago. My immidate reaction was that it was another step towards a Premier Division 2.

All the "big" clubs live in fear of losing the Premier Leauge TV money, and having to re join the real world like Leeds etc. A Premier Division 1 & 2

would soak up all the TV money at which point all other clubs would be cut adrift, along with the F. A. The Premier Leauge would then have

effective control of all professional football in this country, all the top clubs could spend money to their hearts content knowing they never fall

below a certain finical level, not matter how badly they do on or off the field.

Extending the a parachute payments creates a layer of teams who regulary bounce between the Premier League and Championship and effectively

block teams below from coming up because of their finical clout, (or that would be the theory) and these then become the Premier Second Division

with say 16 to 18 teams in each division. This reduces the number of domestic games which allows the likes of Man U Liverpool etc to compete in

European Super Leauge where the real money is.

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by benefits i think he means the extras the league clubs will get if the relegated teams go straight back up ......... this season .... the payments for newcastles and west broms second year will she shared between the league clubs .........

if the 4 year deal had been in place the payments for years 2,3, and 4, roughlyt £32m per club would be divided up between the league clubs, with the nos 4 to 10 championship clubs getting the biggest share.

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Absolutely disgusted, although totally unsurprising, to hear the news that Premier League chairman have voted to extend parachute payments for relegated clubs from 2 to 4 years.

West Ham co-owner David Gold has called it good news for the whole of football.... hmmmmmm.

How the heck is it good news for us or the majority of the Football League? Not only would we have to compete with the likes of say Hull - Portsmouth and Burnley next season - but we'll have to compete with them getting 16-million a year for four years. For all the money in SL's bank account we're trying to run the club as a business but we're on completely uneven footing.... even more so than at the moment.

If these teams can't write in relegation clauses to their players contracts and manage themselves responsibly then why the hell should they be helped out for an extra two years.

Basically this is Premier League Two by the back door, and quite frankly it leaves us and the rest of the Championship up the swanny.

This still has to be ratified in the summer... but that's like turkey's voting for the end of christmas.


Maybe you should at least temper your anger and wait until June when they will decide how much MORE they will pay out to the rest of the football league clubs; no doubt it will not go down.

The one thing they could have done, however, is to have also announced that decision today which might have saved your vitriol which, at least on the face of it, might be understandable by some.

I suppose, also, that some might argue the Prem do not owe the Football League anything; that is not my opinion but it might be their default position if they were not interested in diplomacy.

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Maybe you should at least temper your anger and wait until June when they will decide how much MORE they will pay out to the rest of the football league clubs; no doubt it will not go down.

The one thing they could have done, however, is to have also announced that decision today which might have saved your vitriol which, at least on the face of it, might be understandable by some.

I suppose, also, that some might argue the Prem do not owe the Football League anything; that is not my opinion but it might be their default position if they were not interested in diplomacy.

:laugh: - my vitriol had to splurge on to the page when that irksome little git David Gold was telling me what great news it was for all football. With time to reflect on this I feel.... well pretty much the same to be honest.

From what I can gather the Football League will have no option than to accept this i June as they'll be told "this is on offer when we change it". Therefore it'll get pushed through.

As for your point about the Prem not owing the FL anything, and I know you're not putting that as your point of view, they know that whatever they do the reason football is the national sport is because of promotion/relegation - the dream of rising through the ranks etc. If they don't have a competitive football league then the PL is on a slippery slope.

How Richard Scudamore can protest to be a Bristol City fan, therefore suggesting he understands lower league football, then continually do everything possible to push the divide I can't fathom.

The trouble is people will say we need to get up there quickly, but that's not the answer because all that'll happen is at best we'll become WBA, at worst the next Hull City/Portsmouth.

This is Premier League Two by the backdoor... the money is being ring fenced.

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Its obscene, the Premier League is a bloated greedy money machine that is dependent on the likes of Murdoch to fund it's overpayed members and the cost is passed on to the likes of you and me either through Sky subscriptions or at the turnstiles.

I cannot justify the thought that no matter how good a player is that he should be paid up to £150k a week. Of course that level cannot be sustained but the Prem Clubs are against the proposal that Sky should cut its charges to other broadcast medium, that would mean less income for these greedy mostly foreign owned clubs.

Football should be for the masses, not just the wealthy, and this increased parachute payment will merely make watching football even more elitist.

As a young man I could afford to watch City both home and away , and did, now I cannot, and have to 'cherry pick' a few matches a season.

This football club has always been a huge part of my life, unlike I suppose some that can afford to go but do not have the passion.

Friends, we are being screwed, by the greedy machine that is so much like the corrupt Banks and Bankers that put profit before people.

The other interesting line to come from this is the Premier League is to go to court, basically on Sky's behalf, to fight the Ofcom ruling that proposes that Sky must sell their Sports Channels for a significantly discounted wholesale price to other broadcasters..... basically that could halve the amount it costs to watch football on TV.

Obviously Sky aren't happy, Premier League won't get such a lucrative deal, and John Terry's 150,000 pounds a week wage demand won't be able to met by Chelsea..... or it will but they'll get further into debt.

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The other interesting line to come from this is the Premier League is to go to court, basically on Sky's behalf, to fight the Ofcom ruling that proposes that Sky must sell their Sports Channels for a significantly discounted wholesale price to other broadcasters..... basically that could halve the amount it costs to watch football on TV.

Obviously Sky aren't happy, Premier League won't get such a lucrative deal, and John Terry's 150,000 pounds a week wage demand won't be able to met by Chelsea..... or it will but they'll get further into debt.

Laughable how they are claiming it will damage the grass roots of the game. Relative to its income the Prem gives a pittance. As you suggest the only damage will be to the already bloated earnings of players and the ability of mismanaged clubs to service their debt. In the absence of proper regulation of the game's finances perhaps something like this, along with Platini's proposals, is just what is needed.

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The Premier League is no longer about sport, it is just a tedious and predictable money-making machine. Next year, predict the League table, and I bet that you will hardly get anything wrong - Same top 4, Liverpool, Spurs, Everton, Villa in the top 10, West Brom, Play Off winners, Wigan, Fulham, Sunderland, Birmingham, Wolves towards the bottom, Newcaste under-achieving.... YAWN! For most of these Clubs, the extra cash will be wasted on servicing excessive debt, paying inflated salaries of rubbish players who can't be sold, and wasted on big-name signings who don't perform.

It ain't what you spend it's the way that you spend it!

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This is another nail in grass roots football.

Football is supposed to be played on a level playing field - pun intended!

UNfortunately, not all the blame can be attributed to the Premier league administrators, part of the problem lays with us football supporters. The TV people and clubs know that they have a uniguely loyal fan base that will pay almost anything to watch their team perform, and thanks to tv you no longer have to live in the vicinity of your team to watch them.

Every time we buy a shirt made by sweatshop employees in third world countries and pay your (I do not include myself as I have not had sky for 15 yrs since the price doubled in 6 months) sky subscriptions we are providing further support to this nonesense.

With regard to Bristol City my belief is that we should not put the club in the same situation as 1982 in pursuit of prem football, keep trying but not at any cost!

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I'm not saying things are fair as they are in England now, but at least we're not like Spain, where the Big 2 in La Liga can negotiate their own TV deals, meaning all the other clubs get next to nothing, from the likes of Valencia and Sevilla down to the very bottom.

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Does anyone have any statistics about how the introduction of parachute payments has affected the likelihood relegated clubs going straight back up (or within 2 years) to the Prem?

Although Newcastle and WBA are going up at the first attempt this year, my guess is that it won't have changed things as much as we think.

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:laugh: - my vitriol had to splurge on to the page when that irksome little git David Gold was telling me what great news it was for all football. With time to reflect on this I feel.... well pretty much the same to be honest.

From what I can gather the Football League will have no option than to accept this i June as they'll be told "this is on offer when we change it". Therefore it'll get pushed through.

As for your point about the Prem not owing the FL anything, and I know you're not putting that as your point of view, they know that whatever they do the reason football is the national sport is because of promotion/relegation - the dream of rising through the ranks etc. If they don't have a competitive football league then the PL is on a slippery slope.

How Richard Scudamore can protest to be a Bristol City fan, therefore suggesting he understands lower league football, then continually do everything possible to push the divide I can't fathom.

The trouble is people will say we need to get up there quickly, but that's not the answer because all that'll happen is at best we'll become WBA, at worst the next Hull City/Portsmouth.

This is Premier League Two by the backdoor... the money is being ring fenced.

Interesting points. I agree on your view of Prem attitude toward the Football League.

Scuds is in a no win position vis a vis his job and BCFC; he has to do what he thinks is right for the Prem but realises it might not benefit the likes of BCFC.

One thought on your Prem 2 remark; if that is to succeed then surely these guys need to spread the cash more evenly across the rest of the Championship teams otherwise you will get a sort of two tier Championship.. perhaps that is what you are alluding to?

I will reserve judgement until June.

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From a thread on a Manchester United forum debating this very issue:

One posting:

"The Premier League argue that this move will help prevent sides 'doing' a Leeds or Southampton and dropping down the divisions but, in my opinion, it's bullshit as the clubs should be making sure they budget for the drop. It also seems to reward clubs for being relegated. The sides that yo yo up and down between the Championships and the Premier League will continue to do so as they will have £48m in their coffers to get the best players to try and get them back up into the league. The smaller clubs in the Championship that have been pushing for promotion in recent years, like Bristol City, Plymouth, Blackpool etc, will have no chance."

With a reply:

"All well and good, but who the **** wants to see teams like Bristol City in the Premier League or go to places in the @rse end of the country like Plymouth to watch a game?"

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From a thread on a Manchester United forum debating this very issue:

One posting:

"The Premier League argue that this move will help prevent sides 'doing' a Leeds or Southampton and dropping down the divisions but, in my opinion, it's bullshit as the clubs should be making sure they budget for the drop. It also seems to reward clubs for being relegated. The sides that yo yo up and down between the Championships and the Premier League will continue to do so as they will have £48m in their coffers to get the best players to try and get them back up into the league. The smaller clubs in the Championship that have been pushing for promotion in recent years, like Bristol City, Plymouth, Blackpool etc, will have no chance."

With a reply:

"All well and good, but who the **** wants to see teams like Bristol City in the Premier League or go to places in the @rse end of the country like Plymouth to watch a game?"

Do you know what that totally sums up the majority of the top clubs, some fans utterly clueless about football outside pretty much the top four and some knowing that all is not as rosy in the garden as the hype would suggest.

Let them go play in the European Super League and see how much they enjoy trips abroad every other week.

The rest of us can reshape the football in this country and bring it back to the people..... god I'm starting to sound like Karl Marx! But seriously I would rather there was a decent split of the players and money so that you have to nurture success rather than buy it.

*disclaimer... I'd actually like Man Ure etc to all stay around and play in my football utopia!!! winner_third_h4h.gif

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Interesting points. I agree on your view of Prem attitude toward the Football League.

Scuds is in a no win position vis a vis his job and BCFC; he has to do what he thinks is right for the Prem but realises it might not benefit the likes of BCFC.

One thought on your Prem 2 remark; if that is to succeed then surely these guys need to spread the cash more evenly across the rest of the Championship teams otherwise you will get a sort of two tier Championship.. perhaps that is what you are alluding to?

I will reserve judgement until June.

In regards of "Scuds" I guess we all do our bit for the job we do.... I take Mr Murdoch's money while hating what's happened to football in this country!! But that debate is for another time, I certainly don't lay the blame at "Scuds" door, but his words stick in my throat.

We will, IMO, have a two tier Championship. It'll be made of a top six of yo yo clubs, a few scuffling over achievers living the dream of being nearly men.... and those yo yoing between the Championship and League One. Lets hope SL doesn't have enough!

An interesting comment was made to me by a Reading supporting mate... "unfortunately we're well run and that means we'll always be at a disadvantage"!

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Does anyone have any statistics about how the introduction of parachute payments has affected the likelihood relegated clubs going straight back up (or within 2 years) to the Prem?

Although Newcastle and WBA are going up at the first attempt this year, my guess is that it won't have changed things as much as we think.

I think they have only been in existence since 2006, may be wrong:

2006 - Sheff Utd, Watford, Charlton

2007 - B'ham, Reading, Derby

2008 - Newcastle, WBA, Borough

5 have not gone back up in Parachute time, Borough have next season to become the 6th.... 3 have - B'ham, Neccastle, WBA.

Reading and Derby lose theirs next season!

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