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Summer War Chest


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Im pretty sure we'll see a large change in the playing squad, happens most times with new gaffers. Lots of money coming off the wage bill with all the loanees going back but im sure SC will have a fiar chunk to spend. SL gives all new managers money, always has, always will. ALL HAIL SL!

I would imagine a budget of 4m nett would be tops.

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£10m?? maybe, but I would imagine that would include transfer fees, signing on fees, agents fees, and wages etc.

Seriously though, if Coppell is on his way in, and the rumours of him not originally being that interested are true!....I'd imagine we will be spending some decent money in the summer. Why would he want to come here with no money being offered.....

this really could be exciting times for Bristol City......

.................wonder how the Gash feel about all this ?? muhaha

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I think it's more hilarious that anyone takes that site seriously. They just copy and paste everything sent to them.

Hence my comment - the level of delusion on that site is quite staggering

However, were we to sell one of our players, we might raise a few bob...Maynard must now be worth a tonne more than we paid so SL might cash in.

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Some comedian has just put on Football Rumours that Coppell will get £10M to spend in the summer

This is true 10 million to spend on whatever he likes, doesn't even need to be players, SC has seen a house in Miami that he likes.

SL has also told SC that he can work whatever days he likes, and if any of the games clash with any other social events he has he can leave keith in charge.

Trundle is signing a new 4 year deal, McCombe is being made captain and Johnson can come back as SC's assistant if things dont go well at Pboro.

All of this is subject to change, without notice...

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there is no budget for the manager

SL will have said to the new man if you find a player you believe will improve our club i will see what i can do (within reason obviously)

as for those talking about selling maynard.. do you want to get to the premier league??? think where we would be without his goals this season. we MUST keep him.

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This is true 10 million to spend on whatever he likes, doesn't even need to be players, SC has seen a house in Miami that he likes.

SL has also told SC that he can work whatever days he likes, and if any of the games clash with any other social events he has he can leave keith in charge.

Trundle is signing a new 4 year deal, McCombe is being made captain and Johnson can come back as SC's assistant if things dont go well at Pboro.

All of this is subject to change, without notice...

Quality, sir. :clapping:

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Why is this meant to be so funny?

If SL wanted too 10million to him is hardly anything, i wouldnt be suprised if it did happen.

Because SL is not silly enough to give out a lump-sum 'war chest'. He will IMO spend on a player as and when agreed with Coppell (or whoever {ffs, where's this press conference?}) :innocent06:

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Why is this meant to be so funny?

If SL wanted too 10million to him is hardly anything, i wouldnt be suprised if it did happen.

Because he isn't the sort of guy who goes throwing money at things. He wants the club to stand up on its own without throwing money left right and centre at it.

The budget for the transfers will be the same as normal. If Steve Coppell identifies a player he wants then SL will try and make it happen if possible within the budget- same as GJ.

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We do need serious investment in the team to raise it to a level where we can compete at the top. We can arse about trying to scrape a top half finish with this team. But then what's the point of a new stadium and a manager like Coppell. At some point we're going to have to go for it.

http://www.thisisnottinghamforest.co.uk/news/Davies-Forest-signings-proved-value-money/article-1720888-detail/article.html is a good example.

Forest spent 5.5mill and transformed where they were. We put that sort of money in and who knows? We've seen the implications of overspending, but SL has to decide what he wants. If it's Prem football then he's going to have to invest more IMO. Five years ago I would've been delighted with stable championship football. But what are our ambitions?

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