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How Many Season Tickets Now Then?


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We had sold what, 7000 odd to date - (with me being one of the people who hadn't renewed) but now, how many do we reckon we can shift now then? I'm waivering here...

I refused to renew with the shite we had been dishing up, but now????

(not that I'm a fairweather fan, just could think of other things to blow £500 on, and would probably had turned up POTD anyways)

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They MUST go back on sale on Monday at early bird prices for two weeks.

The buzz starts from tomorrow, victory over Derby and we will sell thousands in those two weeks.

Hopefully the club are already on to it....would be stupid to miss the 'moment'.

Well said many many of us have not renewed due to the dire football lets have early bird prices back and thousands will be renewed and new purchased.

give us one month and we will see the sts fly out.

BBC LINK coppell related http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/eng_div_1/default.stm

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I wonder if Simply Red will now renew snack.gif

Assuming Coppell is the man announced tomorrow then I'm sure Simply Red will renew his ST - along with many others who were waiting to see who took over.

Poor season ticket sales would not be a factor that would have been lost on Steve Lansdown. He would have been quite aware how important it would be to sign a well respected and well regarded manager.

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They MUST go back on sale on Monday at early bird prices for two weeks.

lets have early bird prices back and thousands will be renewed and new purchased.

Are you serious?

Thousands of us renewed our season tickets with the prospect of relegation still in site and the possibility that Gary Johnson would still be manager next season. Now a couple of months later it seems we're about to appoint Steve Coppell and at this stage you would rather like the club to re-introduce the early bird prices?

Do you actually understand the principle of 'market forces'? You'll pay the full going rate along with the rest of the part-timers.

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They MUST go back on sale on Monday at early bird prices for two weeks.

The buzz starts from tomorrow, victory over Derby and we will sell thousands in those two weeks.

Hopefully the club are already on to it....would be stupid to miss the 'moment'.

Early bird prices are there for a reason , to encourage people to renew their season tickets.Those who take up on the offer are prepared to lay down money to support the club not knowing how the team are going to play throughout the season.They may get to see 23 games of 'sexy football' , or they may get to watch 23 games of complete shite , it's a gamble.The club are trying to gain and reward a loyal band of supporters.Everbody has had a choice whether to renew or not so why should the club revert back to the early bird prices just because we now have a high profile manager to lead the team on.

It's a bit like comparing buying a season ticket to buying a lottery ticket.Once you've bought the ticket you are stuck with it, some will win and some will lose.If this club is going to progress then it's got to have a loyal fan base supporting it.

City have too many fickle supporters , they come swarming out when we are doing well ( ie:wembley playoff final ) and then p*** off again when things aren't going our way.

The club are trying to help the supporters with these offers, so perhaps our fans should show their support and cash in on the offers when they are first introduced.

Fairweather supporters?bruce_h4h.gif

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Are you serious?

Thousands of us renewed our season tickets with the prospect of relegation still in site and the possibility that Gary Johnson would still be manager next season. Now a couple of months later it seems we're about to appoint Steve Coppell and at this stage you would rather like the club to re-introduce the early bird prices?

Do you actually understand the principle of 'market forces'? You'll pay the full going rate along with the rest of the part-timers.

PARTTIMERS!!!!!! CHEEKY @@@@ :bruce_h4h:

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Are you serious?

Thousands of us renewed our season tickets with the prospect of relegation still in site and the possibility that Gary Johnson would still be manager next season. Now a couple of months later it seems we're about to appoint Steve Coppell and at this stage you would rather like the club to re-introduce the early bird prices?

Do you actually understand the principle of 'market forces'? You'll pay the full going rate along with the rest of the part-timers.

Thats a bit harsh. I took Simply Reds refusal to renew his ST as a protest against Johnson being in charge next season. I admired his principles and have no doubt he'll renew for next season with Coppell in charge. He said at the time that he wasn't bothered about the early bird prices.

As for those calling for the early bird prices to be re-introduced - hard luck, too late.

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Thats a bit harsh. I took Simply Reds refusal to renew his ST as a protest against Johnson being in charge next season. I admired his principles and have no doubt he'll renew for next season with Coppell in charge. He said at the time that he wasn't bothered about the early bird prices.

As for those calling for the early bird prices to be re-introduced - hard luck, too late.

My post was in reply to 'Kid in the Riot' and 'Red Robin', both of whom were calling for the re-introduction of the Early Bird rates, now that it seems we are about to appoint Coppell.

My point was that the rest of us have already committed, even during the bad times. Frankly if someone chooses to buy a season ticket now, in the light of new information about likely managers, if they think they are going to pay the same price as I did in February then they can **** off! :kiss:

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My post was in reply to 'Kid in the Riot' and 'Red Robin', both of whom were calling for the re-introduction of the Early Bird rates, now that it seems we are about to appoint Coppell.

My point was that the rest of us have already committed, even during the bad times. Frankly if someone chooses to buy a season ticket now, in the light of new information about likely managers, if they think they are going to pay the same price as I did in February then they can **** off! :kiss:

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Your having a laugh part timers,we have had sts for over eight Years continiously,the fact was we were going backwards over the last two years under GJ.if GJ had gonexearlier we would have hit the play-offs.we seem to have made a good appointment time to look forward and not backwards.

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Are you serious?

Thousands of us renewed our season tickets with the prospect of relegation still in site and the possibility that Gary Johnson would still be manager next season. Now a couple of months later it seems we're about to appoint Steve Coppell and at this stage you would rather like the club to re-introduce the early bird prices?

Do you actually understand the principle of 'market forces'? You'll pay the full going rate along with the rest of the part-timers.

Yawn! Ok mate, your my hero.....I havent re-newed my season ticket yet, had one for the last 15 consecutive seasons though, does that pass me as a part timer??

Didnt think so.....jog on

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many people were prepared to commit early in the season so it would be unfair to them to bring back the early bird and also there is the financial side which Mr Lansdown is very astute!

Surely its about getting the fans through the turnstyles and packing the Gate out next season??

I havent renewed yet, mainly down to financial purposes....but if I had renewed in February, and they re-introduced Early Bird prices now, I wouldnt be against it.

It wont get re-introduced anyway, but no one should care if it did

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Your having a laugh part timers,we have had sts for over eight Years continiously,the fact was we were going backwards over the last two years under GJ.if GJ had gonexearlier we would have hit the play-offs.we seem to have made a good appointment time to look forward and not backwards.

Fair enough, I agree with what you say and admit that 'part timers' was probably out of order.

However you must surely see that to call for the return of early bird rates is ridiculous. Apart from anything else it would be an insult to those who actually did renew early, whilst rewarding those who waited for things to improve before commiting.

I have no problem with the fact you didn't renew sooner and of course understand your reasons, but the fact is you are not early, you are late.

It would also be a poor business decision as you don't sell low when demand is high. Not gonna happen.

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Are you serious?

Thousands of us renewed our season tickets with the prospect of relegation still in site and the possibility that Gary Johnson would still be manager next season. Now a couple of months later it seems we're about to appoint Steve Coppell and at this stage you would rather like the club to re-introduce the early bird prices?

Do you actually understand the principle of 'market forces'? You'll pay the full going rate along with the rest of the part-timers.

What you say is spot on (albeit part timers is harsh).

If fans choose to 'protest' or delay by not buying a season ticket until they know things will improve or we have a new managerial appointment, that's fine. But they'll pay more than the rest of us who commit to the club whatever happens through thick and thin.

That's completely fair.

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It was a protest against our previous manager in many cases. Nothing to do with not being loyal supporters.

Robbored you are spot on,it was a protest against the manager and his decision in playing staff and signings.

we will renew our three STs even at the normal rate,fortunate to be able to pay the price.

I just think that ground needs filling to the rafters to give us the best possible start next season,SC has a big job to do,im sure he will take us on to the next level.

After two different clubs have been taken up by him.

Lets see how many so called city fans back the chairman and club in the seasons to come,this will truely show how big or small this club is.

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We had sold what, 7000 odd to date - (with me being one of the people who hadn't renewed) but now, how many do we reckon we can shift now then? I'm waivering here...

I refused to renew with the shite we had been dishing up, but now????

(not that I'm a fairweather fan, just could think of other things to blow £500 on, and would probably had turned up POTD anyways)

As far as I am concerned it was pretty evident over the last few weeks if not months that GJ would not be here at the end of this season, with that in mind and knowing that the Chairman wouldn't have a panic, ala Hulll and a few others I could name, he would appoint a Manager with calibre and someone who is more than capable of taking us forward.

On that basis I bought my ticket along with several thousand others, and do not see why others thought the club would be in any other position to where we are now.

I would not call those who opted not to renew fair weather, but would question their estimation of the board of directors and what this club can achieve.

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