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Pleased For Millen

Southport Red

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Obviously the HUGE news today is the appointment of Steve Coppell, but I wanted to say that I am really please that Keith is staying on as Assistant. Don't think we would have gotten Coppell if we had been in League 1 so we all owe Keith a big 'Thank you' and I am glad the club has acknowledged this.

Apparently a well-respected coach and (it seems) a fine man.

Congratulations and thank you Keith

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Obviously the HUGE news today is the appointment of Steve Coppell, but I wanted to say that I am really please that Keith is staying on as Assistant. Don't think we would have gotten Coppell if we had been in League 1 so we all owe Keith a big 'Thank you' and I am glad the club has acknowledged this.

Apparently a well-respected coach and (it seems) a fine man.

Congratulations and thank you Keith

SSN said that Millen was instrumental in persuading Coppell to join.

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Millen's regard stretches further than the boundries of AG. Steve Coppell would not agree to just anyone as his number 2 and the fact that he's accepted the managerial role with Millen as his assistant speaks volumes for Millens credibility.

Millen is a well qualified coach and top bloke. At some point in the future he'll be manager of our club. By then we'll hopefully be an established PL club.

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ill admit i was a millen doubter and thought he should of left with GJ at the start as were most city fans, but what he has achieved since he took over as caretaker is remarkable.

and if he did play such a big part in bringing coppell then has gone up even further in my estimations.

thank you KM englandsmile4wf.gif

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Agree 100%. I too thought millen should of gone with Gary but am happy enough to have egg on my face now. Keith has done a fantastic job and earned some much deserved respect from nobs like me who cleary didn't have any reason to doubt the bloke or any idea what he was about.

So to sum up I would like to sorry km, you've done a great job so far and good luck to our new begining.

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