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Crystal Palace Could Be Under Extinction


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Rather they were double relegated or something, although that is practically impossible to actually do.

We will get the blame whatever happens (play off defeat, ghost goal, Colin is 91yo, etc, etc ) so sod 'em.

Couldn't happen to a more deserving club.


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Rather they were double relegated or something, although that is practically impossible to actually do.

Didn't Boston United suffer a double relegation from the football league and Blue Square Prem the other year?

There has to be a nice palace fan out there and couldn't wish complete folding on anyone.

SSN reckon administrator says 4 weeks - £1m a month needed to see them through the summer.

Wealthy supporters consortium looking to buy club and ground though (separate administrators own the club and the ground)

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Just seen on skysportsnews that they could be non existent, due to them not having enough money to run the club through the summer.

So no matter what happens tonight...palace in the brown stuff!

Palace fans seem to think that is is a nothing story and no news at all. The administrator has always said that they only had enough money to last until the end of the season.

As a complete aside, what is 'under extinction[sic]' and 'be non existent' - is that similar to 'cease to exist' and 'become nonexistent'?

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I agree when people utter "remember 1982"etc. But one person's misfortune is the opposite for someone else.

If Palace and perhaps Cardiff or Pompey were to disappear, Darlo & Grimsby will be reinstated as League clubs.

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I work with a really decent Palace fan (they do exist). He said to me earlier today that he genuinely fears this could be Palace's last game at Selhurst as developers are poised to buy it at a price higher than any investor in the club would pay.

They are potentially ground sharing with Milwall if that happens - you really wouldn't wish that on anyone (apart from the Blue Few).

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Since the death of the ITV digital sports channel how many more chances do alot of these clubs need? We went to Pompey in 98 and they were "going bust". A rich idiot comes in, pumps millions into an untenable venture then goes off. The same has happened to Palace, with Jordan spending silly money untill he got bored/run out of funds. Leeds, Cardiff and to an extent Man u and Liverpool can be added to the list of finances being balanced on the prospect of future earnings.

People say "I'd never want another club to go bust" but not only are these clubs taking taxpayers money through debts owed to HRMC, they're ripping off small businesses.

Forget all this "real football fan" hand holding bollocks, unless it's City or England I couldn't give a toss - I'd rather give respect to those that give up decades of watching their "team" to actually play the game on a Saturday up the downs ect.

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Since the death of the ITV digital sports channel how many more chances do alot of these clubs need? We went to Pompey in 98 and they were "going bust". A rich idiot comes in, pumps millions into an untenable venture then goes off. The same has happened to Palace, with Jordan spending silly money untill he got bored/run out of funds. Leeds, Cardiff and to an extent Man u and Liverpool can be added to the list of finances being balanced on the prospect of future earnings.

People say "I'd never want another club to go bust" but not only are these clubs taking taxpayers money through debts owed to HRMC, they're ripping off small businesses.

Forget all this "real football fan" hand holding bollocks, unless it's City or England I couldn't give a toss - I'd rather give respect to those that give up decades of watching their "team" to actually play the game on a Saturday up the downs ect.

We are in exactly that position though. (Although I wouldn't call SL a idiot)

If it wasn't for Steve and Keith, we'd be beyond 1982. Let's hope the good times continue to roll and that the board are happy to make director loans until such a point that the club is able to repay them.

Thankfully, the chairman seems committed to the club, which is something to be grateful for, but if he was to either get bored with it, or should a small group of 'fans' decide for a change at the top and force them out, we'd have folded within hours.

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I agree when people utter "remember 1982"etc. But one person's misfortune is the opposite for someone else.

If Palace and perhaps Cardiff or Pompey were to disappear, Darlo & Grimsby will be reinstated as League clubs.

Sorry to be pedantic but The Mariners aren't down yet, I think it's between them & Barnet .

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We are in exactly that position though. (Although I wouldn't call SL a idiot)

If it wasn't for Steve and Keith, we'd be beyond 1982. Let's hope the good times continue to roll and that the board are happy to make director loans until such a point that the club is able to repay them.

Thankfully, the chairman seems committed to the club, which is something to be grateful for, but if he was to either get bored with it, or should a small group of 'fans' decide for a change at the top and force them out, we'd have folded within hours.

Yeah but cast your mind to when SL took over. Years of make and mend, at times very frustraighting. The guy knows his stuff, bided his time and has managed to create a momentum that has seen the club advance on the pitch, with the prospect of being a feasable business venture once/if Ashton Vale clicks it. IF it wasn't for SL, I suspect the club would be in league 1, looking to build a joint stadium with the sad sags.

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Didn't that happen to Swindle a few years back for financial irregularities or something?

Yes, I think the year they won promotion through the play-offs to the top division, they were relegated two divisions - so effectively to the third tier. However, I think they appealed, as eventually they ended up back where they originally were; in the second tier. Nice one, football authorities! That was well worth doing. You didn't fudge that at all, did you!?

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