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Not claiming to have any sources or anything like that..

But with all the talk of Kitson - got me thinking would an Iwelumo return be more likely?

I know Kitson has the obvious SC links, but with Wolves staying up it may be possible CI looked elsewhere?

Thoughts? :city:

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I was on the 606 boards last night and all wolves fans think he will be off, i think he might even be out for contract

they all agreed that they thought he could do a job for another season or two in the championship even though hes getting on a bit, as they all say other than the recent injury he had he has always been very fit.

If the contract demands werent to silly i would love us to bring him back on a perm deal

maybe him and maynard could spark up a partnership much like the success Bothroyd/Chopra have had. Plus although hes big he can play a bit aswell so it wouldnt be long balls all day. Also could prob help bring Akinde along

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I thought he did make a difference to our play when he came here, and although I'm not in favour of simply having a big man up front and hitting long balls to him, it does give you an option.

Plus, with Iwelumo, it's never just about playing the long ball. Like Heskey, he is excellent at holding the ball and shielding it from the opposition, he's an ideal outlet for our midfield which have struggled to link to the forwards in recent seasons, and he can score, too (apart from for Scotland).

A bit of experience up front would be useful as well, as most of our strikers are quite young at the moment. I wouldn't have a problem signing him on a two-year deal as I think he could still do something at this level.

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I thought he did make a difference to our play when he came here, and although I'm not in favour of simply having a big man up front and hitting long balls to him, it does give you an option.

Plus, with Iwelumo, it's never just about playing the long ball. Like Heskey, he is excellent at holding the ball and shielding it from the opposition, he's an ideal outlet for our midfield which have struggled to link to the forwards in recent seasons, and he can score, too (apart from for Scotland).

A bit of experience up front would be useful as well, as most of our strikers are quite young at the moment. I wouldn't have a problem signing him on a two-year deal as I think he could still do something at this level.

Good post.

But.... I don't remember Coppell's previous teams having a target man type player. He seems to prefer more mobile strikers. Only two seasons ago he brought Reading to AG and played us off the park winning 1-4 with Doyle (2) and Hunt both on the score sheet.

Reading were superb that day and if Coppell can get City playing the same way without a target man that'll be fine by me.

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Good post.

But.... I don't remember Coppell's previous teams having a target man type player. He seems to prefer more mobile strikers. Only two seasons ago he brought Reading to AG and played us off the park winning 1-4 with Doyle (2) and Hunt both on the score sheet.

Reading were superb that day and if Coppell can get City playing the same way without a target man that'll be fine by me.

You're right, Coppell doesn't really have a history of traditional targetmen - the closest you could say was Mark Bright, Bright, Bright at Palace. And just because Iwelumo has been here before, that probably won't mean much to SC. So I can't really see it happening.

He likes to play a very fluid 4-4-2 formation, something that a Maynard-Haynes partnership would be more suited to than a Maynard-Iwelumo partnership. But, as an alternative and a PlanB, I thought CI linking with Maynard would be a good option...

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I would be very surprised to see SC bring in IWELUMO.

Given the way he has set his teams out in the fast he is not one for using a "big target" man.

I suspect that when SC was doing his "due diligance" to decide if he wanted to come city, he would have looked at the pace right acroos our front line in SPROULE, MAYNARD, HAYNES and CAMBELL-RYCE and rubbed his hands with glee. If, and its a big if, someone and get this group producing their "A" game together, and more consistantly they are more than capable of taking apart any defence in this division, and a few in the division above. The problem is the lack of consistancy.

SC may bring in a "target man" but I would see it only being as a plan "B" or "C". IWELUMO would be too expensive not to be part of plan "A".

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