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Edible Players (humour Me)


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Start with our lot.... (*cheating allowed, even slightly foody will do) we've got quite a tasty squad ;)

Dean Gerkin - pickle

Liam Fontaine - sherbet fontaine (*see what I mean :) )

Nicky Maynard - wine gums

Paul Hartley - jam

JCR - soup/rice

think thats it for us ...

But - there must be loads more 'morsels' out there playing for other clubs.. who's on your menu?...

(its only a bit of fun - so dont go making a meal of it, eh? )

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Would you like chicken "Orr " fish sir!

I'll have the Careyfish please!

why am I even encouraging this post ahhhh!

I seem to remember florist in the late 80's/early 90's having Curry and Rice in their midfield....am i making this up or does my memory serve me well?!?

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Remember kids don't eat yellow Evander Sno. Even if covered in Gary Sawyer sauce. When Gavin is on loan at Yeovil he's Green Williams, when he's here he's Red Williams. Him and King Joe Edwards potatoes are quite a pear.

Here all week.

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Clarksons Pies

Forest - Perch

Cardiff - Chopra Suey

B'pool - Southern Fried Chicken

Palace - Ambrose rice pudding (?)

Derby - Tonge

Bradford - Bullock

Supermarketwise there's also a Morrison & Summerfield out there...........

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Start with our lot.... (*cheating allowed, even slightly foody will do) we've got quite a tasty squad ;)

Dean Gerkin - pickle

Liam Fontaine - sherbet fontaine (*see what I mean :) )

Nicky Maynard - wine gums

Paul Hartley - jam

JCR - soup/rice

think thats it for us ...

But - there must be loads more 'morsels' out there playing for other clubs.. who's on your menu?...

(its only a bit of fun - so dont go making a meal of it, eh? )


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How about...

Phillip Lamb

Dietmar Ham-man

David Wheat-er

Robin Van Pear-sie

Reo - Cooker


Nacho Novo

Massimo Maccorone

Danny Shittu (for those who have dubious eating habits?)


Wes Brown Sauce

Kevin (D)oyle

Stephen Pear-son

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