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Bradford City


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I was at Ashton Gate that day watching City play Reading. We heard that there had been a fire at Bradford but had no idea of the extent of it until we got home and saw the pictures on TV. It was a great tragedy - some of the images of that day will stay with me forever. The speed with which the fire took hold was incredible.

My thoughts go to the survivors and the families of the 56 victims.

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The strange thing was, City were there a couple of months before (1-1) and going in that stand, me and my mate both said together (no word of a lie) that we wouldn't like to be in here if it caught fire!

It was built into the side of a hill, all wood with the gangways all under the stand and you could see the piles of accumulated rubbish under the flooring and seats.

It was an accident just waiting to happen!

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A tragedy that often gets over looked by many.

R.I.P the 56. My thoughts are also with anyone who will have witnessed these scenes at the stadium. There lives will never have been the same.

If you have 10 mins spare please watch this very moving interview with a Yorkshire Post Sports writter who was there with his son.


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I was 13 at time and remember thinking about the kids in the stand and those running on the pitch. Then the Policeman that was on fire did it completely for me and the TV was turned off by my mum.

RIP the 56.


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Film of that fire is used in instructional videos to this day. As the clock was running you can see it took just three minutes from the first flame coming up into the seats to the entire stand being ablaze. Due to the preservative tar and creosote on the beams there was plenty of thick black smoke falling down on to those trapped in the flames choking & blinding them.

People stood on terracing at the end the smoke & flames headed towards were able to move away with relative ease whilst those in the stand were hampered by having seats to clamber over.

One fan lay on the pitch with his clothing alight. A policeman used his own jackety to try and beat the flames out but only succeeded in fanning them! Should you ever be in such a situation, roll the burning casualty over & over as that will smother the flames.

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It was utterly unbelievable the speed with which the fire took hold.

When it started you could sense there was very little panic at the other end of the stand as the fire was 'over there'. Within seconds it was everywhere.

I was only 10 at the time but remember it vividly.

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A tragedy that often gets over looked by many.

R.I.P the 56. My thoughts are also with anyone who will have witnessed these scenes at the stadium. There lives will never have been the same.

If you have 10 mins spare please watch this very moving interview with a Yorkshire Post Sports writter who was there with his son.


This is, sadly, a very true comment.

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I know not everyone will agree with me but in my view the Bradford City fire has been given disgracefully little coverage over the last 25 years compared with Hillsborough and I believe that has nothing to do with the severity of the two tragedies and everything to do with Liverpool being a 'big' club and Bradford City being a deeply unfashionable one.

Every year we get a Hillsborough anniversary story in the media amid cries for 'justice for the 96' while the people of Bradford are largely forgotten.

RIP the Bradford City fire victims.

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