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Funny Message From Swans


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Looked at another thread

One thing i've noticed, the only comeback that seems to prevail is Gypo this Gypo that -

they try and dish that our way too, like they think their on some kind of high ground because their capital city (that if it wasn't a separate country would barely rival Coventry) represents their football club

Is it a common dillusion amongst Cardiff fans that everyone else is a gypo? To think they can hold almost a snobbish opinion of others at all baffles me


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Looked at another thread

One thing i've noticed, the only comeback that seems to prevail is Gypo this Gypo that -

Bl**dy Welsh.

Was mainly arguing between Cardiff and Swans on that thread but also Cardiff saying Swansea was irrelevant

and that they hate the wurzels more :P Bring it on next season I say, 6-0? what 6-0?!

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Firstly, they are the worst dressed mob ever, secondly Cardiff is the capital of nothing Wales is a principality, Cardiff is full of "gypos" as are Newport and Swansea the only other two mentionable urban conurbations, Cardiff has benefited greatly from European funding without it, it would look more like an eastern European provincial town than the generic Shitehole that is, the only thing thy seperates it from the likes of Leicester, Coventry and the other nowhere towns is that the town is covered in bi lingual signs that do nothing more than cause a drain on tax payers pockets, the town is a tip and for the most part populated with overweight, backward inbred chavs!!!!!

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Firstly, they are the worst dressed mob ever, secondly Cardiff is the capital of nothing Wales is a principality, Cardiff is full of "gypos" as are Newport and Swansea the only other two mentionable urban conurbations, Cardiff has benefited greatly from European funding without it, it would look more like an eastern European provincial town than the generic Shitehole that is, the only thing thy seperates it from the likes of Leicester, Coventry and the other nowhere towns is that the town is covered in bi lingual signs that do nothing more than cause a drain on tax payers pockets, the town is a tip and for the most part populated with overweight, backward inbred chavs!!!!!

Spot on, couldnt described it better myself!

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Funniest "fan" moment of the season came from the baadiff.

As their bubble coaches arrived for the "blizzard match" I looked up at the window at which point maybe 15+ 12/13 year olds ran over to my side of their coach to give me v's etc etc. I obviously laughed and applauded at which point their coach steward jumped on the mic and I distinctly heard him shout down the mic "sit down and shut up you little ****ing pikeys or ill feed you to the wurzels"

Kid you not!!


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Come on now are they serious they don't know how to deal with the fact they lost to Blackpool they always thought they would the best of the best of the Champions League oh how wrong they were I'm sorry I have no sympathy for any of them they lost and they lost hard,BUILD A BRIDGE,GET OVER IT AND DEAL WITH IT and stop acting like pathetic cry babys just because Cardiff aren't going into The Premier League this season.

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