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Hollaway Gives Bristol City. Fc

Red Robin

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Well done olly for the Bristol city view .well done olly true Bristol lad

Bristol city a massive club and a massive city with steve coppell

I also picked up??? I think that Holly has now grown up and whilst he used to play for a crap amateur mob on the other side of the city I feel that his allegiances are now elsewhere, but,what he wont forget is that he (like a lot of us) is from Bristol spelt B R I S T O L - sod who he used to play for? He is a down to earth chap from Banjo Island who has done werll.

Good luck to him and good luck to Blackpool........


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He will always be a Gashead through and through but he's gone up in my estimation. An honest bloke and a good manager who values his players, supporters and puts two fingers up at the disgusting amount of money in the Premier League and approaches the game with passion and good morals. A breath of fresh air in the Premier League and a credit to the city of Bristol. I'll never love the guy because he is Bristol Rovers FC, but he even managed to compliment the City and Steve Coppell in that interview, and that shows the mark of a decent bloke. Good luck to him and his team, they fully deserve it.

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Yep fair play to him I don't care what anyone says, he is a bristolian legend!

North Bristol gasland you mean?

Hollowhead will NEVER be a Bristolian legend in South Bristol, far from it.

I can think of a huge number of far more appropriate descriptive words for Skeletor than that.yes.gif

Well done to Blackpool, great match, deserved win.

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Today he pulled off Mission Impossible and some of you have the sense to applaud the bloke the rest you are blinded by some sort of inbred hate the sort of attitude that condemns us as a small time club that is stuck in the 80's with all that Gas crap.

What a load of crap. You think it only happens with us and the gas?? Not seen how Sunderland and Newcastle fans, Swansea and Cardiff, Man U, Man City fans etc etc react to each other and to former players.

Some fans seem to think its only our own that hold grudges, are negative etc etc

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What a load of crap. You think it only happens with us and the gas?? Not seen how Sunderland and Newcastle fans, Swansea and Cardiff, Man U, Man City fans etc etc react to each other and to former players.

Some fans seem to think its only our own that hold grudges, are negative etc etc

You're right of course.

Added to that has anyone else made all the derogatory comments about their closest rivals over 3 decades that Hollowhead has about BCFC, and City fans?

I can't think of anybody in the football world who even comes close - his hatred for City has been forthright, consistent and unwavering. His rabble rousing promotion bus speech where he led the Rovers mob in anti Bristol City songs ( including against us City fans) was breathtaking in it's stupidity, irresponsibility and open hostility to a rival club.

He's made a point of winding us up for decades on and off the pitch, often in a downright nasty way - we've every reason to dislike Skeletor.yes.gif

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Some of you make Bristol folk look like a bunch of clowns, you hate Holloway, for what? That he played for the Gas and he made some remarks against City, that is what he was supposed to do, he has passion, it was 20 odd years ago too, get over it.

Today he pulled off Mission Impossible and some of you have the sense to applaud the bloke the rest you are blinded by some sort of inbred hate the sort of attitude that condemns us as a small time club that is stuck in the 80's with all that Gas crap.

You asked for Holloway to beat the Cardiff, something City couldn't do, not only couldn't do but LOST 6-0 AT HOME couldn't doargh.gif

So FFS show some class, forget your bigotries and give the bloke some credit.

I couldn't agree more...well said that man. Sometimes humility, and honouring those that are brave and have passion, regardless of their team, shows admiration for all that is good in football.

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You're right of course.

Added to that has anyone else made all the derogatory comments about their closest rivals over 3 decades that Hollowhead has about BCFC, and City fans?

I can't think of anybody in the football world who even comes close - his hatred for City has been forthright, consistent and unwavering. His rabble rousing promotion bus speech where he led the Rovers mob in anti Bristol City songs ( including against us City fans) was breathtaking in it's stupidity, irresponsibility and open hostility to a rival club.

He's made a point of winding us up for decades on and off the pitch, often in a downright nasty way - we've every reason to dislike Skeletor.yes.gif

Yawwwnnnnnnn....... You really need to get out more my friend.

IH is only doing what you do everytime you talk about Bristol Rovers. The guy is Bristolian and follows the Rovers. If, and this is a big if, you we're any good at football would you all of a sudden stop with your anti gas BS? I think not.

The whole Bristol rivalry is rapidly becoming myth and legend. The Rovers are no longer a threat or rival. You'd never call Partick Thistle a major rival to either Celtic or Rangers despite the fact they come from the same city.

IH has done so very well. He's obviously a better manager than we've ever had.

The only sad thing about this whole situation is that he was never a City fan.

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Some of you make Bristol folk look like a bunch of clowns, you hate Holloway, for what? That he played for the Gas and he made some remarks against City, that is what he was supposed to do, he has passion, it was 20 odd years ago too, get over it.

Today he pulled off Mission Impossible and some of you have the sense to applaud the bloke the rest you are blinded by some sort of inbred hate the sort of attitude that condemns us as a small time club that is stuck in the 80's with all that Gas crap.

You asked for Holloway to beat the Cardiff, something City couldn't do, not only couldn't do but LOST 6-0 AT HOME couldn't doargh.gif

So FFS show some class, forget your bigotries and give the bloke some credit.

No city fan with any self respect has anything but contempt for Holloway. If you don't understand that you're just not with it at all.

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No city fan with any self respect has anything but contempt for Holloway. If you don't understand that you're just not with it at all.

I'm sadly reminded of the night game at Ashton Gate this season where we beat 'em and told him jsut what a w*nker he is!

Oh, what could have been this season, eh?!!?

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Yawwwnnnnnnn....... You really need to get out more my friend.

IH is only doing what you do everytime you talk about Bristol Rovers. The guy is Bristolian and follows the Rovers. If, and this is a big if, you we're any good at football would you all of a sudden stop with your anti gas BS? I think not.

The whole Bristol rivalry is rapidly becoming myth and legend. The Rovers are no longer a threat or rival. You'd never call Partick Thistle a major rival to either Celtic or Rangers despite the fact they come from the same city.

IH has done so very well. He's obviously a better manager than we've ever had.

The only sad thing about this whole situation is that he was never a City fan.

I think thats going a bit far!

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Can't see how anyone can hate him just for being a gas head, yes when we play his sides we all give him some stick but i don't see why anyone should care when we aren't playing them, most of us will have mates who support rovers (poor misguided souls that they are), when we don't play them i couldn't give two hoots about rovers, it's all banter, and if anybody honestly hates gasheads then you really need to get out a lot more.

IH is a genuinely nice bloke, i've only met him briefly the once but my parents have met him and his misses a fair few times ( and this was 15 years ago at least when he was apparently at his city hating worst) at speech therapy (i think) classes for his two kids, and he was a thoroughly decent bloke.

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Can't see how anyone can hate him just for being a gas head, yes when we play his sides we all give him some stick but i don't see why anyone should care when we aren't playing them, most of us will have mates who support rovers (poor misguided souls that they are), when we don't play them i couldn't give two hoots about rovers, it's all banter, and if anybody honestly hates gasheads then you really need to get out a lot more.

IH is a genuinely nice bloke, i've only met him briefly the once but my parents have met him and his misses a fair few times ( and this was 15 years ago at least when he was apparently at his city hating worst) at speech therapy (i think) classes for his two kids, and he was a thoroughly decent bloke.

i think he has matured massively in the last few years, and remember seeing him at the city vs rovers legends match at Clevedon a couple of years back where he was winding the crowd up and vice versa. i love the rivalry between city and rovers and the banter it brings but don't hate the gas or Holloway (i just pity them :) )

its a massive achievement what Blackpool have achieved this season where he was going to get a bonus for survival. its also great to have a Bristolian manager in the biggest league in the world which is dominated by foreign mercenaries with a couple of exceptions who couldn't give a toss about the fans. i just hope blackpool survive and we go up so we can get holloway down the gate and wind him up.

i just hope he doesnt poach maynard now they have cash?

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