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Vote Maynard!


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Guest oftbc

Messi's goal WOW - What a PASS by Xavi (if only England had 2 players like them)

Maicon is the best goal there for me,

but can understand why Huggel is top, Worthy winner

Voted Maynard however, In Firefox, Safari AND Chrome

Strange because I can't. I may be missing something obvious but it just looks like another goal that is scored from outside the box which is done all the time. Nothing special about it unlike Nickys.
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Strange because I can't. I may be missing something obvious but it just looks like another goal that is scored from outside the box which is done all the time. Nothing special about it unlike Nickys.

Although i think Nicky's is awesome, that Huggel goal is so highly rated due to the team play that leads up to it, the one touch football is superb.

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Although i think Nicky's is awesome, that Huggel goal is so highly rated due to the team play that leads up to it, the one touch football is superb.

I was about to post that, if I I was more neutral I'd have voted for Huggel.

Reminded me of an awesome Everton goal I saw from the Kendal era where that sort of flick pass happened all down the wing then it inevitably went straight in. Unstoppable. Tried and failed to find it on youtube.

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Have added my vote

stupid Question, how do you delete your cookies so i can vote again.

Ha, not that old chestnut again, I remember years ago we were all running a dos program on Win98 that was sending in hundreds of votes, can't remember what it was voting for, have a feeling it was Tinman for something. Then there was that playforyouclub.com thing (didn't the Gas get caught cheating?), just bought it all back.

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Have added my vote

stupid Question, how do you delete your cookies so i can vote again.

On your internet browser use the "Tools" drop down menu, click internet options. Where its says "browser history" click delete and highlight "cookies". Refresh (f5) the voting page and repeat 1000 times :dancing6:

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I reckon they arent allowing multiple entries from same isp... just voted 5 times and never moved from 8.4%

Its not that, other fans from the other clubs are doing the same thing :grr: , just been on the florists forum and one bloke reckons he's voted over 2000 times since 1am on Cohen and moved him up 8%.....


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