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Cidex Tax Increase Scrapped


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So basically it was like saying remember that thing that was mentioned but wasn't going to be implemented from the last budget, were not going to implement it either but we are going to make it sound like we were the first people to cancel it.

Do you think they are going to cancel a VAT rise for cider in every budget for next 5 years?

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Personally i don't think it much matters whether we like the cuts or the tax hikes. When a government spends £1 more than every £3 they take in taxes we know there is no choice in the matter, unless of course we want to keep on spending and call our friends from the IMF in to sort out the mess with resultant swinging results.

The day of reckoning is here and we just have to stomach it. As sure as night follows day we have one govt who always loves to spend money and another who ends up having no choice but to clear up the carnage they leave behind.

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Personally i don't think it much matters whether we like the cuts or the tax hikes. When a government spends £1 more than every £3 they take in taxes we know there is no choice in the matter, unless of course we want to keep on spending and call our friends from the IMF in to sort out the mess with resultant swinging results.

The day of reckoning is here and we just have to stomach it. As sure as night follows day we have one govt who always loves to spend money and another who ends up having no choice but to clear up the carnage they leave behind.

Twaddle (trying to be polite here!). This financial situation was not caused by you or me, or indeed the Government of the time. The recession was caused by the banking industry.

Greedy people who tried to get a whole lot greedier. Now that's what you and I are now paying for. Lets just hope he hasn't taken us backwards into ANOTHER recession. Cos that one wil be a whole lot worse than the last.

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Twaddle (trying to be polite here!). This financial situation was not caused by you or me, or indeed the Government of the time. The recession was caused by the banking industry.

Greedy people who tried to get a whole lot greedier. Now that's what you and I are now paying for. Lets just hope he hasn't taken us backwards into ANOTHER recession. Cos that one wil be a whole lot worse than the last.

Im no Labour supporter and im certainly not a Tory supporter - im defiantly a floating voter. I can see that the banks employees did this and im quite frankly a bit f'ed off watching the different party's try and score points using this current problem. I believe the current government and the past government have always done what's best for the country at that particular time i.e. the banks needed saving - the banks were saved, we need to cut the deficit - were now doing that.

I wish they would stop finger pointing over spilt milk and get on with improving our future.

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Twaddle (trying to be polite here!). This financial situation was not caused by you or me, or indeed the Government of the time. The recession was caused by the banking industry.

Greedy people who tried to get a whole lot greedier. Now that's what you and I are now paying for. Lets just hope he hasn't taken us backwards into ANOTHER recession. Cos that one wil be a whole lot worse than the last.

So its the bankers fault why the last govt spent more than their income? Now that is the real twaddle my friend.

I suppose its also the bankers' fault why a so called heroic Chancellor we had for 10 odd years happened upon the 'supreme' idea of selling some 25% of our gold reserves at an historic 75 year low in value only to see it rise inexorably to this day. A right canny move that was. NOT. The imbecile should be indicted for squandering the largest post war surplus we ever had. You, me and Joe Bloggs are now about to start paying for his crass errors of judgement. The banking crisis is a mere sideshow by comparison and only exacerbated and highlighted the error of his ways sooner.. One could therefore summarise by saying the bankers did us a favour>.. but that would be stretching it i confess!

A pity 35% of the population did not spot it in the election of 2005.

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