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Club Statement

Port Said Red

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Just read it twice and it does feel very negative. I think this has really knocked the stuffing out of SL and the team.

Do they have the stomach to go back in what could be 6-9months and go through the whole thing again? I don't think it looks good..........

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Just read it twice and it does feel very negative. I think this has really knocked the stuffing out of SL and the team.

Do they have the stomach to go back in what could be 6-9months and go through the whole thing again? I don't think it looks good..........

I agree with you. Having read it twice I have a feeling this is the end of the new stadium. Hope I'm wrong though.

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We remain ambitious as a football club, both on and off the pitch, which, at the moment, is more than we feel able to say for our city's planners

So true. Its a shame this whole thing has been slowed down by a load of tax robbing ******* who seem to go out of their way to piss us off.

Either they dont care about Bristol, at all! or they are completely stupid. Or probably both.


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Will be interesting to know what Bristol and England's world cup committees think of this, both the decision and the club's reaction. I read somewhere recently that FIFA are touring the country's and City's that are bidding for the world cup during Aug, Sept, Oct this year.

Not going to be a very comfortable discussion when they get to Bristol

'This is the site for the new stadium, not sure if it's going to be built yet!'

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Lansdown should come out now and say that either the sainsburys shop is given planning permission or he will pull the stadium, and subsequently the world cup bid. He should give them 1 week to reconsider, then pull out. Then it is the councils problem. They are a joke, what is the point of coming this far only to stop it?

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Lansdown should come out now and say that either the sainsburys shop is given planning permission or he will pull the stadium, and subsequently the world cup bid. He should give them 1 week to reconsider, then pull out. Then it is the councils problem. They are a joke, what is the point of coming this far only to stop it?

That wont work.

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That wont work.

Quite correct! these people are fundamentally against it so for SL to play that card would be foolish.

Fortunately SL being the shrewd businessman he is I'm confident he will find a way to circumvent it all with or without going to appeal, remember this is not direct veto of the stadium itself granted its major setback in raising the cash but theres more than one way to skin a cat.

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Quite correct! these people are fundamentally against it so for SL to play that card would be foolish.

Fortunately SL being the shrewd businessman he is I'm confident he will find a way to circumvent it all with or without going to appeal, remember this is not direct veto of the stadium itself granted its major setback in raising the cash but theres more than one way to skin a cat.


Steve the board and the staff of the football club must be deeply upset right now (as must be the staff of Sainsbury's and all those who would benefit from all the new jobs that would be created in building etc), however now is not the time for a knee jerk. SL should take a day or two off cool off and then make the decision of what to do next in conjunction with the directors of Sainsbury's

Rome was not built in a day (with or without Rome city councils support) and a knock back like this was to seriously be expected at some point. Whether we like it or not Bristol in general is not a hot bed of football fanaticism and the council decision reflects that.

Good Luck to the club moving forward and particularly to the chairman who is making us all very proud of our football club!

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There is a very strong hidden message in this statement.

The board is obviously feeling very deflated right now, and wondering where to turn to next and the fact they have to go through all of it again...

After all the hard work and effort Mr Lansdown has put into this, all his many ambitious plans he has made for us. I think this statement is saying they need a little help, help from us fans,

we have sat here at our keyboards and praised and thanked mr lansdown, and welcomed this new stadium plans into our bristol city lives. I think this is saying if we want the stadium, us fans have to give a little effort into fighting for it. We atleast owe Mr Lansdown this.

The way I see it. Imagine Mr Lansdown can do nothing about this. The only way is if we(the fans)all protest, and we didnt...Mr Lansdown would think why am i even bothering all this hard work when they wont even give a little back? It would definately impresse him and Bristol city, it would give him more reason to provide us fans with a great future.

obviously we are giving him the money to do things like this(ticket sales etc) but that has nothing to do with the fact our council are useless. I know about the other thread for the friendly protest. This statement is just more reason to do it.

Mr Lansdown is ambitious, but are we ambitious enough as fans?

someone help me out im not great with words...

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This is just the club demonstrating that they can play hard ball.

If this was America Steve Lansdown could be threatening to move the whole club to a new city, one with some ambition. As it is he'll just leave, which is much the same thing.

This is literally a case of: Bristol, do you want to be a top city with a top team and a top facility or do you want to be a stupid, rural backwater looked down upon by the rest of the country?

If the stadium is rejected now then Bristol will never have a top class stadium and it will never have a top class team. If the people of Bristol don't want those things then so be it. It's their loss. They can enjoy the likes of Reading, Derby, Southampton, Swansea, Cardiff and probably even Swindon doing better than them.

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It's understandable, but I'm surprised how unprofessional this response is, especially the bit that says "We remain ambitious... [which] is more than we feel able to say for our city's planners".

Bottom line is that you've got some people doing a job who have nor real training in management or decision making or real-life commercial considerations. Therefore they are going to be emotive egotistical people who have suddenly been given a bit of power for once in their lives. And they are going to use that as much as possible.

These are not people who are going to bow to reason or have a feel for the needs of the silent majority. They are going to be self important idiots who can't get a well paid job in the real world and who will make irrational trendy decisions based on who shouts the loudest or whatever fashion is currently blowing in the wind.

As professional people, it's really hard to deal with people like that because you cannot use facts, logic or objectivty. You have to lower yourself to their level and play to their weaknesses - their ability to be swayed by ego and arrogance.

So insulting them is not the way to go, as justified as it is. You have to play their game, jump through their hoops and just be their bitch.

Either that or simply make a loud annoying noise and make your opinions so loud and annoying that they can't be ignored.

Steve has tried the first method, so I guess it's down to us to try the second.

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If the stadium is rejected now then Bristol will never have a top class stadium and it will never have a top class team. If the people of Bristol don't want those things then so be it. It's their loss. They can enjoy the likes of Reading, Derby, Southampton, Swansea, Cardiff and probably even Swindon doing better than them.

I fundamentally disagree with this analysis. You don't need to have a great ground to get into the Prem (just ask Blackpool!) and nor does having a new stadium guarantee you any kind of success, commercial or footballing (just ask Southampton!). Yes Derby, Hull and Reading have had a couple of years in the Prem and have new stadia but they are now in no better position than we are football-wise and Hull are in a far worse position financially.

If we don't build a new stadium, so be it. BCFC has survived far worse.

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Early 19th Century, planning application goes in for a new type of "Suspension" Bridge to cross the Avon Gorge. Rejected

Or a new Railway system to connect Bristol with London and the south west. Rejected

Or a even little wooden boat to discover the new world!!! Rejected

At least Bristol used to have visionary leaders..

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It's understandable, but I'm surprised how unprofessional this response is, especially the bit that says "We remain ambitious... [which] is more than we feel able to say for our city's planners".

Bottom line is that you've got some people doing a job who have nor real training in management or decision making or real-life commercial considerations. Therefore they are going to be emotive egotistical people who have suddenly been given a bit of power for once in their lives. And they are going to use that as much as possible.

These are not people who are going to bow to reason or have a feel for the needs of the silent majority. They are going to be self important idiots who can't get a well paid job in the real world and who will make irrational trendy decisions based on who shouts the loudest or whatever fashion is currently blowing in the wind.

As professional people, it's really hard to deal with people like that because you cannot use facts, logic or objectivty. You have to lower yourself to their level and play to their weaknesses - their ability to be swayed by ego and arrogance.

So insulting them is not the way to go, as justified as it is. You have to play their game, jump through their hoops and just be their bitch.

Either that or simply make a loud annoying noise and make your opinions so loud and annoying that they can't be ignored.

Steve has tried the first method, so I guess it's down to us to try the second.

If it's any consolation I have the same experience with Government Ministers who are utterly incapable of managing anything and never grasp the likely consequences of their policies. Almost every one ends up delivering the exact opposite of their declared intentions but they're buggered if they're going to listen to professional advice. Take my advice. Don't send your kids to Eton or Westminster schools nor to Oxbridge. :innocent06:

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All I can say is that I am deeply concerned at where this might be going. I would hate for Sir Steve to leave, but he has stated several times that if things we'rent going to progress he would consider whether to keep going with us or not.

Could be bad times ahead.

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Watching the Council session last night, maybe, we as fans missed an opportunity to show support. The council hall was full of NIMBYS. IF this goes to appeal, we need to fill the place with City fans and show the Counxil how much we want this.

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Watching the Council session last night, maybe, we as fans missed an opportunity to show support. The council hall was full of NIMBYS. IF this goes to appeal, we need to fill the place with City fans and show the Counxil how much we want this.

Totally agreed. WE as fans need to do something now. Never before have I seen OTIB so united. Now is the time to use this unison to full effect. Marches, protests, leafleting, lobbying, Facebook pages, petitions - WE as fans can do so much.

WE have been the 12th man for Bristol City as a team for several years, when they have really needed us (Palace Playoff Semi, Rotherham at home, Newcastle (1st game without GJ) every game the team NEEDED us we have delivered. The CLUB need us now, this isn't just about Bristol City as a team, but as a brand, and this is something that effects the entire of Bristol. WE as fans, who want this more than anyone now have the duty to show it and do EVERYTHING we can to play a part in getting the right decision for Bristol City and Bristol.

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not concerned at all!!

the stadium WILL be built why?, simply because supermarkets are more powerful than the mafia, they have the power to start building without planning permission and it will be passed these things turn over hundreds of thousands a day..money talks..no worries..if not plenty more land in south bristol, if not go hartcliffe side of bristol and play the "help the area card" jobs etc. supermarkets employ people to get things done lots of corporate spin offs and wine and dine stuff, people gonna get rich so it will be built.

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Never farkin surrender, even with you backs up against the wall. Fark all you greens, lib dumbs, tree huugers and narrow minded bigots who dont even come from the area of the ground

Eff orf to West Wales now

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I have no doubt Sainsbury's will go for costs at the Inquiry. So you Bristol people not only get a naff decision but you end up, as ratepayers, paying for the consequences of the decision as well. Nice one!

Anyone know if they twin-tracked the application? If so, with a few small tweaks could get considered at the next Committee and save of face for Bristol City Council..

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I fundamentally disagree with this analysis. You don't need to have a great ground to get into the Prem (just ask Blackpool!) and nor does having a new stadium guarantee you any kind of success, commercial or footballing (just ask Southampton!). Yes Derby, Hull and Reading have had a couple of years in the Prem and have new stadia but they are now in no better position than we are football-wise and Hull are in a far worse position financially.

If we don't build a new stadium, so be it. BCFC has survived far worse.

With all due respect what you've done there is a classic misreading of the argument.

1. Nobody* ever said that a new stadium means Premier League football, or any kind of success.

2. Nobody ever said that a new stadium is required to reach the Premier League.

What is a fact, however, is that some form of improvement, redevelopment or new stadium is required to sustain Premier League football, and in fact a club at all in the current climate.

Derby, Hull and Reading are all better set up for long term success than we are and Hull are only in trouble because they got carried away and went overboard.

Without Steve Lansdown right now we are in serious trouble. If the stadium plans go through correctly he'll be able to walk away leaving a club that stands on its own two feet. Surely that's better?

*Some people may have said this. I don't agree with them.

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Have been told tonight by someone who works for Bristol city council that the reason it was rejected was because the planners did not have bus routes and roads marked up on the plans and that all they had to do is resummit the plans with decent bus routes and roads on it and they will pass it as they are all for it. Anyone else heard this???

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Read the EP report and the decision looks utterly perverse. If 'Air Quality' is going to be an issue with every planning application, nothing will ever get built, whilst air quality remains poor due to the poor public transport options. The busses argument is just inane and makes you wonder how idiots like that ever get elected. As for 'listening to the meeting', that would be a first, minds are always made up in advance. I would suggest that reponses are considered, and maybe it needs the Supporters Trust to look for ideas, decide the best, and galvanise the supporters so that all energy is focussed in the right way.

First would be for the Club to refuse any advertising from the Tobacco Factory, and the SC to publicise Fergusons involvement in this, and do all they can to encourage a boycott. I think that direct action might be counter-productive.

The SC to issue statements to the Press, use the EP to our advantage. Put forward reasoned arguments, point out the cost to the City (Was it £2m if we get the World Cup?). Propaganda will be very effective if done correctly. Angry individuals ranting in the letters column is not. It might also encourage SL that the Club and it's supporters are worth the effort.

The model to follow is the Charlton 'Back to the Valley'.

If we stay calm, don't act rashly, back a well organised campaign and don't drink in Fergusons shit-hole, we can win.

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