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Spare A Thought For Gerks & Hendo


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if these rumours are going to be a reality would like to get fans thoughts on gerks & hendo as to there futures with the club,will they both feel happy with the incoming of wot will be obviously our number 1 goalkeeper,thoughts please

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if these rumours are going to be a reality would like to get fans thoughts on gerks & hendo as to there futures with the club,will they both feel happy with the incoming of wot will be obviously our number 1 goalkeeper,thoughts please

Well to be fair i don't really rate gerken i would exept him to be in the transfer market in January if we do sign DJ

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IF it happens then Hendo and Gerkin should see it as an opportunity to further develop with a keeper of International experience. The person who will suffer most IMO will be Gerkin as I think he wont be no more than 3rd choice, so probably best he went out on loan.

If we get James it can only be a positive IMO

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gerken is brilliant back up but would probably be sold in january if he is unhappy. henderson should be given a few games this season like cup games and james' experience would benefit a young talented goalkeeper like hendo vastly i expect gerken is probably going to be the most unhappy about this possible signing though

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I subscribe to the keep Hedns and let Gerken go camp.

In fact, if James doesn't come my own preference would be to start the season with Hends.

But never mind those two - how abour spare a thought for Stuart Naylor our goalkeeping coach. What can he teach James that he doesn't already know?!!!

Let Naylor go and use his wages [probably not that much] to fund the playing side. I reckon if James does come he could end up with some coaching role long term

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I would have thought that making James coach right from the start would be in the package we are offerings. David is a great goalkepper an a intelligent man so would be a great signing in many ways. Also Bristol is not so far from the area he currently lives.

I subscribe to the keep Hedns and let Gerken go camp.

In fact, if James doesn't come my own preference would be to start the season with Hends.

But never mind those two - how abour spare a thought for Stuart Naylor our goalkeeping coach. What can he teach James that he doesn't already know?!!!

Let Naylor go and use his wages [probably not that much] to fund the playing side. I reckon if James does come he could end up with some coaching role long term

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Am I the only one that thinks Dean has the potential to be a fantastic goal keeper.

Aggreed towards the end of the season he looked very nervous and apprehensive

and made a few rickets, but the way our defence was playing it would make the best

keeper in the world have nightmares. Early in the season Dean pulled of many absolutely

outstanding saves that simply kept us in games that we had no right to be. Some of the

best shot stoping I have ever seen, he had the crowd off their feet on numerous occasions

gasping, asking how could he have possibly stoped that. Hisconfidence fell away at the same

time that the defence was at sixes and sevens.

I say give Dean a break, he will become an outstanding keeper, though subject to playing

behind a back line that has some clue about defending.

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if these rumours are going to be a reality would like to get fans thoughts on gerks & hendo as to there futures with the club,will they both feel happy with the incoming of wot will be obviously our number 1 goalkeeper,thoughts please

I don't see why they would be bothered TBH, DJ would be on a 1 year contract (2 years max) and the experience and guidence he would be able to offer them would be invaluable for the pair of them....

They are both still young in "goalkeeping years" and have long careers ahead of them which are only going to benefit from players like DJ coming to the club

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They must fight for their place I would imagine just like James. If james lets one or two howlers in will he remain between the sticks? Likewise with Gerkin and Henderson. Also, as others have said, you have an international goalkeeper to learn off, many don't get that in their career.


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Am I the only one that thinks Dean has the potential to be a fantastic goal keeper.

Aggreed towards the end of the season he looked very nervous and apprehensive

and made a few rickets, but the way our defence was playing it would make the best

keeper in the world have nightmares. Early in the season Dean pulled of many absolutely

outstanding saves that simply kept us in games that we had no right to be. Some of the

best shot stoping I have ever seen, he had the crowd off their feet on numerous occasions

gasping, asking how could he have possibly stoped that. Hisconfidence fell away at the same

time that the defence was at sixes and sevens.

I say give Dean a break, he will become an outstanding keeper, though subject to playing

behind a back line that has some clue about defending.

The thing that lets his game down is his positioning. Goalkeeping is all about angles and Gerks doesn't appear to own a protractor. Too many times last season we could see him taking up the wrong position from behind the goal and I don't know if that can be coached into him at this point. By this stage of his career I would expect him to be a good shot stopper and have positional sense, what comes with experience is decision making.

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If i were a young goalkeeper at Bristol City (probably Hendo more than Gerken) i would be wetting myself with excitement at the prospect at working with someone like David James. More than any other position, keepers don't tend to bloom till their 30's and so both our current goalies have time on their sides

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There will be an element of Gerken's reaction to this which will be, 'bu**er, there goes my first team spot'.

However, he has to use it as a positive, too. Both he and Henderson are young and have a lot to learn; playing with someone like David James - even for one year - would teach them a huge amount, and I've no doubt the pair would be better players for it.

I think both have big futures - Gerken's still only 25 and could have another 10 years at the top - and I think if they both stay around, fight for their place and learn something from a really quality 'keeper and professional, we could see two much better 'keepers playing for us in the future.

They have to remember as well, David James is nearly 40 - he's not going to play two games in a week, or maybe not even every week, so there will still be opportunities for the pair this season. And I'm sure Sc is clever enough to use his squad appropriately.

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The way every one has written these two off for the season is not good news for either of them.

And given we have not even signed a new keeper as yet, we could experience all the damage but none of the repair...

Don't think anyone has 'written these two off', as you put it. Gerken can be brilliant and dire in the same game, a bit like Steve Phillips used to be. Unlike Phillips I suspect he has more character and understands that the welfare of the club is more important in the bigger picture than any individual player being guaranteed a first team place. Hendo has always impressed me but both are decent keepers. If James does come however he is the current England no.1, and as such, he would raise the bar for both these younger keepers considerably, and if they feel that learning from a player of his experience and stature, is not to their liking, I am sure they will be given the chance to pursue their careers elsewhere.

'All the damage and none of the repair'?? It's pre-season and there will ALWAYS be speculation about players arriving and the implications of each potential arrival. That is the nature of professional football. Can't see that either Gerks or Hendo is going to be the shy , fragile, easily demoralised type.

If DJ doesn't sign, the club will still look to sign a third keeper and the challenge to become established as No.1 will still prevail.

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