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Any Regrets Now?


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On a personal basis I felt that Gary stayed a little too long, the trend was poor for some time and he perhaps had too much faith and trust in some players and a poor scouting system. There were a lot of people on here suggesting GJ should have stayed on as Manager but on reflection, I'm imagining now that you are quite pleased we made the change?

Once we have the new stadium we have a base to push towards the Premier League but even before that, SC has brought connections, knowledge and the ability to hopefully take us to the next level before then? I enjoyed GJ's time with us greatly (Apart from the last season) but now that we are starting to clear the decks, the fresh approach feels like it was well overdue?

We have a great Chairman who we should not only thank but also trust as there are few as good, we have a Manager who has significant connections at the top of the game and season ticket sales and attendance numbers will go on up thanks to some astute and exciting transfer dealings.

We just need to be careful that we don't get impatient and expect too much too quickly - we have our part to play and that starts Saturday!

Come onnn youuuu Reds!!


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On a personal basis I felt that Gary stayed a little too long, the trend was poor for some time and he perhaps had too much faith and trust in some players and a poor scouting system. There were a lot of people on here suggesting GJ should have stayed on as Manager but on reflection, I'm imagining now that you are quite pleased we made the change?

Once we have the new stadium we have a base to push towards the Premier League but even before that, SC has brought connections, knowledge and the ability to hopefully take us to the next level before then? I enjoyed GJ's time with us greatly (Apart from the last season) but now that we are starting to clear the decks, the fresh approach feels like it was well overdue?

We have a great Chairman who we should not only thank but also trust as there are few as good, we have a Manager who has significant connections at the top of the game and season ticket sales and attendance numbers will go on up thanks to some astute and exciting transfer dealings.

We just need to be careful that we don't get impatient and expect too much too quickly - we have our part to play and that starts Saturday!

Come onnn youuuu Reds!!


Que sera ...

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the only regret is that some fans turned on him when he needed their support the most. He deserved better after all he did for the club and people should of trusted Lansdown to make the right decision when the time was right.

those people should regret what they did and hang their heads in shame. They wont but they should.

I have no regrets that Lansdown made the change when he did because it proved to be the right thing for the club.

I just hope people will support Coppell through thick and thin and cut him some slack if we go through a bad patch. Doubtless some wont again though.

there are plenty of topics on here saying what a fantastic chairman Lansdown is. So trust him, support him and let him make the decisions when he knows its right. Until then support the club.

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On a personal basis I felt that Gary stayed a little too long, the trend was poor for some time and he perhaps had too much faith and trust in some players and a poor scouting system. There were a lot of people on here suggesting GJ should have stayed on as Manager but on reflection, I'm imagining now that you are quite pleased we made the change?

Once we have the new stadium we have a base to push towards the Premier League but even before that, SC has brought connections, knowledge and the ability to hopefully take us to the next level before then? I enjoyed GJ's time with us greatly (Apart from the last season) but now that we are starting to clear the decks, the fresh approach feels like it was well overdue?

We have a great Chairman who we should not only thank but also trust as there are few as good, we have a Manager who has significant connections at the top of the game and season ticket sales and attendance numbers will go on up thanks to some astute and exciting transfer dealings.

We just need to be careful that we don't get impatient and expect too much too quickly - we have our part to play and that starts Saturday!

Come onnn youuuu Reds!!


Yes I have some regret, I wish Gary Johnson had been able to build on our play-off season and I regret the way he left (incident in the tunnel at plymouth). I know and agree SL should take a helluva lot of credit for the clubs success but we must remember who lead us to where we are, a good quality Championship club. GJ was given the task of overhauling this club, a task he succeeded in doing, a job far and away beyond a "Conferance manager" Gary proved he was a decent Championship manager but the club needed better than decent and that's what we have in Steve Coppell. His legacy is better than any other manager I've known at the club and laid the foundations for SC to build on. So yes some regrets but outweighed by the optimism for the future. The King is dead, Long live the King.

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On a personal basis I felt that Gary stayed a little too long, the trend was poor for some time and he perhaps had too much faith and trust in some players and a poor scouting system. There were a lot of people on here suggesting GJ should have stayed on as Manager but on reflection, I'm imagining now that you are quite pleased we made the change?

Once we have the new stadium we have a base to push towards the Premier League but even before that, SC has brought connections, knowledge and the ability to hopefully take us to the next level before then? I enjoyed GJ's time with us greatly (Apart from the last season) but now that we are starting to clear the decks, the fresh approach feels like it was well overdue?

We have a great Chairman who we should not only thank but also trust as there are few as good, we have a Manager who has significant connections at the top of the game and season ticket sales and attendance numbers will go on up thanks to some astute and exciting transfer dealings.

We just need to be careful that we don't get impatient and expect too much too quickly - we have our part to play and that starts Saturday!

Come onnn youuuu Reds!!


I think the departure of GJ was probably timed about right, but i`ve highlighted that line in your post because IMO it played a huge part in why GJ struggled at the end. Rock bottom when he turned up and he got just about everything right to turn the club around, got us promoted and very nearly got us into the Prem. After that mid table was never going to be good enough in many people`s eyes, unfortunately things started to go a bit pear shaped off the pitch and the writing was on the wall.

It would have been interesting to know what might have happened had City got promoted and then finished mid-table, giving GJ a chance to acclimatise too instead of being on that steep learning curve, lets not forget, he was in uncharted territory.

I`m sure some will have plenty to say about GJ`s reign and will concentrate on the last 6 months, i`d prefer to just look back on it as laying the foundations for our hopes and SL ambitions for the future. The next chapter starts saturday and i`m looking forward to jumping on that roller coaster again.


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the only regret is that some fans turned on him when he needed their support the most. He deserved better after all he did for the club and people should of trusted Lansdown to make the right decision when the time was right.

those people should regret what they did and hang their heads in shame. They wont but they should.

I have no regrets that Lansdown made the change when he did because it proved to be the right thing for the club.

I just hope people will support Coppell through thick and thin and cut him some slack if we go through a bad patch. Doubtless some wont again though.

there are plenty of topics on here saying what a fantastic chairman Lansdown is. So trust him, support him and let him make the decisions when he knows its right. Until then support the club.

Here here to that. Too many had the knife out pedling their own agenda. Good change at the right time.

Shame that it was so bitter given all that Gary had done for us.

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Our previous manager ran out out idea's as much as a year ago. Going into last season even his most ferocious critics were anticipating a much more attractive style of play after the previous season of turgid and predictable football. Sadly he went into last season with the same style despite having some decent additions to his squad, Hartley in particular.

It was obvious that he wasn't able to change style or motivate the players. An unbalaced squad and desperate loan signings just highlighted that. The 0-6 and 2-5 thrashings at AG were simply the catalysts for his departure. The club had been stagnating since the play-off final.

Now we have a class act as a manger who has played and managed at the highest level and imo is a far more sophisticated than his predecessor. Coppell is a thinking mans manager.

It will take Steve Coppell a season or two to create the balanced squad he wants but on the way we will see some thrilling football - something we haven't had for the last two seasons. I can hardly wait for the season to get going.

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Our previous manager ran out out idea's as much as a year ago. Going into last season even his most ferocious critics were anticipating a much more attractive style of play after the previous season of turgid and predictable football. Sadly he went into last season with the same style despite having some decent additions to his squad, Hartley in particular.

It was obvious that he wasn't able to change style or motivate the players. An unbalaced squad and desperate loan signings just highlighted that. The 0-6 and 2-5 thrashings at AG were simply the catalysts for his departure. The club had been stagnating since the play-off final.

Now we have a class act as a manger who has played and managed at the highest level and imo is a far more sophisticated than his predecessor. Coppell is a thinking mans manager.

It will take Steve Coppell a season or two to create the balanced squad he wants but on the way we will see some thrilling football - something we haven't had for the last two seasons. I can hardly wait for the season to get going.

You can't even bring yourself to mention him by name, what a sad person you are.

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Our previous manager ran out out idea's as much as a year ago. Going into last season even his most ferocious critics were anticipating a much more attractive style of play after the previous season of turgid and predictable football. Sadly he went into last season with the same style despite having some decent additions to his squad, Hartley in particular.

It was obvious that he wasn't able to change style or motivate the players. An unbalaced squad and desperate loan signings just highlighted that. The 0-6 and 2-5 thrashings at AG were simply the catalysts for his departure. The club had been stagnating since the play-off final.

Now we have a class act as a manger who has played and managed at the highest level and imo is a far more sophisticated than his predecessor. Coppell is a thinking mans manager.

It will take Steve Coppell a season or two to create the balanced squad he wants but on the way we will see some thrilling football - something we haven't had for the last two seasons. I can hardly wait for the season to get going.

Sorry to hear he isnt your cup of tea. Try to support him anyway.

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Our previous manager ran out out idea's as much as a year ago. Going into last season even his most ferocious critics were anticipating a much more attractive style of play after the previous season of turgid and predictable football. Sadly he went into last season with the same style despite having some decent additions to his squad, Hartley in particular.

It was obvious that he wasn't able to change style or motivate the players. An unbalaced squad and desperate loan signings just highlighted that. The 0-6 and 2-5 thrashings at AG were simply the catalysts for his departure. The club had been stagnating since the play-off final.

Now we have a class act as a manger who has played and managed at the highest level and imo is a far more sophisticated than his predecessor. Coppell is a thinking mans manager.

It will take Steve Coppell a season or two to create the balanced squad he wants but on the way we will see some thrilling football - something we haven't had for the last two seasons. I can hardly wait for the season to get going.

Disagree with the opening of this. McIndoe didn't perform in the second season and GJ, in most people's minds rightly moved him on. However, he would have perhaps been wise to secure a replacement before McIndoe left, as without any natural outlet on that side we were very easy to defend against; crowd the centre of the park when defending and we've got very little to throw at opposition, then break with width and we've got similar in the way of cover for Orr/McAllister. I would imagine GJ/KM were searching for new wingers on both sides last summer, as he didn't see enough in Sproule to give him a prolonged run in the side. We were strong in some areas but very poor in others, probably hence why we moved for Sonko originally in January but were thrown back, and why we moved for Lee Martin who turned us down. We never played particularly dominant, fluid football under GJ but the personnel we had during the last season weren't good enough as a team, whilst containing numerous talented individuals. As it became clear Gary wouldn't be able to add to his team I believe he started to get out of his depth and ran out of ideas, whether he could have turned it around this summer, who knows, but we didn't look like picking up any decent form in the last 10 games of 09/10.

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Our previous manager ran out out idea's as much as a year ago. Going into last season even his most ferocious critics were anticipating a much more attractive style of play after the previous season of turgid and predictable football. Sadly he went into last season with the same style despite having some decent additions to his squad, Hartley in particular.

It was obvious that he wasn't able to change style or motivate the players. An unbalaced squad and desperate loan signings just highlighted that. The 0-6 and 2-5 thrashings at AG were simply the catalysts for his departure. The club had been stagnating since the play-off final.

Now we have a class act as a manger who has played and managed at the highest level and imo is a far more sophisticated than his predecessor. Coppell is a thinking mans manager.

It will take Steve Coppell a season or two to create the balanced squad he wants but on the way we will see some thrilling football - something we haven't had for the last two seasons. I can hardly wait for the season to get going.

And right on que...it's fishing season again :fish:

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Our previous manager ran out out idea's as much as a year ago. Going into last season even his most ferocious critics were anticipating a much more attractive style of play after the previous season of turgid and predictable football. Sadly he went into last season with the same style despite having some decent additions to his squad, Hartley in particular.

It was obvious that he wasn't able to change style or motivate the players. An unbalaced squad and desperate loan signings just highlighted that. The 0-6 and 2-5 thrashings at AG were simply the catalysts for his departure. The club had been stagnating since the play-off final.

Now we have a class act as a manger who has played and managed at the highest level and imo is a far more sophisticated than his predecessor. Coppell is a thinking mans manager.

It will take Steve Coppell a season or two to create the balanced squad he wants but on the way we will see some thrilling football - something we haven't had for the last two seasons. I can hardly wait for the season to get going.

Despite disagreeing with other posts from rr.

To me, this is bang on. Unfortunately others are letting personal views about the poster overlook what is a bloody good post.

Johnson was lost come the end and had lost many of the fans and players and had no clue how to turn it around.

Considering the summer so far, Gary Johnson is yesterdays man and part of the past, some great, some dreadful.

steve coppell is the present and future and based on the last week many fans are probably already thinking. Gary who?

I'd like to think our paths will cross Gain in the future, but bar a odd cup game, I'd be surprised to see Gary back at the gate as away manager anytime soon

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The original poster makes some v good points. I feel over time most supporters will agree that overall GJ was good for our club. He helped us to climb the ladder of football success. GJ made us a solid and established side at this level, had we languished in Div 1 then SC would not be here now. GJ was in the job for a long time because SL recognized his input, contribution and talent. Nearly all managers get the sack one way or another, SC will leave or be pushed one day....when this happens it is important to thank them for all they have done and move on. SL knows who the good supporters are........and he Say's he knows who the trouble makers are.............if you ask SL he will most likely say GJ was a good manager, whereas he would IMO say Robored is a poor supporter!

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There is no doubt it was right for Gary to go but his record puts him up with the best City Managers in my lifetime and I for one will always be grateful to him. The fact remains that without his achievements we would not have Steve Coppell and David James (and of course Michael Owen :innocent06:) now. I'd put money on Peterborough to get promoted this year though.

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Stagnating is a word more apt for our prolonged state before Gary Johnsons arrival.

The man worked wonders for this club and deserves an immense amount of gratitude from all connected to it. I was sad to see him leave despite it being the right decision with little realistic alternative course of action. The {apparent} lack of loyalty from players and fans alike was nothing short of disgraceful for a man who achieved more in a couple of seasons than his numerous predecessors combined had achieved before him.

Would I swap the current for the former, absolutely not, we have a top class man at the helm who will, given time and patience, see this club promoted, of that I have no doubt.

That doesnt change the fact that the day Gary Johnson returns as an opposing manager I will give him the standing ovation he so richly deserves.

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Stagnating is a word more apt for our prolonged state before Gary Johnsons arrival.

The man worked wonders for this club and deserves an immense amount of gratitude from all connected to it. I was sad to see him leave despite it being the right decision with little realistic alternative course of action. The {apparent} lack of loyalty from players and fans alike was nothing short of disgraceful for a man who achieved more in a couple of seasons than his numerous predecessors combined had achieved before him.

Would I swap the current for the former, absolutely not, we have a top class man at the helm who will, given time and patience, see this club promoted, of that I have no doubt.

That doesnt change the fact that the day Gary Johnson returns as an opposing manager I will give him the standing ovation he so richly deserves.

Great post!

If Gary ever does return as an away manager, I for one will be 'bouncing' as well as giving him a standing ovation! Gary Johnson is a city legend imo.

But I am looking forward and not back. Bring on Millwall :)

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SC_Red is just a bitter and twisted individual, he obviously supports Lib-Dems and this is where his inferiority complex come from. He slates RR for his personal views on GJ which all

might not agree with and then constantly slates harmless individuals

on here like NTTDS, Noggers.

The man is a pain in the ass.

But it's ok for you to slate him?

I think sc_red often has some very good points.

Ok maybe he takes no prisoners but the majority of his posts as far as I can see, are replies to people slating our own players or the club in general.

Give him a break.

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SC_Red is just a bitter and twisted individual, he obviously supports Lib-Dems and this is where his inferiority complex come from. He slates RR for his personal views on GJ which all might not agree with and then constantly slates harmless individuals on here like NTTDS, Noggers.

The man is a pain in the ass.

still bitter about being shown up for your stupid views on Afghans the other day? You need to get over that or it'll eat you up.

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