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From The First Whistle To The Last.


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In the scheme of things this may seem like a pointless thread, but...


I work in the pub trade and if one of you had walked in a year ago and suggested that Steve Coppell would be our manager and David James would be our keeper, I would have had to stop serving you.

The last time that I was this excited was in 1987 when Terry Cooper signed a certain Joe Jordan. I couldn't believe that 'Big Joe' would be playing up front for us and I took myself to see his debut (at least I think it was) against Brighton at AG. In the event, we won 5-2 and Jordan scored, but the thing that I remember most about that day was the excitement that I felt waking up as a 15 year-old. I feel the same now, I feel like I am 15 again.

I will be in the Atyeo on Saturday and I am expecting a massive party atmosphere. Don't let me down boys and girls (I know that you won't).

Let's sing FROM THE FIRST WHISTLE TO THE LAST, so that Mr. Coppell and Mr. James (and the rest) can leave the pitch feeling half as excited as we do!

Even if we are 4-0 down at half-time, just keep singing!

David James has come from Portsmouth. Love them or hate them, their fans sing from start to finish (not to mention the bloody cow-bells), so let's match or better them!



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