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My Highlight Of The Afternoon


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Around 1.30 those of you stood around bs3 would have seen some OB dash off over the hill towards the park...

Rumour had it that "The Wall" were on the way. Naturally we glanced down the road to have a look and sure enough, out of the park entrance came a large group of men although several seemed to be wearing city shirts.... when they got a bit closer it became obvious that the group were in fact all city fans....


Somebody had obviously played a cruel trick on a lone police dog ranger as he frantically screamed into his walky talky that "Millwall are 20 yards from BS3" whilst running ahead of the group, dog barking behind him.

It only became obvious to him when greetings were made outside the bar rather than confrentation, poor sod.

Made my afternoon though!

up until 3oclock anyway.. :innocent06:

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