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Big Time Charlies?


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Having spoken too many Football Supporters over the years, I have found that many feel there is a 'them and us' feeling at many Clubs. The massive void in wages earned between your average Pro Footballer and your average Supporter is massive. Most supporters have no problem with people earning large sums of money, but find it hard to stomach and warrant the amount, that Footballers earn.

Because of this underlying feeling amongst Supporters, do you feel we are over reactive in what we expect from our footballers? Would we be more lenient in our views, if there wasn't such a gross amount paid to them?

Most Footballers come from working class backgrounds and are just like you and me. Most are normal guys who happen to be good at kicking a ball and have had a big slice of luck in their lives. Unfortunately we read about the wages allegedly earned by players, and their lifestyles, in the Tabloids. We are almost told by the press to have a grudge or grievance against footballers, for the wages earned and the 'misgivings' in their private lives.

Every year, I've had more friends walk away from going to Football, because they can't stomach it anymore.

I know i'm like it...I think, 'how can such and such, be earning say £12 000 a week, and play as badly as that'. I feel afterwards that i shouldn't think like that, and that it is just the system. I for one don't blame the players, but deep down, Football in general.

However...Over the past 10 years all my mates who had Season tickets, have stopped doing so, and only go to a select few games now. They all say, it's because of the reasons i have already stated. We are all in our late 30's and 40's. Have we become miserable old gits disillusioned with life or are others feeling the same way?

Would be interested to hear your views and thoughts.

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I don't have a problem with how much money people earn if it is in relation to the return that they bring to their company.

My company is profitable and they see fit to pay me a wage for the services I offer them that is representative of my input back into the company.

My problem with footballers wages is that it is not proportional to their worth to the club. If we were paying our players 20K per week and the club was making a profit of several million per year then you could argue that the wage is justified. The revenue that they bring in via tickets sales and shirt sales would warrant that wage.

The reality is that most clubs are underpinned by a chairman with a passion for the club and he/she normally ploughs in lots of their own money via loans to the club.

I guess if players wage was directly proportional to club profit then there would be a lot of poor footballers around!!

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