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Backs To The Wall...


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With Coppell now gone, it feels very much, like a 'backs to the wall' season now. With the long and short term injuries we have, and very few quality signings, under Coppell , I think we may have struggled for the first half of the season. However, Millen know's the squad better than anyone, know's what motivates them and will be doing his utmost to prove the faith SL has in him.

Having someone like Scott Murray come in as his assistant, would be a good move imo. He's very proactive, exudes positive energy and will be a true motivational character to have around the place.

Imo , we have a weak squad, not helped by injuries. But we do now have, a new manager wanting to give 100% and prove himself. With his squad knowledge, and the motivational skills of Murray (hopefully), we could give a 'backs to the wall peformance', just like Blackpool did last season. Remember, the were fav's for relegation at the beginning of last season. I reckon Murray could get players to run through walls for us, just like Hollowhead gets the best out of his Blackpool squad.

My only long term concerns, is the negative message, Coppell leaving, will give to any future signings. There will always be that question mark in their head as to why, and what is wrong at the Gate.

Hopefully SL will loosen the reigns a little, and allow KM to bring some quality in. I fear he will have too, so as to attract the quality we need. Otherwise all the momentum GJ gave us will be gone, and we will start going backwards. Coppell is renowned for bringing on unknowns with little outlay. We don't have that anymore, so i feel the Wage structure will have to be looked at...if we wish to 'kick on'.

I'm not going to comment on what i feel about SC until more is known. He's history now...and although i have a sour taste in my mouth about all of this whole debacle, we now need to get behind the lads and management, right throughout, what is going to be a tough season.

If the City fans can get behind KM and the lads, in the same vocal way as last weeks Millwall fans support, then it will let them know we are totally behind them.

Lets show the rest of the Championship, that we are BRISTOL CITY...we always believe and we are gonna fight, one and all.

C'mon you Reds... :chant6ez:

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You made good points but I stopped reading as soon as you said about Murray as his number 2.

IWhy why why why why why why?????????????????

Because i think we need a highly motivational individual who is passionate about our club to help KM. Both of them know City inside out. Imo, it's too late to bring in another 'outsider' with more new ideas. After what has happened, we need to consolidate, even this early in the season. We just don't have the quality in the squad to play our way out of this situation...it is going to take more than that. Murray might not bring in years of managerial knowledge, but he has got other assets that i feel will compliment KM.

Yes...in a perfect world, it's not ideal, but because of the situation we are now in, we need people in charge who are 100% City. KM and SM are imo.

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Because i think we need a highly motivational individual who is passionate about our club to help KM. Both of them know City inside out. Imo, it's too late to bring in another 'outsider' with more new ideas. After what has happened, we need to consolidate, even this early in the season. We just don't have the quality in the squad to play our way out of this situation...it is going to take more than that. Murray might not bring in years of managerial knowledge, but he has got other assets that i feel will compliment KM.

Yes...in a perfect world, it's not ideal, but because of the situation we are now in, we need people in charge who are 100% City. KM and SM are imo.

Scott Murray ould be a disaster!! He is "one of the boys"....he likes to go out, get involved. He is a joker, a character....how the hell could take on the responsibility of being a number 2.

This is real life, this isnt some Roy of the Rovers movie where the character comes back to save the day and gets carried off on the shoulders of screaming fans. Being successful takes more then being passionate.....Im passionate, do you think I could do it?? no.

We need someone who is a qualified coach, someone who can bring fresh ideas to the fold. You say it yourself, we DONT HAVE THE QUALITY IN THE SQUAD....We actually do, but our coaches hvent been good enough to help certain players progress over the last 2/3 years. What the hell could Murray do to help players improve??

It HAS to be a new man, with new ideas......

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Scott Murray ould be a disaster!! He is "one of the boys"....he likes to go out, get involved. He is a joker, a character....how the hell could take on the responsibility of being a number 2.

This is real life, this isnt some Roy of the Rovers movie where the character comes back to save the day and gets carried off on the shoulders of screaming fans. Being successful takes more then being passionate.....Im passionate, do you think I could do it?? no.

We need someone who is a qualified coach, someone who can bring fresh ideas to the fold. You say it yourself, we DONT HAVE THE QUALITY IN THE SQUAD....We actually do, but our coaches hvent been good enough to help certain players progress over the last 2/3 years. What the hell could Murray do to help players improve??

It HAS to be a new man, with new ideas......

Spot on! The last few years at AG have seen a succession of managers, all with different systems and no consistent coeaching objectives. The only period of stability has been with a manager who sees his role as a wheeler dealer, bringing players in and out, rather than bringing players on.

Benny Lennartson (who, don't forget, came to us as a coach, but promptly got landed with a managers job he didn't want) always said that he thought that buying and selling players was not the be all and end all - and that it is just as - even more - important to improve what you've already got. And that's always struck me as good common sense - but something we just don't do at AG.

For all his flair and appeal as a player, SM simply doesn't have the coaching skills that we need, and which are desperately lacking at AG. And don't forget that he was part of that old clique that was making the club such an easy ride for players pre GJ.

It HAS to be a new man, with new ideas, and with the skills to bring the best out of our current squad, and most importantly to develop those skills and make them better players. With the exception of Cole Skuse, is there one City player of the past few years who has become a better player while he's been at AG???

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Scott Murray ould be a disaster!! He is "one of the boys"....he likes to go out, get involved. He is a joker, a character....how the hell could take on the responsibility of being a number 2.

This is real life, this isnt some Roy of the Rovers movie where the character comes back to save the day and gets carried off on the shoulders of screaming fans. Being successful takes more then being passionate.....Im passionate, do you think I could do it?? no.

We need someone who is a qualified coach, someone who can bring fresh ideas to the fold. You say it yourself, we DONT HAVE THE QUALITY IN THE SQUAD....We actually do, but our coaches hvent been good enough to help certain players progress over the last 2/3 years. What the hell could Murray do to help players improve??

It HAS to be a new man, with new ideas......

Most Ex Players who become managers were 'one of the boys' at one point or other. You have to start somewhere. Look at Maradona or closer to home Tinnion, he was the biggest 'lad' out there, and he got a managers job...ok not successful...but the 'lad issue is irelevent.

Some players need coaching and tactics, some need motivating. All need both. You are entitled to your opinion, but imo, we need someone with motivational skills to compliment KM.

I'm passionate also, but it doesn't mean i can motivate. It has been said Murray is good for morale and the dressing room. Something the playing staff surely need right now, as well as quality coaching, which i'm sure KM can provide at this level.

I'm sure KM know's who he wants to work with, and he will choose. We will know soon enough.

Have a pleasant evening.

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I know Coppell didn't exactly have long to stamp any kind of mark on the team but the way they played on Saturday it was like Johnson had never left really, so, my question is how much of our performance is down to the manager and how much is down to how good the players actually are? For example, will Ivan ever be anything than he is? Gerken gets stick but 'England's number 1' let 3 in ie. it might just be our defence/midfield!? :yawn:

I think the Coppell may have attracted some bigger names here but agree with OP maybe we just need to get our heads down and put in a season of hard work and if we are lucky we will rightfully keep our position in the championship - we might get lucky but, sorry isn't that the reality right now? :tumbleweed:

Let's hope Millen can replicate the performances from the end of last season. Jebus, maybe even entertain us along the way! Is that wishful thinking?! :icecream:

The painted robins on the wall will probably be here long after most managers! :igiveup:

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Not overly keen on Scott Murray as the assistant manager however I agree with everything else stated! Spot On!

Lets show this Championship how great Bristol City Football Club is! Onwards and Upwards with 100% support!

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Most Ex Players who become managers were 'one of the boys' at one point or other. You have to start somewhere. Look at Maradona or closer to home Tinnion, he was the biggest 'lad' out there, and he got a managers job...ok not successful...but the 'lad issue is irelevent.

Some players need coaching and tactics, some need motivating. All need both. You are entitled to your opinion, but imo, we need someone with motivational skills to compliment KM.

I'm passionate also, but it doesn't mean i can motivate. It has been said Murray is good for morale and the dressing room. Something the playing staff surely need right now, as well as quality coaching, which i'm sure KM can provide at this level.

I'm sure KM know's who he wants to work with, and he will choose. We will know soon enough.

Have a pleasant evening.

well you have kind of answered your own question here by saying Tinnion was one of the lads, and then became an unsuccessful manager.

Scott murray is loved by both fans and, more importantly in the dressing room. Ask yourself why is he loved though?? is it becasue when the chips are down, he takes control of situations, passes on vital advice on how to break a defence down, or how to defend against a good attacking team? is it because he has the knowledge and qualifications to coach players and help them vastly improve?


is it because Scott is a "top lad", a joker of the changing rooms, and makes people laugh in good times and bad??

Im guessing its the latter.

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