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Music / Chant To Get The Atmosphere Raised At Ashton Gate

BS3 Bemmy

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No ta to this one althugh I do agree we need a more rousing song just before kick off to really get the atmosphere going - even the idea of turning the music off a minute or so before the teams come out and get something going in the EE that the whole ground can get involved in would be a great idea IMO..

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I know it won't be an upbeat, particularly up-tempo song, but I do like TheGaffer's Let It Be ( Clicky )

Although I do agree, apart from big matches, the Gate has quietened considerably over the past few years, which is a shame cause when it's rocking, it really drives us on, and other teams into their shells.

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Hardly a 'rousing' anthem - or anything like anyone, anywhere would expect to hear at a football match.

It's not even remotely appropriate in any way

... BUT ...


EVERYONE knows it, WHO could resist grinning & joining in?

Hugely funny, the most egotistical of players,management,fans or officials would struggle not to laugh..

as the teams emerge from the tunnel to the strains of Steptoe & Son!

Football should have a sense of humour as well as its deadly serious side

- what better tune to kick us all off with a smile? :)

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