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Motherwell Threaten Cardiff With Winding Up Order! - Merged

Carey 6

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Deep breaths chaps, suck it up and lets concentrate on our own club. We are starting to sound extremely bitter, good on them for getting Bellamy, he's the best striker in the championship by a mile. I don't care about Motherwell or Cardiff for that matter at the moment, I'm more concerned who we are going to get as Assistan Manager, someone who can score some goals and a creative left sided midfielder.

Spot on, all the Cardiff threads on here at the moment is embarrassing

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Statement reads...

Motherwell have threatened to issue a winding-up order on Cardiff City after the Championship club signed Craig Bellamy on loan, despite still owing the SPL side money for the transfer of Paul Quinn. The Fir Park club are still owed £175,000 of the £300,000 fee for the defender, who moved south in June 2009.

Cardiff, who were paying the fee for Quinn in instalments, missed a payment in January and to date have not sent any further cash to Motherwell, with the Welsh side previously battling a £1.9 million amount owed to HM Revenue and Customs.

Having settled that bill in June, the Bluebirds are yet to forward any further money to Motherwell but found the cash to take on board some of Bellamys reported £95,000 a week wage packet. That move has infuriated Motherwell, who have already appeared in Hamilton Sheriff Court with the case against Cardiff, which the Bluebirds failed to contest.

In a statement, the club's chief executive, Leeann Dempster, outlined Motherwell's position. It is critical that clubs work constructively with each other to ensure we can manage a very difficult financial climate for the game," the statement read. "We have given Cardiff every chance to do the right thing.

The board now believe that Cardiffs position is untenable given their activity in the transfer market acquiring Jason Koumas, Tom Heaton, Danny Drinkwater, Seyi Olofinjana, Martin John and today, the loan signing of Manchester Citys Craig Bellamy.

Given all these circumstances and with legal and moral weight behind us, Motherwell FC have no option but to immediately pursue all legal routes to ensure this significant sum paid to us as quickly as possible.

These may include issuing a winding up order, arresting assets or physically sending bailiffs to their ground on match day to take possession of cash. Every option will be fully considered and implemented as soon as possible.

We want Cardiff fans to know that we appreciate the concerns this will give them. We can only urge them to look to how they would feel in our position and urge them to put pressure on their own Board to ensure the excellent long-term reputation of their club is not diminished by the leadership of one board.

We have a job to promote and protect the interests of our own employees, fans and shareholders and we will. We would also suggest to the Championship and the English FA that they look with great care at the conduct of Cardiff in handling this matter.

Even at this very late stage, I would urge Gethin Jenkins of Cardiff to pay this money plus costs and interest by return in order to save his club acute embarrassment and the football community in general unwarranted bad publicity.

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Think we need our threads merged, mods ? :D

Ive only just realised that we have identical threads as i posted mine via my phone and have just been refreshing on there ha....

I accept your alliance request :innocent06:

Cardiff knew this was coming, Jones eluded to it earlier this week.

He said on the question of signings, all signatures will have to be aquired soon as they may be under another transfer embargo.

I also just remebered that statement....what a great example of how not to run a business but get away with it...

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That was a hell of a good rant by the Motherwell chairman on SSN just now.

Wow - he gave them both barrels !

Said they contacted him just before going on air and offered more staged payments starting in October ! The arrogance of that board is astounding and the Motherwell chairman told them to stuff it, they want what they are owed and they want it now. He said, if they can afford all those hight profile signings then they can afford to pay us what they owe.

It's about time the rest of football including the FL, WFA and FA took notice of what they are up to and clamped down on it.

Enjoying this particular little spat that Cardiff have once again mangaged to get themselves into.

hear hear great interview!

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