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Are Footballers Realy Happy

Red Rag

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We all know most footballers come from modest backgrounds, many from what could be called deprived.

Suddenly thrust into enourmous wealth and ill equiped to deal with it, moving in circles that are alien to their

up bringing, young and inexperienced in the ways of life. Quite daunting and confusing I would guess.

I know from experience when two close friends of mine became, lets say very comfortable financialy over night,

it did not and still does not sit with them. Having little did not pose a problem, they just got on with life, like

you and I and enjoyed the experience. Suddenly investing and making the capitol work for them became almost

an obsession, it affected their character. Maybe this is what is happening to modern day footballers. What could be

better than playing football for a living. Why would a fit young man want to stay in a reserve team when he could be

getting exciting first team action elsewhere, even if it meant droping a few quid a week. Just how many will sit back

on a big pile of wedge when in older life expressing regrets that they listened to that money grabbing agent way back then.

We will never know the answer, but I bet it will be afew more than we all imagine.

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We all know most footballers come from modest backgrounds, many from what could be called deprived.

Suddenly thrust into enourmous wealth and ill equiped to deal with it, moving in circles that are alien to their

up bringing, young and inexperienced in the ways of life. Quite daunting and confusing I would guess.

I know from experience when two close friends of mine became, lets say very comfortable financialy over night,

it did not and still does not sit with them. Having little did not pose a problem, they just got on with life, like

you and I and enjoyed the experience. Suddenly investing and making the capitol work for them became almost

an obsession, it affected their character. Maybe this is what is happening to modern day footballers. What could be

better than playing football for a living. Why would a fit young man want to stay in a reserve team when he could be

getting exciting first team action elsewhere, even if it meant droping a few quid a week. Just how many will sit back

on a big pile of wedge when in older life expressing regrets that they listened to that money grabbing agent way back then.

We will never know the answer, but I bet it will be afew more than we all imagine.

Blimey, you've opened a can of worms with this one.

Its only those players in PL and some in the Championship that earn the kind of money that turns them into millionaires in virtually no time.

Most, if not all PL clubs have structures in place to guide, advise and support young players who are suddenly having woman throwing their knickers at them along obscene amounts of disposable cash to spend on flash motors and expensive properties. Its always been that way with temptations of the flesh and alcohol. George Best and Frank Worthington from the 60's and 70's led that kind of life.

Many players don't have problems with sudden wealth. Ryan Giggs and Michael Owen are examples of that.Others don't cope as Gazza has showed.

Take Rooney. I read that aged 24 he's already worth 30m quid. He's from a deprived part of Liverpool, Croxteth born into a poorish family, poorly educated with his roots deeply inbedded in the attitudes of that kind of upbringing. But with guidence, adivice and support from Everton and Man Utd he's coped well enough - although evidence of his roots show up frequently both on and off the pitch.

One issue is losing touch with friends who are no longer in the same world as you are. Gazza kept in contact with his old mate 'five bellies' and they went out on drinking binges. Gazza bought him a series of flash motors and although Gazza's best mate five bellies played a huge part in his downfall.

Its an interesting debate but my view is that most youngsters make in through with the right support structures in place.

Are they happy? Only they could tell you.

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Being brought up on a tough council estate and living in the likes of Peckham, Hackney and Statford myself, I would be more than happy to be earning even a "modest" £5k a week and working no more than 20 hours a week, I'd be bloody hysterical with joy. X that figure by 20 and make me a top prem player would I be happy? Ya think, no offence but what a stupid fuc king question!

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We all know most footballers come from modest backgrounds, many from what could be called deprived.

Suddenly thrust into enourmous wealth and ill equiped to deal with it, moving in circles that are alien to their

up bringing, young and inexperienced in the ways of life. Quite daunting and confusing I would guess.

I know from experience when two close friends of mine became, lets say very comfortable financialy over night,

it did not and still does not sit with them. Having little did not pose a problem, they just got on with life, like

you and I and enjoyed the experience. Suddenly investing and making the capitol work for them became almost

an obsession, it affected their character. Maybe this is what is happening to modern day footballers. What could be

better than playing football for a living. Why would a fit young man want to stay in a reserve team when he could be

getting exciting first team action elsewhere, even if it meant droping a few quid a week. Just how many will sit back

on a big pile of wedge when in older life expressing regrets that they listened to that money grabbing agent way back then.

We will never know the answer, but I bet it will be afew more than we all imagine.

Enjoyed what experience? As someone of a footballers age I think I would love to be "very comfortable financially over night" rather than having the "experience" of being a 27 year old that's supposedly done everything right (gone to School, College and Uni stayed away from drugs and works hard) in an averagely paid job with a constant girlfriend of over 4 year that works hard as well but we cant live together because we cant afford it so we both have to live with our parents - I drive a clapped out old car and couldn't come close to affording to get married or have kids even if I wanted to without being a burden on the state or my family.

If the experience you are on about is working 9 till 5 in an office that pays just enough to cover your bills rather than playing football for 10 years for enough money to set you and your family up for life then I think I would choose the latter!

Writing this post has made me feel like a right loser - maybe I am!

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Ahh the too much, too young brigade.

See below link from a former City manager and his views on the subject from his time at Reading.

Coppell's view on footballers

The key part being......

A lack of hunger handicaps members of the "too much, too young" brigade. "It is becoming harder," Coppell says of motivating footballers. "Players have ****-off money. They can tell you to **** off. Their respect boundaries are being broken down. When you look at rugby referees, I can't believe our referees are allowed to take the abuse they do.

"We are talking about developing players, and if the answer to every problem is to tell the referee to **** off, then you are not going to produce disciplined, quality players. I don't really want to change the world, and Reading's disciplinary record is as good as anywhere, but things on a Saturday afternoon are duplicated on a Sunday." And those Sunday wannabes may grow into Saturday stars, so the grim cycle continues.

that was 3 years ago, I can only think that players ego's and agents have got worse in the meantime

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Being brought up on a tough council estate and living in the likes of Peckham, Hackney and Statford myself, I would be more than happy to be earning even a "modest" £5k a week and working no more than 20 hours a week, I'd be bloody hysterical with joy. X that figure by 20 and make me a top prem player would I be happy? Ya think, no offence but what a stupid fuc king question!

I sugest your reply is the most stupid point of the thread. I will ask the question in a simple way,

this way you may be able to understand. Are you ready.

Could bags of wonga turn a young mans head.? Get it now.

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