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John Akinde Very Impressive


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Blimey, Reading that lot it strikes me opinion on Akinde is very polarised; weird. My observation of these remarks is that perhaps he looks dangerous, at times, gives his all, on occasion, and has a football brain, once or twice in a match. In short you might see all 3 positives but, on the other hand, you might blow your nose, have to take a pee or scratch your ear lobe and you could so easily miss that bit of magic.

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I think Akinde has an identity, or confidence, problem - looks the part, seems to have the wherewithal, but doesn't believe in his own ability.

Because of that, people don't really know what to make of him. He needs a confidence boost of, perhaps, regular starts for the next 4 or 5 games, but that looks unlikely now because of the new striker(s) on the horizon.

Akinde will continue to show a lot of promise and little else until he gets regular starts.

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Sorry I can't agree.

I am happy to be in a minority on this one but I just don't think he's good enough.

He has the touch of the Enoch Showumni's about him for me.

Big but can't head the ball.

Just causes trouble for being as big as he is.

If he's amongst the best we have, we're in some trouble this season.

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The touch of Enoch? You've got to be kidding.

Akinde touch and control is excellent. brings the ball down quickly, takes the pace out of it and uses the pace to lay off as well.

He may be lacking in confidence through a lack of a run of games and that may not change unless he gets those games for City in the Championship. I'd expect similar from most players, but poor touch is definitely not something you can pin on the guy!

I just don't get why you bring in a guy for his potential and then never properly test that potential. If I was him I would be seriously disappointed with City and my career to-date at the club. I would be telling the Manager that as well and telling the manager I wanted to start. Why? Because you brought me in given that I was scoring goals at a lower level, you saw the potential and now you keep buying other strikers in, most of whom have failed and don't give me the chance to show my potential.

Give me 5 games of 90 minutes and give me the supply and let me show you what I can do. Ivan has had 3 continuous games this season and so far he is doing very well

All very sad for Akinde and poor management in my opinion!

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He was quality when he came on again, just like last week. He's immensely powerful and pacy and he can run at defenders in a way Clarkson can't, forcing his way through defences at times. He is still raw, and obviously has a lot to learn, but as he gets more match time he will start to become more composed on the ball, and his positional sense will naturally improve. He created problems when he came on, and was a genuine threat. I just hope the two new arrivals that are expected this week don't result in Akinde being pushed completely out the picture once more.

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Too true my friend. I happen to have thought LJ did very well (looking for the killer pass and rather than sideways or backwards). Also thought Sproule played as well as I have ever seen him and was very impressed (from a self-admitting Sproule 'basher'). What stuck in my throat was for Sproules disallowed goal he was calling for the ball for a long time. Akinde held on for far too long and their leftback stepped up. Guess he will improve elements like this with experience - I just think he has too far to improve to be a big player for us.

Don't forget the precise passes he made to the opposition!

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We haven't really seen enough of Akinde to have an idea either way. He was far too static yesterday but he showed some great pace to get ahead of the defence on a couple of occasions. He looks to me as though he needs some much stronger coaching and match time. Not more loan spells.

If I was him I think I'd hand in a transfer request if both Stead and Pitman arrive this week.

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