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Important - Re: Safe Standing

cider head

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Even if you choose to sit at football it would be nice to support fellow supporters to win back the right of choise in how they watch their football and some wish to stand legally to watch their football.

This campaign is all about the right of choice.

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Pointless idea. Stop living in the dark ages.

There's nothing dark ages about it. Nobody is proposing a return to huge open terraces and swaying banks of fans. Instead, what the proponents of this campaign are calling for is the use of purpose-designed standing areas such as have been used with huge success in Germany and Austria for years, e.g. as I wrote about a couple of years ago here:

Safe standing article

This solution would benefit everyone:

- those who want to stand and sing can do so without being made to feel like criminals and in complete safety

- those who want to sit and watch more sedately can do so, safe in the knowledge that they won't find a standing fan in front of them

- those who want to sit also get the added benefit of an improved atmosphere in the ground to add to their enjoyment of the action on the pitch

I can see no reason why any football fan would not support this campaign.

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Bear in mind that for the first time we have a party in government (the Lib Dems) who support Safe Standing as official party policy, so the Your Freedom website gives us a great opportunity to press our case. If our motion becomes one of the most popular, then this greatly helps our aim to turn that support into government policy. We need YOUR support for this to happen.

Strange you should say that, because when I asked Nick Clegg personally about this very topic (knowing his party had agreed to look into changing the rules when they were in opposition) he said he knew nothing about it. I did leave my details with his security people because he said he would look into it and get back to me. Whether he will I dont know.

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Strange you should say that, because when I asked Nick Clegg personally about this very topic (knowing his party had agreed to look into changing the rules when they were in opposition) he said he knew nothing about it. I did leave my details with his security people because he said he would look into it and get back to me. Whether he will I dont know.

I doubt it.

Mouth - PLENTY

Trousers - very little

The Lib Dem's problem is that their throw-away pledges are now scrutinised, and in many cases they will have, inevitably, forgotten about them.

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My dear Goblin will support this of course.

Where have you been? Not seen your name for ages

Yes, get in there and support this worthy cause. My posts have to be vetted before being posted on here thanks to a series of complaints from those with nothing better to do than complain rather than reply constructively. I post more on ziderheads now. Anyway, my contribution on the HM Government website.....

Posted by Red_Goblin August 30, 2010 at 17:49

Excellent posts, it's bang out of order for football supporters to be persecuted for standing. Bring back the terracing. The Labour Party should hang their heads in shame for having 13 years to repeal this daft piece of legislation and doing nothing. :dancing6:

Source: http://yourfreedom.hmg.gov.uk/cutting-business-and-third-sector-regulations/remove-requirement-for-top-level-football-grounds-to-be-all-seated

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When Lord Chief Justice Taylor was appointed to head a Commission into the Hillsborough disaster,who appointed him and set his terms of reference? He was tasked not with improving spectator safety at sports venues but improving safety at football grounds and introducing the gentryfication of the game (in other words replacing the likes of you & me with corporate boxes and family stands where people will sit quietly and just applaud politely at the final whistle.

The Taylor report did recommend all seater stdia, but also recommended a top price for tickets which allowing for inflation would be about £16 today to watch say, Man U v Chelsea.

We pride ourselves in this country on one law for all, but as was posted earlier in this thread, you can stand with a beer in hand whilst watching first class rugby or cricket games, but not at football.

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We pride ourselves in this country on one law for all, but as was posted earlier in this thread, you can stand with a beer in hand whilst watching first class rugby or cricket games, but not at football.

Far from this country having one law for all, it's one law for the rich and one for the poor. E.g. if you can afford a decent lawyer you can literally get away with murder.

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sign me up - if only our new stadium (if it happens) could cater for this -

Well done Markman. :winner_third_h4h: I've just noticed your post on the HM Government website.........

Posted by Markman August 31, 2010 at 07:58

excellent - it is also a help to those of us who move away and come back or have freinds who leave - you end up sat with people you do not know and that in the end makes you feel like not attending - a standing area means you can talk and meet during the game not just at half time - far better when pouring with rain as well -

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An excellent reply from a Palace supporter below, only Red Goblin and Markman from this forum seem to have replied so far.

Posted by cpfcULTRA August 29, 2010 at 21:16

fully behind this, terrancing is what brought the atmosphere to games and all seater stadiums has forced people to basically sit down and shut up. Everyone knows hillsbrough was due to police stupidity so bring the atmosphere back to english football and make us stand out like the good old days.

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It's a bit like smoking really - I don't smoke myself, yet I oppose the fact that people are restricted in the ways/areas they can smoke. It's their choice to smoke at the end of the day.

Likewise I don't wish to stand at a football game, but I wouldn't deprive people who do the opportunity to so long as all areas of the ground could be managed safely :englandsmile4wf:

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