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A. He lives in Exeter

B. We're you at Ipswich and observed the disgusting behaviour towards the city fans from James after the game... No you were not.

What does living near Exeter have to do with anything?

Why does James not being in some photos (not the only one missing) mean you, an alleged city fan, need to start a bullshit thread to spread malicious rumours about a City player like this?

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As people have mentioned, others are missing. Besides, at James age it's possible that he will have to do a lot of gym work and perhaps even swimming. This means he may not be on the training ground as much as say, Liam Fontaine for instance. I'm not saying this is the case, but it also would not surprise me.

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I swear I remember Reading James is in charge of his own training??

He only trains 1 day per week. 2 if they have a mid week game. He does alot of painting during the rest of the week.

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I thought he was tending to his allotment! Honestly, I don't know who to believe on here.

Honestly, he's a really amazing painter and when his football career is over, he wants to make it as an artist. He has an exhibition in London coming up and he needs to complete enough pieces to go on display.

His contract stipulates that he has control over how many hours he can train per week. At age 40, he's not going to get much better so training 4 or 5 days a week is a bit pointless.

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Also, that allotment thing is true. Well, it's not the kind of allotment where you put your name down with the council and pay £30 a year for a 60ft x 30ft strip of dirt and drink home brew with grandads. It's a proper 20 acre organic farm with huge hydroponic tanks for growing herbs & vegies.

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Honestly, he's a really amazing painter and when his football career is over, he wants to make it as an artist. He has an exhibition in London coming up and he needs to complete enough pieces to go on display.

His contract stipulates that he has control over how many hours he can train per week. At age 40, he's not going to get much better so training 4 or 5 days a week is a bit pointless.

Yeah this is all true

He's a very good painter

On the training side I'm 50/50 on this. I agree he's not going to get better himself. But he has heaps of experience to help the defence and surely it doesn't give much of an opportunity to gel????

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Yep the painting thing is totally true.

My sister is getting her house painted in Downend and got some quotes.

Up pulls a battered out robin reliant with "D James & Co, Painting & Decorating, Exeter Devon" on the side.

I think it was him.

He painted one of the bedrooms, missed one of the walls, yelled at his assistant that he wasn't available to receive his roller, chucked the roller out of the window and then left without saying bye to anyone.

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Guest Parson St Station

Just having a cheeky scan through the Training Day Pictures, No David James???

Thoughts? Reading too much into that?

Yes and very malicious of you it is too.

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