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Green Town Application Granted

Never to the dark side

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you better be joking? ceriously, if this stadium doesnt go through this club will be on its knees.

Lansdown will leave, without a doubt.

the future will be very bleak playing in a 100 year old plus stadium with can not support prem football.

we will forever be a bog standard championship club/higher league 1 club.

what a dissaster!!!!!!!

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Its certainly not a joke, although it is nothing short of a digrace!

Basically it means that we may aswell give up as the council will not approve a new stadium anywhere! If an ex dump / bogland is classed as a Village Green then we have no hope.

Bristol really is a disgrace, and will now be the laughing stock of the whole country. i expect Plymouth & Milton Keynes (why they are classed as Southwest god only knows) will be rubbing their hands at this news.

Who is responsible for this joke decision? name and shame them

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This is an absolute disaster that a handful of people can stop a major development for South Bristol and its residents and condemn City to the wilderness. I assume that there will be some kind of appeal but from what I saw at the Council House meeting yesterday and recent Council decisions I suppose we shouldn't be surprised. The Green Mafia have taken over the running of Bristol the future is bleak. It certainly sends out a very clear message to Businesses that want to invest in our city, DON'T BOTHER WE ARE CLOSED FOR BUSINESS.

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Oh thats ok then, in Bristol City Council we trust! :laugh:

I agree with your point entirely, BUT the council are part of the world cup bid and therefore have invested heavily in our bid for that. Its highly unlikely they will put this through for that very reason.

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"The club believes that the tip was still being used within the necessary 20 year period in the early 1990s and asks any supporters or members of the public who can remember visiting or using the tip to come forward with any information"

I have a load of old horse manure that I need to get rid of, I'm on my way down there!

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It now becomes clear why the report has been delayed while the Inspector has been off sick. This has given the Council time to put damage limitation in place. Yes the Council could overturn the decision but would anyone put their money on it. No wonder Simon Rayner looked so smug in the meeting yesterday.

Anyway following the Norwich match on October 2nd a delegation is walking to the Council House to present a petition regarding the Sainsburys planning refusal. I hope that fellow City fans appalled by todays Events will join us and demonstrate the depth of feeling surrounding the Stadium Plans. Now more than ever we need to show support for the club and its Chairman. Our club needs us more than ever at this time and whatever is happening on the field for once pales into insignificance against this. The Council still has a chance to overturn this decision lets make them listen!

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